• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jun 19, 2001

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Yet another bombshell of an album, blowing the lid off with majestic melodies, muscular pop-metal, and lyrics that detail singer Scott Weiland's battle with life and inner demons.
  2. Shangri La displays an earnestness and a level of comfort not heard on previous albums. A band that has intentionally held back over the past 12 years is now baring all, or at least enough to get fans pretty damn excited.
  3. Q Magazine
    A couple of the songs are grunge by rote, but the art-rock sensibility gleaned from Weiland's old David Bowie albums is evident in the whispered Hell It's Late. [Oct 2001, p.130]
  4. Shangri-La Dee Da stands with the band's best work -- a furious tug of war between strychnine-laced grunge and acid-stoked psychedelic pop. In fact, it may be well be the brooding California group's pinnacle.
  5. Mojo
    An interestingly mixed-up album. [Sep 2001, p.114]
  6. 70
    Shangri-La Dee Da sounds like two completely different bands -- DeLeo's hard rock and Weiland's soft balladry. Happily (for Atlantic Records), the album has something for both slumming Papa Roach fans and growing Jessica Simpson fans. STP has enough talent to hold both together.
  7. The span of moods and melodies on Shangri-La Dee Da is nearly as sprawling, but this time the lyrics take on a deeper tinge, and they give the album a weight and coherence lacking on previous STP releases.
  8. Today, in a world rooted in an entirely different stratum of rock, they're as lively as the corpses that archaeologists hook out of peat bogs: perfectly preserved, but not great for dancing or conversation.
  9. The trouble is that while STP may have lived dangerously, they play safe musically. There's plenty here that's pleasant, but there's nothing startling, nothing challenging.
  10. Entertainment Weekly
    The grrr goes out of Shangri after the first few tracks. [22 Jun 2001, p.90]
  11. Eclectic to the point of sounding confused.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 25
  2. Negative: 2 out of 25
  1. Sep 28, 2014
    Probably the worst STP Album. But still good. there a a few good songs and some average but it is a good buy. You should buyProbably the worst STP Album. But still good. there a a few good songs and some average but it is a good buy. You should buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Full Review »
  2. DaveN
    Sep 22, 2006
    A dissapointing end to an otherwise stellar career. A handful of good tracks (Wonderful is amazing), but this CD just doesn't compare to A dissapointing end to an otherwise stellar career. A handful of good tracks (Wonderful is amazing), but this CD just doesn't compare to the other 4. Full Review »
  3. AdamW
    Aug 27, 2001
    Another great STP album. I think they are the closest thing to a modern day Led Zeppelin. They can play the hard and fast stuff, but also Another great STP album. I think they are the closest thing to a modern day Led Zeppelin. They can play the hard and fast stuff, but also they are very good at slower acoustic stuff. Shangri-La Dee Da isn't my favorite STP album, but it is still a good album that I like very much. Hopefully the next album will be more like Core. STP shows great diversity as a band in their sound. Full Review »