
Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 26
  2. Negative: 1 out of 26
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  1. Jul 13, 2018
    Scorpion doesn't even come close to being one of his best; instead, it's a one-trick record stretched out into 25 endless tracks by an artist who's so deep into the self-obsessed, self-pitying rut he created for himself that he can't see daylight anymore.
  2. Jul 5, 2018
    Unsurprisingly, his charm has worn thin. What’s left without it is a body of work that is self-indulgent, largely evasive, and frankly boring when the beat is not quite strong enough to steady the ship.
  3. 58
    Although it picks up a little towards the end, Scorpion‘s second half is often a joyless slog, a prioritizing of vibe over structure that results in some of Drake’s most unfocused songwriting to date.
  4. Jul 2, 2018
    Expecting consistency from an album like this is a mug’s game. There are good tracks here, about 35 minutes’ worth.
  5. The star’s hubris is no more apparent than in its sheer breadth and lack of quality control. At 25 tracks in total, Scorpion is way too long--even by Drake’s own standards--and simply doesn’t need to be.
  6. 50
    His flow has gotten really same-y over the years: “Sandra’s Rose” occasionally recalls “Weston Road Flows” and the following “Talk Up” brings “Gyalchester” to mind. It’s also weird that the R&B disc comes with so little hooks, something we used to be able to count on Drake for. It doesn’t help that Drake really likes his minimalistic beats.
  7. Jul 2, 2018
    Scorpion is stronger when Drake stops narrating the circumstances of his own life and simply writes more of the breezy, cocksure songs that seem to come so effortlessly to him.
  8. Jul 3, 2018
    It’s not that Scorpion is bad music - it’s exactly what you’d expect, and too much of it. Its maximalism offers plenty for the converted (and the charts), after all, this far in, nothing is going to turn those set against him. For those of us with more complicated relationships with Drake’s music, there’s also nothing here to overwhelm the sense of stagnation dominant since Views.
  9. Jun 29, 2018
    You can understand Drake’s desire to make a grandiose statement that covers every musical base from trap to the 90s R&B slow jam of After Dark, but the problem with Scorpion is that there isn’t quite enough strong material here to support its gargantuan running time. ... It’s infuriating because Scorpion is frequently fantastic.
  10. 60
    Oddly erratic. ... The way he darts between different sounds is exhausting and, ultimately, messy. On certain tracks he raps like he has something to prove, on others it's like he has nothing.
  11. Jul 6, 2018
    The Southern-fried flows on “Nonstop” and “Mob Ties” may raise eyebrows, but they also show off Drake’s versatility; “Summer Games” and “In My Feelings” cast Drake’s signature nocturnal musings over interesting new textures; and Jay-Z and Ty Dolla $ign both bring welcome energy to their guest slots. But it’s hard to listen through the entire expanse without performing a backseat edit, and even after several spins, too much of the album remains an indistinguishable muddle.
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 646 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Jun 30, 2018
    This is a streaming era album, and this album is good at what it does- provide a song for every mood, and act as an entry to the two sides ofThis is a streaming era album, and this album is good at what it does- provide a song for every mood, and act as an entry to the two sides of Drake- the braggadocios 6 God side, and the brooding reminiscer side. Full Review »
  2. Jun 29, 2018
    Boy band style of hip hop. Light and vapid fluff style music that is meant to appeal to the largest audience. It sounds generic and nothingBoy band style of hip hop. Light and vapid fluff style music that is meant to appeal to the largest audience. It sounds generic and nothing about this is ground breaking or interesting. But as a typical Drake album it has a few good select songs such as Nice for What, Sandra's Rose, and Emotionless. Album as a whole is worth skipping. Full Review »
  3. Jun 30, 2018
    The fifth studio album from Drake suffers from so many problems that it's hard to listen to it entirely without losing interest, rolling yourThe fifth studio album from Drake suffers from so many problems that it's hard to listen to it entirely without losing interest, rolling your eyes, or even dozing off a little bit. 'Scorpion' is in no way a step-up from his last effort 'Views', and it comes off as too long (90 minutes, that is), comprising two discs, one that is all Rap and another that is R&B (the former being much better than the latter) ; I however still don't understand the decision to make it this way and this long. Even though Drake opens up about his private life and raps about relatable matters ("Emotionless" has the best lyrics on the record), he is very repetitive over the course of the first 12 tracks, and sounds very monotonous and bored with his own spitting. And even though Drake has a lot of past beautiful R&B songs (even a whole record, "Nothing Was The Same"), none of the tracks on the second part even comes close to the greatness of "Hold On, We're Going Home" or any track on 'Take Care' (the closest thing to decent is the Nicki Minaj sample on "That's How You Feel").
    It's a shame that one of the most anticipated albums of the year turned out to be such a dull and uninteresting ride.
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