• Record Label: Vagrant
  • Release Date: Mar 18, 2014

Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Mar 17, 2014
    As every track twists and turns, building upon their previous musical accomplishments, this feels like a band who have finally truly found their stride.

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User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 48 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 42 out of 48
  2. Negative: 2 out of 48
  1. May 2, 2023
    I come back to this album yearly now. It has such winter vibes. the poetry is just amazing and the delivery is such a great mix of postI come back to this album yearly now. It has such winter vibes. the poetry is just amazing and the delivery is such a great mix of post hardcore and spoken word Full Review »
  2. Apr 23, 2014
    It's a pretty worthwhile follow up to their previous effort Wildlife. While parts aren't as good as Wildlife, the slight changes to the band'sIt's a pretty worthwhile follow up to their previous effort Wildlife. While parts aren't as good as Wildlife, the slight changes to the band's sound here makes it worth it if you've been following them. A mildly solid post-hardcore album with poetic lyrics. Full Review »
  3. Apr 2, 2014
    Before 'Rooms of the House', I loved La Dispute solely for their music. Their chaotic and complex guitar parts found on 'Somewhere...' andBefore 'Rooms of the House', I loved La Dispute solely for their music. Their chaotic and complex guitar parts found on 'Somewhere...' and 'Vancouver' impressed me more than the lyrics. On these releases, La Dispute's lyrics are overly dramatic. While the beauty of Dreyer's lyrics on 'Wildlife' can be appreciated, it seemed that the band were trying too hard to create emotion by resorting to dark narratives of murder, suicide, and cancer. However, 'Rooms of the House' is the first La Dispute release which I find lyrical satisfying. The album's setting and concept is universal and simple. It details domestic life and the breakdown of a relationship. Dreyer turns to ordinary, everyday objects, which transport him back to a specific time and a place. These particular commonplace objects are significant as they evoke memories of the past thus they are able to remind us of love and loss. In this way, Dreyer communicates sincere emotion, as the domestic setting is real and tangible, which emphasises the tragedy of the decaying "ordinary love" that the album is centered on. While the music is not as energetic and dynamic, as their first EP and album, it remains interesting and imaginative - more so than 'Wildlife'. 'Woman (reading)', 'Woman (in mirror)', and 'Objects in Space' are some of La Dispute's best tracks. Here they are at their most melodic and melancholic. The guitars, drums and vocals in these three songs are beautifully understated and controlled. Dreyer sings and uses spoken word, which is a nice change. Elsewhere on the album, the band prove that they can still be intense and noisy, however they make more of an attempt to adhere to conventional song structures, as 'For Mayor of Splitsville' is the closest La Dispute have come to a chorus. The album's production is similar to that of 'Wildlife', which is raw, tinny and claustrophobic. Whilst this may not appeal to people who prefer a more polished sound, the live feel complements the lyrics of the album, as it brings the music closer to reality. 'Rooms of the House' emphasises physical space, emptiness and lack, as the "rooms" are no longer filled with people and objects have lost their meaning as they are taken out of the context of the relationship, and yet ironically this album is the most whole of La Dispute's albums, as it balances sincere lyrics and universal themes with interesting music which is simultaneously melodic and abrasive. Full Review »