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Universal acclaim- based on 110 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 5 out of 110
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  1. Sep 27, 2020
    After backlash that Crack Up was too dark and introspective, Fleet Foxes have brought us Shore - an album so mild and approachable that it's almost certainly destined for greatness among people who like crusts removed from their sandwiches. It's the kind of pretty and pleasant folksy Americana that just about any band could have produced if they could stomach how cloyingly basic most of itAfter backlash that Crack Up was too dark and introspective, Fleet Foxes have brought us Shore - an album so mild and approachable that it's almost certainly destined for greatness among people who like crusts removed from their sandwiches. It's the kind of pretty and pleasant folksy Americana that just about any band could have produced if they could stomach how cloyingly basic most of it sounds. Don't get me wrong - there are still those moments of splendor and elegance that you'd expect from the band, but even those are stifled by lethargic vocals and muted mixing. Expand
  2. Sep 23, 2020
    Doesn't seem as genuine, inventive or in the moment as their first two albums, no hooks or harmonies, vocals and lyrics are lost in the instruments, different production to their first two albums, ended up quite flat. Disappointed.
  3. Apr 27, 2021
    I have to say I have found this album very disappointing. The songs and melodies sound really labored. As if they had writers block in the studio. I still love Fleet Foxes but this is a NO for me.

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 19
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 19
  3. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Nov 18, 2020
    It can, by nature, feel like drowning in melted marshmallow over 55 minutes, but great moments stick out like ice sculptures in a snowdrift. [Dec 2020, p.80]
  2. Mojo
    Oct 28, 2020
    The vital spark that graced Fleet Foxes' debut is back. [Dec 2020, p.80]
  3. Uncut
    Oct 16, 2020
    Robin Pecknold's ruminations on ageing and loss are a soothing balm in uncertain times. [Dec 2020, p.29]