• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Nov 19, 2002

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 14
  2. Negative: 2 out of 14
  1. Unfortunately, he's traded some of his cutting-edge British mergings (R&B, hip-hop, two-step, rock) for a more crossover-friendly (read: formulaic) approach that doesn't fire on all cylinders.
  2. Vibe
    David's pasteurized pop may not be pleasing to all musical palates, but for many, he remains one of the United Kingdom's tastiest exports. [Jan 2003, p.130]
  3. Q Magazine
    When songs hit their mark, his latest incarnation squares up impressively to his Stateside heroes. [Dec 2002, p.97]
  4. This is one of the most subtle male R&B records in a good while.
  5. Slicker Than Your Average is stronger than the average sophomore effort, and it proves that Craig David's abilities are innate.
  6. Slicker Than Your Average too often slides that slippery slope to mainstream blandness.
  7. Spin
    Expends a lot of energy hating the haters and growling at the gold diggers. [Jan 2003, p.99]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. LanceA
    Jan 4, 2007
    I think this is an awesome followup to bron to do it featuring many marketable tracks that could have been brought out as singles e.g. eenie I think this is an awesome followup to bron to do it featuring many marketable tracks that could have been brought out as singles e.g. eenie meenie,hands up in the air and two steps back. Full Review »
  2. OsaA
    Dec 9, 2006
    This album is average compared to Born to Do it and all the songs are not good. In fact you will find yourself skipping a few songs. This is This album is average compared to Born to Do it and all the songs are not good. In fact you will find yourself skipping a few songs. This is the type of ablum you could listen to a few weeks or maybe months and then you get bored like I did. In fact I got so bored and disappointed of this average follow up to born to do it that I sold it on Amazon. Full Review »
  3. Kyle
    Nov 26, 2002
    This is a solid follow up to his first album, with some good quality tracks. But unlike with the first album I found myself skipping tracks This is a solid follow up to his first album, with some good quality tracks. But unlike with the first album I found myself skipping tracks because they were weaker than his average. All in all worth the purchase, and worth the wait. Full Review »