• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Oct 28, 2003

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 31
  2. Negative: 1 out of 31
  1. Blender
    The fine distinction between cool and blase, aloof and distant, seems to have eluded them. [Nov 2003, p.106]
  2. Magnet
    There's something undeniably mechanical about Room On Fire. [#61, p.107]
  3. A roaring opener, a trio of great potential singles and a remarkable slow number successfully divert attention from the fact that half of Room on Fire is uninspired filler.
  4. There's nothing about the quintet's second album that audibly acknowledges the impact of its debut.
  5. The central flaw of Room on Fire is the lack of hooks.
  6. Even the half-hearted retreads ("You Talk Way Too Much," "Between Love & Hate") cashing in on the notoriously unwashed NYC quintet's debut can't muster a wink.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 330 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 330
  1. Nov 5, 2010
    7 years out and I'm going to write a review, just to bump this albums rating up. It's solid all the way through, Meet Me In The Bathroom is7 years out and I'm going to write a review, just to bump this albums rating up. It's solid all the way through, Meet Me In The Bathroom is the only weak song, but the other 10 are all perfect in my mind. Just let some of them grow on you and you'll have this album as one of your new favourites. Full Review »
  2. Apr 14, 2017
    Room on Fire is an amazing sequel album. It continues with the raw energy and beautiful melodies and lyrics that Is This It had, but expandsRoom on Fire is an amazing sequel album. It continues with the raw energy and beautiful melodies and lyrics that Is This It had, but expands them with a bigger kick. It's a great sounding album with tons of powerful tunes. Full Review »
  3. Dec 17, 2011
    Full of great tracks this is a really excellent album that hasn't really received the credit it deserves. If you haven't listened to it for aFull of great tracks this is a really excellent album that hasn't really received the credit it deserves. If you haven't listened to it for a while give it another shot as there as some great tracks on it and very little filler. Full Review »