• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Aug 28, 2020
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  1. Aug 31, 2020
    So Katy Perry is known for releasing some powerful songs in the past and that was what set her apart from most pop stars, so the built up to the release of Smile was mediocre, with lack luster songs, so maybe there was a surprise lurking on the album, and again mediocre. To me it feels like songs were just slapped on the record to complete it, but this album falls short against all theSo Katy Perry is known for releasing some powerful songs in the past and that was what set her apart from most pop stars, so the built up to the release of Smile was mediocre, with lack luster songs, so maybe there was a surprise lurking on the album, and again mediocre. To me it feels like songs were just slapped on the record to complete it, but this album falls short against all the other albums, in my opinion Witness delivered better songs and singles that this album. You can put this on and it would be background noise, not her best effort! Expand
  2. Aug 31, 2020
    Katy gurl, you always be the queen! amazing album, i find hope e my light at the end of the tunnel with this one, thank you
  3. Aug 31, 2020
    ARTE KATY DIOSA COMO SIEMPRE HACIENDO ARTE, les recomiendo cry about it later o only love
  4. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. es perfecto movido y atrevido suena a su música pero a la vez tiene toques nuevos Expand
  5. Aug 31, 2020
    Músicas emocionantes, que retraram o período obscuro que a Katy viveu e sua superação, sendo minha favorita Cry About it Later.
  6. Aug 31, 2020
    Realmente Katy en este álbum no extendió la aventura musical que es el pop, sin embargo nos dió justo lo que necesitamos con tonos alegres y pegadisos. Cómo siempre el frente que abarca este álbum es amplio pero nos puede agrupar los capítulos del álbum perfectamente. Amo como tomo lo existente y lo perfeccionó a su manera
  7. Aug 31, 2020
    The best álbum
    Katy Perry Amazing
    Not the end of the world
    Cry about it later Tucked
  8. Aug 31, 2020
    I still don't get and stand how critics are showing themselves with their reviews of the album.
    But, who am I to judge how nonprofessional their criticisms are?
    In my personal opinion, Smile can easily be Katy's best record to date. It combines the signature Teenage Dream pop sound, the depth and message of Prism's lyrics, and the maturity it projects from Witness. Each song has its
    I still don't get and stand how critics are showing themselves with their reviews of the album.
    But, who am I to judge how nonprofessional their criticisms are?
    In my personal opinion, Smile can easily be Katy's best record to date.
    It combines the signature Teenage Dream pop sound, the depth and message of Prism's lyrics, and the maturity it projects from Witness.
    Each song has its essence, catchy production, deep lyrics, and all sounds like an album.
  9. Aug 31, 2020
    Only true fans will know what this album means for Katy. She deservers the world, she always put so f.c.king much for us!
  10. Aug 31, 2020
    Sonríe ”tiene grandes posibilidades de ser el mejor álbum del año por qué tiene una gran producción y temas de gran calidad que será del agrado de la gente .
  11. Aug 31, 2020
    Que coisa básica meu Deus. Isso é a era pra limpa a imagem ? Precisa de mais banho então.
  12. Aug 31, 2020
    Even Smile is not the best Katy Perry's album, nothing makes me happier to hear her work, and now knowing what it means this album for her
  13. Aug 31, 2020
    Simply wonderful. Best tracks are tucked, champagne problems, resilient, never really over, harleys in hawaii,
  14. Aug 31, 2020
    a genuinely pop album. despite the somewhat outdated production, some tracks stand out and the whole feeling that katy put on the album we can feel for the compositions. is the best album of the year or katy's career? hummm no. but it's a great album.
  15. Aug 28, 2020
    Omg! Best pop album of the year
    Todas as faixas são incríveis. Impossível ter uma favorita
  16. Aug 31, 2020
    the songs have good encouragement for people who are going through a long road full of problems
  17. Aug 31, 2020
    Didn't enjoy it . Sounds like b tracks from previous albums. Like ordering Katy Perry off of wish.
