• Record Label: Warp
  • Release Date: Jan 26, 2018

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Jan 26, 2018
    Those who have followed Warp and Nightmares On Wax since their inception will be reassured that all is well in both camps. If anything Shape The Future is one of George Evelyn’s finest achievments, and is all the more affecting for its refusal to be dimmed, keeping a zen-like stance in the face of adversity.
  2. Q Magazine
    Jan 23, 2018
    Impressive. ... The gravitational pull of easy-going '70s jazz-funk is felt throughout. [Feb 2018, p.112]
  3. Jan 23, 2018
    As ever with Nightmares on Wax, Evelyn melds past and present with enviable fluidity, finding a universality that’s inclusive rather than generic.
  4. Feb 15, 2018
    An album typified by serene, earth-loving optimism, even when romantic heartache is in play.
  5. Jan 30, 2018
    It's an album that doesn't chase any current trends nor try to emulate what they've have done before. N.O.W has successfully found a way to grow and invent but also stay true to their core ideals. It looks like they'll be around for a good while yet.
  6. Jan 23, 2018
    What was once something to blast on your bedroom speakers is now crying out for a live performance with a nine-piece band, which, if nothing else, shows a maturity in sound.
  7. 65
    Overall, this is an impressively diverse set of tracks, Evelyn has demonstrated his capability of working in a myriad of genres with a number of collaborators, yet in its entirety, the record feels slightly lost.
  8. Jan 31, 2018
    There are few surprises here, but much of it is enjoyable.
  9. Jan 26, 2018
    With so much New Age nattering, here more than ever your enjoyment will depend on your own zeal for enlightenment and/or bong rips.

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