• Record Label: Mute
  • Release Date: Feb 26, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. Some more uptempos would have been nice, but Seventh Tree still makes for good post-party chill- out music.
  2. Seventh Tree is bound to ruffle a few electro-feathered fans, but there’s no denying it’s a venture that sets the pair into new experimental territory.
  3. Goldfrapp have shed the sex-Moroder-robot-Bolan-fuck-disco like a used condom and re-tooled themselves as a whimsical psychedelia and pastoral folk outfit for the disappointing Seventh Tree.
  4. 50
    The duo are too consistently subdued, and without their usual spectacle, Seventh Tree veers perilously close to dull. [Mar 2008, p.102]
  5. But with all the excitement and decadence drained out of the music and the voice, the trite themes stand out a bit more clearly.
  6. Seventh Tree, though in some respects an organic redrafting of the autoerotic Goldfrapp template, picks up where Supernature left off in its setting of the controls for the heart of the mainstream, and misses badly the slickly subversive tone that lifted the band from the realms of coffee table mediocrity.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 70 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 59 out of 70
  2. Negative: 4 out of 70
  1. Dec 8, 2013
    A calm and understated piece of art is probably too limited to the experience of Seventh Tree. Goldfrapp's first attempt to abandon theirA calm and understated piece of art is probably too limited to the experience of Seventh Tree. Goldfrapp's first attempt to abandon their dance floor sensibilities to create a mythical 70s-folk inspiration pays off. Download: Happiness, A&E, Monster Love. Full Review »
  2. Aug 10, 2011
    Black Cherry is easily the most enjoyable Goldfrapp album and I honestly prefer their electro wave than this slow tone but nobody can ignoreBlack Cherry is easily the most enjoyable Goldfrapp album and I honestly prefer their electro wave than this slow tone but nobody can ignore the beauty of "Happiness" or "Eat Yourself". Full Review »
  3. Nov 3, 2010
    This album reminds me more of their first album in the sense that it's much slower and more sentimental. The songs show how they wanted thisThis album reminds me more of their first album in the sense that it's much slower and more sentimental. The songs show how they wanted this album to be different from Black Cherry and Supernatural, and I understand some people might not like that. I still like it for what it is and hope they keep releasing great music like this. Full Review »