  18. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The voice of the people is the voice of God. We are talking about a melancholic, cohesive and super animated album. Katy Perry has brought us the proof that is still on top with the supremacy of pop that is smile. Expand
  19. Aug 31, 2020
    Isso é exatamente o que nós precisamos da indústria musical agora. Katy perry e sua equipe fizeram um trabalho excelente.
  20. Aug 31, 2020
    Un excelente álbum de principio a fin, sin duda alguna se acomoda a las modas pasajeras tratando de darnos lo mejor y siempre con calidad, estamos ante uno de los mejores álbumes de su carrera, nuevo sonido para ella, letras muy personales es fantástico.
  21. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un hermoso trabajo de la estadounidense!, es su mejor álbum!. Siempre tendra el apoyo de sus verdaderos fanáticos y de quien la sigue desde hace tiempo que les gusta su musica realmente. Un gran trabajo!!!!. Lo mejor teary eyes , NTEOTW y Only love. Expand
  22. Aug 31, 2020
    Este es el mejor álbum del año y agradezco a Katy por traernos este nuevo disco justo en estos momentos tan difíciles, la letra de cada canción perteneciente al álbum Smile nos trae tanta alegría, esperanza y sonrisas. No me explico la forma tan inexperta de algunos críticos al darle 20, 40 o 60 al álbum, y que en vez de dar una critica al álbum se la pasan comparándola con otrosEste es el mejor álbum del año y agradezco a Katy por traernos este nuevo disco justo en estos momentos tan difíciles, la letra de cada canción perteneciente al álbum Smile nos trae tanta alegría, esperanza y sonrisas. No me explico la forma tan inexperta de algunos críticos al darle 20, 40 o 60 al álbum, y que en vez de dar una critica al álbum se la pasan comparándola con otros artistas. Y espero que el publico disfrute el álbum tanto como yo. Expand
  23. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Nada muito surpreende. Mas eu consigo ouvir coisas legais em algumas músicas específicas. Expand
  24. Aug 31, 2020
    Es un álbum muy bien producido y me atrevo a decir que el mejor de Katy Perry, realmente los críticos no tienen una mierda de conocimiento acerca de la música. #JusticeForKatyPerry
  25. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Está lleno de alegria, uno de sus mejores trabajos, nuevamente Katy nos sorprende y nos enseña que la vida es bella, dando lo mejor de ella para sus fans, un trabajo exelente y muy bien hecho, te ayuda emocionalmente a recuperar esa sonrisa. Gracias Katy Perry por darnos este hermoso álbum SMILE Expand
  26. Aug 31, 2020
    Katy es una reina y definitivamente ha superado sus cinco eras anteriores. Cry about it later y Not the end of the world son unas joyas y se merecen ser un single. Todo el álbum es increíble.
  27. Aug 31, 2020
    Katy Perry Impresionó, no esperé esto. Definitivamente ella y Lady Gaga son las Reinas del Pop.
  28. Aug 31, 2020
    Arte, biblia del pop. Tremendos bops nos dio miss perry. Merece todo el reconocimiento del mundo
  29. Aug 31, 2020
    Smile é simplesmente um pop perfection, tudo que vínhamos pedindo pelo mundo pop, e mais.
    Letras maduras o suficiente mostrando o quanto Katy cresceu, mas ainda sim tendo seu lado “Teenage Dream” ali.
    Smile veio mostrando tudo que tem de força, e sendo forte a quem importa, aos Fãs da Katy Perry, e não das críticas que sempre caem em cima dela, dizendo que álbum não deveria ser lançando na
    Smile é simplesmente um pop perfection, tudo que vínhamos pedindo pelo mundo pop, e mais.
    Letras maduras o suficiente mostrando o quanto Katy cresceu, mas ainda sim tendo seu lado “Teenage Dream” ali.
