• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Mar 17, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Mar 23, 2017
    Like contemporaries Daya, Steinfeld, Bebe Rexha, and Dua Lipa, Larsson delivers polished R&B-influenced pop gems that shine bright like diamonds while maintaining a too-cool-for-school factor that helps to distinguish her from the bubblegum.
  2. 80
    There are some dull ballads towards the end, and the title track’s flimsy R&B isn’t even redeemed by its righteous opening line: “My love is more potent than anything in the cup you’re holding”. But like all the best pop stars, Larsson shines bright even when her material lets her down. And when it matches her, she’s basically irresistible.
  3. Mar 23, 2017
    Sundown adds to pop’s current obsession with tropical house, while I Would Like is a good song without a proper chorus. But Larsson imbues each song with enough passion to see it over the line.
  4. 55
    It doesn’t as a whole compete with its first offerings.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 192 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 21 out of 192
  1. Apr 7, 2017
    então é assim

    no começo acho que todos ficamos shook porque estavamos à espera que o álbum fosse um farofão sem fim mas no final eu acabei
    então é assim

    no começo acho que todos ficamos shook porque estavamos à espera que o álbum fosse um farofão sem fim mas no final eu acabei por me acostumar com o hinário que é o so good
    claro que com toda a demora e as expectativas o álbum ia desapontar um pouco mas de momento a única música que nao gosto é make that money girl, tirando os singles para mim as melhores são tg4m, only you e sundown.

    enfim muito sucesso para a princesa sueca e não se esqueçam de dar hate no álbum dos chainsmokers que sai hj
    Full Review »
  2. Apr 4, 2019
    Me chancrara, probre manca pedorra sin talento sirvientisima de Reinua Lipa
  3. Jun 23, 2017
    I really love Zara's music, but So good isn't a good album, She can be better than this. The songs don't have a own sounds of she, nothing isI really love Zara's music, but So good isn't a good album, She can be better than this. The songs don't have a own sounds of she, nothing is original. Full Review »