• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: May 4, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. May 26, 2015
    If this is Rose Windows’ final farewell, it’s damned, and it’s good.
  2. Uncut
    May 5, 2015
    There's a strangely disarming quality to Rose Windows' second album. [Jun 2015, p.80]
  3. May 5, 2015
    They felt that they had run their course and wished to bow out on a high note. They have done exactly that.
  4. Magnet
    Jun 4, 2015
    Not every track soars, but you have to admire the band's starry-eyed commitment to exploring the outer reaches of inner space. [No. 120, p.61]
  5. May 5, 2015
    Judging by Rose Windows’ now final album, the shame is that differences, whatever they were, could not be overcome because a growing, developing collection of musicians was just beginning to dent the consciousness of a much larger audience. Instead of eagerly anticipating their next move, we are therefore left to cling to their last hurrah.
  6. 60
    This is certainly a dead weird album; it may improve with time.
  7. Mojo
    May 20, 2015
    There's little obvious mind expansion in these long-haired ruminations on modern living, but Rose Windows still have the power to lift listeners far out of the everyday. [Jun 2015, p.92]
  8. May 5, 2015
    The group's self-titled second album cuts down on the group's more excessive tendencies, with only "A Pleasure to Burn" surpassing the five-minute mark, and seems to have more of a stripped-down songwriting style as well.
  9. May 5, 2015
    The album only features nine tracks, but somehow still contrives to feel over-long and lack cohesion.

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