    Smile veio mostrando tudo que tem de força, e sendo forte a quem importa, aos Fãs da Katy Perry, e não das críticas que sempre caem em cima dela, dizendo que álbum não deveria ser lançando na pandemia, sendo que outros pop foram lançados bem no começo, e são enaltecidas. A Katy sempre deixou esses críticos com medo, isso sim.
  30. Aug 31, 2020
    It's just simply...... Not good. The worst thing you can be in entertainment isn't "bad"; the worst thing you can be is "boring". And that's what this album is. Not a single interesting song, no risks taken, no experimentation, no thing noteworthy. It would have gotten at least a 3 or 4 if she put any effort into trying something even a little different from the empty-headed, bubblegum popIt's just simply...... Not good. The worst thing you can be in entertainment isn't "bad"; the worst thing you can be is "boring". And that's what this album is. Not a single interesting song, no risks taken, no experimentation, no thing noteworthy. It would have gotten at least a 3 or 4 if she put any effort into trying something even a little different from the empty-headed, bubblegum pop she's managed to stay above water with even if the result of her efforts was painfully bad. But no, just boring. Uncomfortably, awkwardly boring. Expand
  31. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Agradeço pela a obra em conjunto feito em Smile , uma leveza , uma construção e reconstrução maravilhosa entregue a nós em um momento tão difícil que é esse ano de 2020. Amo todas as músicas quero reforçar mais uma vez que esse álbum me fez sorri e me fez muito bem !! Obrigada Katy ! Sou muito feliz em ser sua fã e poder escutar esse álbum !! Expand
  32. Aug 31, 2020
    I love it the best album, the songs, the production all of this album it’s lovely
  33. Aug 28, 2020
    Amazing production great lyrics, uplifting sound. Its like all her past albums combined.
  34. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un excelente album, de lo mejor del año!!!!
    NEOTW,Resilient,Daisies,CAIL,Only love y NRO sin duda lo mejor. Este Album promete mucho y espero que el publicó general lo acompañe. No como los disque profesionales de los criticos. Un desastre.
  35. Aug 31, 2020
    It’s the best album. OMG it’s so good. So perfect. Hahahahahahajhahahajhajajajajajajhajajhahajajhahahahhahahahhqhahahahhqhahah
  36. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Cada canción en este álbum es un viaje donde nos muestra la realidad de nuestra vida, como podemos afrontar las adversidades y salir victoriosos con una sonrisa, sin duda alguna el mejor álbum de Perry. Expand
  37. Aug 31, 2020
    Esse álbum está incrível, katy Perry deu o seu melhor como artista e isso tudo grávida! Não vejo a hora de ver as outras versões com as faixas bônus.
  38. Aug 31, 2020
    Me encantó el álbum, volvió a sus origenes musicales, es un bop junto con witness. Soy su fan. Ella es la mejor del mundo. Esperamos muchos éxitos más ahora que ya nació su bebé.
  39. Aug 31, 2020
    Best album of katy. I think she explore new things with sounds. Also the lyrics are more mature.
  40. Aug 31, 2020
    Ella lo ha hecho súper bien, ha logrado sobre llevar sus emociones y problemas (y no es nada fácil). Y los ha superado con este álbum, felicitaciones para ella y para el arte de este álbum!
  41. Aug 28, 2020
    Buring and flop album same all others works, not like 2008 works , katy is dead
  42. Aug 31, 2020
    It is a very creative and enjoyable album to listen to. An intimate and totally sexually free album, an album you hear with a smile on your face. Unfortunately, Katy is greatly underestimated and undervalued by the macho critic who thinks women only sing cliché romance songs.
  43. Aug 31, 2020
    The production, the lyrics, her voice, this is such a masterpiece, I ain’t a Katy’s fan but I admit that this is one of her best albums, deserve all the success
  44. Aug 31, 2020
    Este álbum es simplemente hermoso, música para escuchar y disfrutar. Sonidos y letras hermosas, definitivamente me ha encantado.
