• Record Label: Warp
  • Release Date: Sep 27, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Mojo
    Dec 22, 2011
    The cascading ping and pop of 35 Summers and arpeggiated digital melancholy of Unbank is evidence of Plaid's empathy with this most beguiling of music forms. [Nov 2011, p.103]
  2. Oct 19, 2011
    Over a distant wash of keyboards chords, Plaid create a multilayered drift of what sounds like piano and tuned percussion notes. The effect is, literally, scintillating.
  3. Under The Radar
    Nov 9, 2011
    Scintilli's pieces are as varied as ever, but carefully drawn, like working on separate days with blowtorch-on-metal or in purple and blue oils. [Oct. 2011, p. 113]
  4. Sep 27, 2011
    Plaid's sixth proper studio album, Scintilli, is hard to place stylistically, but nonetheless offers plenty of enjoyable head-scratching moments, along with a straight-up tune or two.
  5. Sep 26, 2011
    They've managed an interesting blend of that style with the free-form structures of film soundtracking, the results of which are intriguing although rarely crucial.
  6. Sep 26, 2011
    Here they've created a retro cinema soundtrack to an '80s sci-fi romance.

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