• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Jun 3, 2020
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 325 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 325
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  1. Jun 8, 2020
    RTJ has proven to be one of the most poignant lyrically charged rap groups in an era when lyricism is being dumb-downed in favour of repetitive and earcandy sounds. The lyrics reflect now but the only problem I have with the album being that, like a twitter hashtag tag it won’t live longer before devoted fans shelve the project and go back to listening to RTJ2 instead.Problem with criticsRTJ has proven to be one of the most poignant lyrically charged rap groups in an era when lyricism is being dumb-downed in favour of repetitive and earcandy sounds. The lyrics reflect now but the only problem I have with the album being that, like a twitter hashtag tag it won’t live longer before devoted fans shelve the project and go back to listening to RTJ2 instead.Problem with critics nowadays they are quick to call projects instant classics which reduces the weight of the word and its meaning. Expand
  2. Aug 28, 2020
    That's a **** album, **** delete it, it is boring af u know, I prefer her old albums
  3. Dec 10, 2020

    The opening track contains the same energy as "Yeezus" by Kayne West. RTJ is saying that they're angry and they have **** to say. Their albums are typically vulgar and political and this one puts that in your face. And what a better time than 2020 with the civil rights movements and Killer Mike's speech on it. "Ooh La La" is such a hit. "Legend Has It" was a favorite of mine but

    The opening track contains the same energy as "Yeezus" by Kayne West. RTJ is saying that they're angry and they have **** to say. Their albums are typically vulgar and political and this one puts that in your face. And what a better time than 2020 with the civil rights movements and Killer Mike's speech on it.
    "Ooh La La" is such a hit. "Legend Has It" was a favorite of mine but this one is up there with my favorites. It's one of those songs that makes you feel badass and makes you want to move. The production is perfect, the lyrics are intelligent, and the refrain is catchy.
    "Pulling the Pin" is great and memorable with the legendary Mavis Staples and Josh Homme (of Queens of the Stone Age and Them Crooked Vultures). It's like a QOTSA song with Staples' vocals and RTJ's verses. It's tremendous.
    "Ju$t" is an incredible song as well. It is angry and makes a good point in our current racial climate. Systemic racism is embedded in our culture and racist people are honored. "Just like the slave masters on your dollars." We honor these people and put them on paper money or as logos on food or as statues or street names. Yet, they owned human beings and played a role in oppressing BIPOC. It may be "inconsequential", but we need a new slate and some changes.
    The biggest problem this album has is its forgettable tracks. After several listens, a lot of the tracks meld into one and don't stand out too well.

    ALBUM ARTWORK: Their album names and covers are quite simple. They're always the same thing. RTJ# and their symbol animated differently. But, that's what it is and it works for them. Like "Fetch the Bolt Cutters", the color scheme here is black, gold, and purple (or maybe more pink). It feels powerful and bold. This may be the color scheme of the year. It really works.
    Artwork rating: 9/12
  4. Jun 17, 2020
    Worthies (3/11):
    - Yankee And The Brave (Episode 4)
    - Holy ****
    - The Ground Below

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 26
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 26
  3. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. The Wire
    Jul 10, 2020
    It’s a strange brew, some distance from the monumental party music that has tended to characterise the duo’s three previous albums. [Jul 2020, p.50]
  2. Q Magazine
    Jun 30, 2020
    This is the sound of RTJ staking their claim as one of the all-time great hip-hop duos. [Aug 2020, p.112]
  3. Uncut
    Jun 19, 2020
    Crackles with a wisecracking energy. [Aug 2020, p.36]