  45. Aug 31, 2020
    Me gustaría que un día Katy nos de joyas como The One That Got Away, es verdad que se intenta reinventar pero desde hace daños da lo mismo, mismas temáticas y nada nuevo, estoy cansado.
  46. Aug 31, 2020
    Is the best álbum pop in 2020
    I think KATY PERRY EVOLVE since Witness She hardworking She make a emotional songs Sweets and Prismatics evolve to a good smile
  47. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un album con mucho poder y sin duda para bailar! Sonidos buenos y pegadizos, recomiendo Cry about it later, teary eyes, Champagned Problems y Not the end of the world.
    incluso Only love y Tucked son buenos como resilent.
  48. Aug 31, 2020
    smile is an album with purpose and now it´s the best album of the year, buy smile on iTunes
  49. Aug 31, 2020
    En mi humilde opinion el album se basa en la superacion que tuvo que pasar la mismisima katy perry con su anterior album, este album llamado smile es el claro ejemplo que todos nosotros podemos otra vez sonreir de nuevo como lo hice ella, su album empieza con never really over y culmina con la hermosa balada dedicada a su hija what makes a woman el mejor album de katy perry que pudo haber hecho
  50. Aug 31, 2020
    katy delivered what we all have been waiting for: power, poetry and a lot of personal growth. let's dance with teary eyes because this album is full of sad/hopeful bops!
  51. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is a best album of this year, is a personal, this is an album that makes you feel and katy is giving everything here, she is leaving her heart in a job where she shows us how to get ahead Expand
  52. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This whole album is a masterpiece, this album does not need to skip a song because it is the best thing that has come out in recent years Expand
  53. Aug 28, 2020
    Her best album to date! Im very impressed about the mix of the sound and the versatility through all the lyrics.
  54. Aug 31, 2020
    Smile me hizo llorar, bailar y sentirme agradecido con seguir vivo, viene de manera poderosa y finaliza tan sublimemente, que es imposible no querer repetirlo, me encanta.
  55. Aug 31, 2020
    Este álbum me da mucha nostalgia al principio pero en sus últimas 6 canciones me alegra, hay un cambio rotundo, buscando la felicidad, ya Katy recuperó su sonrisa. Es perfecto
  56. Aug 28, 2020
    IT IS PURE ART. The best album of 2020. Las letra es tan inspiradora y llena de sentimientos, muestra las facetas y el proceso que tuvo que pasar para encontrar felicidad. Un álbum que merece mucho reconocimiento.
  57. Aug 28, 2020
    Finalmente! Um dos melhores álbuns do ano. E sem dúvidas um dos melhores da Katy Perry.
  58. Aug 31, 2020
    El álbum es increíble,está lleno de sentimiento y es muy electrizante, aún que a los Críticos no les guste solo por ser Katy Perry el álbum de lo mejor.
  59. Aug 31, 2020
    Cry About it Later, Champagne Problems e Not the End of the World MÚSICAS DO ANO. Katy Perry, voce é uma LENDA.
  60. Aug 31, 2020
    well, hear that sound like I´m in a completely horror experience. This album is full of forgettable songs, miserable production, Katy Perry is kind forgettable too, nobody want more of her in media.
  61. Aug 28, 2020
    We can never ignore the temporal context of a cultural product. Once ignored, we will never be able to absorve the real narrative message of it. Said that, during a pandemic time, we can enjoy any tipe of songs about heartbreaks or fats cars or dancing in the Club. But at the end of the day, Katy showed us that all we need is to dance listining sad words about how frustrating and sad andWe can never ignore the temporal context of a cultural product. Once ignored, we will never be able to absorve the real narrative message of it. Said that, during a pandemic time, we can enjoy any tipe of songs about heartbreaks or fats cars or dancing in the Club. But at the end of the day, Katy showed us that all we need is to dance listining sad words about how frustrating and sad and lonely is tô live in a pandemic time. You made us feel understood, Katy. Expand
  62. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es el mejor álbum que e escuchado en mi vida gracias a Katy por este buen álbum Expand
  63. Aug 28, 2020
    I find the album simply fantastic. It shows growth and it's very nice to listen to
  64. Aug 31, 2020
    It is strange how many fans of Lady Gaga insist on coming here to give a low rating to the album.
