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Generally favorable reviews- based on 54 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 54
  2. Negative: 11 out of 54

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  1. ajayd
    Dec 16, 2009
    Not a complete mess, There are some good songs like Meet me in the middle, One i love, marchin on, and symphony. But as a overall effort, Timbaland needs to do far better then this. This is not even close to the level of the original!
  2. nunyab
    Dec 16, 2009
    If you love pop and rock *mainstream music* you will love this album if you know the difference between hip hop and rap you will hate timberland more *if you didn't already* and this album.
  3. [Anonymous]
    Dec 12, 2009
    Never been more disappointed with a follow up album. After the first shock value the bar had been set, and this album missed it by a hair (if that hair were chad kroegers). almost every song is a bore to listen to and timbaland seems to have no fresh ideas so he just stretches the beat out at the end of every song. sorry timbo, not every beat you write needs to be broken down into every Never been more disappointed with a follow up album. After the first shock value the bar had been set, and this album missed it by a hair (if that hair were chad kroegers). almost every song is a bore to listen to and timbaland seems to have no fresh ideas so he just stretches the beat out at the end of every song. sorry timbo, not every beat you write needs to be broken down into every single part in EVERY SINGLE song. its just sad how the mighty have fallen Expand
  4. AnthonyD
    Dec 15, 2009
    I've been a fan of Timbaland since Timbaland & Magoo, and his production has been unbeatable..until Shock Value 2. Miley Cyrus..really? Even with that said and her as a collaborator I STILL got the album hoping Tim would redeem himself with the other collaborators; and he fell flat on his face. With JT, One Republic, and Drake enlisted for this project I expected more and I feel I've been a fan of Timbaland since Timbaland & Magoo, and his production has been unbeatable..until Shock Value 2. Miley Cyrus..really? Even with that said and her as a collaborator I STILL got the album hoping Tim would redeem himself with the other collaborators; and he fell flat on his face. With JT, One Republic, and Drake enlisted for this project I expected more and I feel sorry for Timbaland that he has decided to cross over into pop music for good. Get ready for more mediocre albums to come. Expand
  5. Oct 17, 2010
    Thanks for selling out so hard Timbo. When you see Miley Cyrus on your album, you have STOPPED being hip hop. I love Shock Value, and Timbo was the ish back then, but this is garbage, and I'm disappointed in almost the entire album. Sorry, come back again with something better please. We do want more.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. The whole thing sounds like it was made fairly quickly, as if Tim came up with a clever idea and proceeded to fill out the track with whatever came to mind first, rather than truly enhance it.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    So far, so predicatable--at least until "Tomorrow In The Bottle," which features Chad Kroeger of Nickelback. That guy's got a funky bone? Talk about a shocker. [11 Dec 2009, p.115]
  3. Many of the same vices that plagued the first installment of "Shock Value" keep the second edition sodden as well: Tim's precise, micromanaged beats usually outshine his random collection of vocal collaborators.