• Record Label: The End
  • Release Date: Feb 25, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. 80
    Neil Davidge takes full advantage of his big opportunity to finally show off his textured sonic mastery on a full-length that is entirely his own, and Slo Light only enhances his reputation as one of the greatest sound alchemists of his time.
  2. Feb 24, 2014
    Exquisite stuff and not so far off the trip-hop universe that it sounds alien, but those wishing for revivalist music or a nostalgia trip back to the days of chillout rooms could be thrown by the album's forward-thinking and genre-expanding moments.
  3. Magnet
    Feb 24, 2014
    When Slo Light want to pound pulses, it does so expertly. [No.106, p.53]
  4. Uncut
    Feb 24, 2014
    Quality levels are high, with Cate Le Bon's sleek Krautpop chanson "Gallant Foxes" and Claire Tchaikowski's aqueous ambi-folk ballad "That Fever" helping to excuse a small handful of underpowered, over-polished numbers. [Mar 2014, p.73]
  5. Apr 24, 2014
    It offers no real new twists, but its best tracks recall the brittle, exquisite beauty of the latter’s “Teardrop”, still the pinnacle and defining moment of Davidge’s work.
  6. Feb 28, 2014
    There are some moments of absolute beauty here but all too often the vocalists don’t bring the character of a Horace Andy or Tracey Thorn (or indeed 3D or Daddy G), and overall it all feels a bit slick.
  7. Q Magazine
    Feb 24, 2014
    What really fascinates is the way Davidge pulls the musical strings throughout. [Mar 2014, p.111]
  8. Mojo
    Mar 21, 2014
    Slo Light's sky-high production values come at the expense of soul. [Apr 2014, p.96]

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