    Smile is a much more pleasant and cohesive project than the previous Witness. Katy is more comfortable with the sound and more confident in her compositions. Cyr it About Later would undoubtedly be a commercially successful single with a proper promotion
  65. Aug 31, 2020
    very poor from katy. i never expect like this, so poor! i scared maybe she is over.
  66. Aug 31, 2020
    LOVED IT! It's so fun and so good! Katy LITERALLY made me smile in every single song! Critics are saying she didnt go deep on the lyrics, but every artist is different nd Katy always want us to have fun and think.
  67. Aug 31, 2020
    Los que seguimos a Katy desde su debut sabemos lo que esconden las letras de esta producción. Es increíble el cómo te toca las fibras una artista. Gracias por crecer con nosotros y gracias por devolvernos la sonrisa después de witness. Amo Smile con mi vida.
  68. Aug 31, 2020
    This album amazing! Katy deserves everything and more! She gave all her love and soul to this era and this album and I'm here for support and stand ♡
  69. Aug 31, 2020
    Perfección pop. Ella hizo eso. Sin saltos y me hizo sonreír. Ella no se merece todo el odio que está recibiendo de los críticos estúpidos de las grandes ratas
  70. Aug 31, 2020
    Best album of Katy Perry, the old and good pop, but with good lyrics, infortuly the critic just wanna hate Perry now, since the Witness, but who cares? The album still good
  71. Aug 28, 2020
    A conjuntura do álbum é perfeita, as músicas, os arranjos, é uma pena que a crítica esteja tentando acabar com a carreira de uma estrela assim na cara de pau ainda sem disfarça, uma estreia espetacular, músicas que contém a alma dela
  72. Aug 31, 2020
    BEST ALBUM OF 2020! You can clearly see the process, the growth...from the recovery to the smile who’s finally back again! 10/10!!!
  73. Aug 31, 2020
    One of the worst albums I’ve heard in my entire life.

    I really liked Katy Perry until Witness, but this album is tragic, terrible songs, terrible lyrics, terrible concept and kinda basic and childish for a woman who’s on her mid 30s .

    Definitely her worst album ever.
  74. Aug 31, 2020
    Same thing as always. When I hear some parts of theses songs I always think they're from previous records. She also carried songs from last year, she only cares about streams, not the music itself. Very disappointing...
  75. Aug 31, 2020
    Nothing more but the same. All of her songs sound exactly like others from her previous albums, her formula is really tiring.
  76. Aug 31, 2020
    ¡ESTO ES ASOMBROSO! El álbum te hará bailar, llorar, pero sobre todo resurgir como el AVE FENIX que eres. Motivante, entretenido y rescatable de las criticas negativas. Katy Perry esta de vuelta y nos encanta.
  77. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un hermoso disco, merece muchísimo éxito, pero sobre todo mucho amor ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Gracias Katy!!!! Expand
  78. Aug 31, 2020
    Her second best work to date after Witness, Champagne Problems, Never Really Over and Teary Eyes are amazing.
  79. Aug 28, 2020
    Album maravilhoso! Possui letras incríveis e consegue ser muito agradável sonoramente.
  80. Aug 31, 2020
    Un álbum que aunque cae en los mismos clichés que Katy Perry ha usado durante toda su carrera termina siendo un poco mas fresco después del despedazarte álbum de Witness.
    Este álbum no va mas allá que un disco mas de Katy Perry, eso es lo que lo hace no un álbum fenomenal pero si bueno.
  81. Aug 31, 2020
    O Álbum está impecável, maravilhoso a cada faixa.
    Não consegui pular sequer uma música do disco!!
    Obrigado,. Katy Perry, por esse álbum perfeito!!

    A então intitulada "Crítica Especializada", vai ter que lutar muito para dizer que ficou ruim!
  82. Aug 31, 2020
    Os vocais de Katy Perry estão cada vez mais limpos e dessa vez ela voltou as origens com o pop que a colocou no topo em 2010.
    Um trabalho muito bem elaborado com músicas coesas presentes dentro do álbum.
  83. Aug 31, 2020
    Que hino de álbum! Parece até que as músicas estão interligadas. Katy com certeza dedicou todo seu amor nesse álbum ❤️
  84. Aug 31, 2020
    Katy's new Album is actually her best one. Rating of each song:
    1. Never Really Over 10/10
    2. Cry About it Later 10/10
    3. Teary Eyes 10/10
    4. Daisies 10/10
    5. Resilient8/10
    6. Not the End of the World 10/10
    7. Smile 8/10
    8. Champagne Problems 10/10
    9. Gucken 10/10
    10. Harleys in Hawaii 10/10
    11. Obly Love 10/10
    12. What maked a woman 8/10
  85. Aug 31, 2020
    album of the year, não tem premiação, não tem criticas que podem dizer ao contrario
  86. Aug 31, 2020
    This album is a intuitive, fun and really profound masterpiece. I could totally feel her roots in a very new way! It has clarity.
  87. Aug 31, 2020
    Melhor álbum, a mulher arrasa, o álbum que conta uma trajetória que vem lá do primeiro álbum, e hoje se fecha com esse album
  88. Aug 31, 2020
    It’s just a bop of an album. I know critics are being rough on her poppy delivery, but honestly what did we expect? She experimented on her Witness album and it didn’t take, so now she goes back to her pop dance style and we dismiss it as not adventurous enough? Please. Like critics will ever be really satisfied.
    I say it’s a great, fun and a non-skip song album. Would highly suggest to
    It’s just a bop of an album. I know critics are being rough on her poppy delivery, but honestly what did we expect? She experimented on her Witness album and it didn’t take, so now she goes back to her pop dance style and we dismiss it as not adventurous enough? Please. Like critics will ever be really satisfied.
    I say it’s a great, fun and a non-skip song album. Would highly suggest to any Katy Kats out there!
  89. Aug 31, 2020
    Katy really made us join her in a trip to take back her smile and I lived for this!
  90. Aug 31, 2020
    So good, good job Katy!
    So good, good job Katy!
    So good, good job Katy So good, good job Katy! So good, good job Katy! So good, good job Katy! So good, good job Katy! So good, good job Katy So good, good job Katy! So good, good job Katy! So good, good job Katy So good, good job Katy! So good, good job Katy! So good, good job Katy So good, good job Katy! So good, good job Katy! So good,
    So good, good job Katy!
    So good, good job Katy!
    So good, good job Katy
    So good, good job Katy!
    So good, good job Katy!
    So good, good job Katy! So good, good job Katy!
    So good, good job Katy

    So good, good job Katy!
    So good, good job Katy!
    So good, good job Katy
    So good, good job Katy!
    So good, good job Katy!

    So good, good job Katy
    So good, good job Katy!
    So good, good job Katy!
    So good, good job Katy!
    So good, good job Katy
    So good, good job Katy!
    So good, good job Katy!
  91. Aug 31, 2020
    Très bon album pop. Avec 3 titres exclusifs phares pour moi : CAIL, NTEOTW et Tucked, qui entrent rapidement en tête. Et deux jolies chansons Résilient et What makes a Woman qui collent a la peau de Katy.
  92. Aug 28, 2020
    Might be my favorite album from her, and that says something. There is literally no bad song on the album. I will have this album on repeat for many months to come.
  93. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Katy Perry is surely trying to grab listeners attention, this time by digging some of her own nostalgic sound from the days of Teenage Dream and PRISM and reworking most of it into new music. It's charming; the tunes are largely fine, the overall production is of high quality, the singing is truthfully better than ever, and the lyricism ranges from decent to awful. There are some tracks worth visiting after first-listen: the effervescent Never Really Over, the retro-minded Tucked, the triumphant Daisies, and golden nuggets like Cry About It Later and Teary Eyes. A well-made album. Expand
  94. Aug 31, 2020
    I really liked the album, catchy lyrics, and the themes of each songs. Before the album released, I expect that there are songs that banger, and now I meet that expectations. So thanks Katy for continuing creating music.
  95. Aug 31, 2020
    Me encanta el ritmo de las canciones, muy frescas, los 80’s son los nuevos 20’s. Asimismo las letras son muy buenas. Mis favoritas: Champagne Problems, Harleys in Hawaii, What Makes a Woman & Never Really Over.
  96. Aug 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un disco muy inspirador el cual te causa emociones fuertes las cuales te hacen sentirte feliz al escuchar el album Expand
  97. Aug 30, 2020
    Un gran álbum! Katy demuestra su destresa vocal, incorpora cosas de sus discos anteriores y mantiene su esencia. Mis favoritas son Daisies y Resilient. Le agradezco por seguir haciendo musica y no sucumbir ante las criticas. Totalmente infantiles y irrazonables muchas criticas de los "profesionales". No se por que la gente se guia por ellos y no por lo que dice el publico. En fín un granUn gran álbum! Katy demuestra su destresa vocal, incorpora cosas de sus discos anteriores y mantiene su esencia. Mis favoritas son Daisies y Resilient. Le agradezco por seguir haciendo musica y no sucumbir ante las criticas. Totalmente infantiles y irrazonables muchas criticas de los "profesionales". No se por que la gente se guia por ellos y no por lo que dice el publico. En fín un gran trabajo de perry!. Expand
  98. Aug 30, 2020
    Fome, nada convincente su nuevo album, parece una mezcla de canciones recicladas como smile que suena como This is how we do.
  99. Aug 30, 2020
    From Never Really Over to Not the End of The World and going through Cry About it Later, she's giving us that nostalgia trip, taking us through their pure pop style from her past records. Maybe this could be hard to top the charts because of the decadence of mainstream music we've been seen nowadays, music just to hit TikToks about wet a*s p*sies videos with no transcendence. This recordFrom Never Really Over to Not the End of The World and going through Cry About it Later, she's giving us that nostalgia trip, taking us through their pure pop style from her past records. Maybe this could be hard to top the charts because of the decadence of mainstream music we've been seen nowadays, music just to hit TikToks about wet a*s p*sies videos with no transcendence. This record compilates gold pop full of songs that brings disco 70s nostalgia vibes and sexy vocals that only the true ones.connoisseurs could praise. Smile marks a new era for Katy in which she delivers quality music that always puts us in a good chill and positive state of mind. Expand
  100. Aug 28, 2020

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Sep 8, 2020
    Without fleeting moments of bad taste, Perry does indeed sound mature, but she's also not quite as fun. That's a conscious choice, though. Smile is intended to evoke memories of her frivolous younger days while pointing toward a sustainable pop future.
  2. Sep 4, 2020
    While Perry finds the occasional moment of quality here (Smile and Tucked both feel like the best possible music we could get from Katy Perry in 2020), Smile is an album searching for an identity—and when it fails, it falls back on lazy writing.
  3. Aug 31, 2020
    Like Joanne before Chromatica, Smile plays like a necessary centering exercise, indulging her insecurities and less surefire instincts. If Witness was overdetermined, Smile is an earnest exhale, for better or for worse. It delivers an image of her journey towards inner peace that is honest (if corny) and catchy (if not exactly inventive).