• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Dec 2, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
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  1. Mojo
    Dec 17, 2014
    While Rock Or Bust doesn't come close to that benchmark [1980's Back In Black], nor does it disgrace Young's legacy. [Jan 2015, p.95]
  2. Dec 11, 2014
    They certainly keep up appearances on their 15th album, their troubles not for a second interfering with these 11 songs, the longest of which lasts three minutes and 41 seconds.
  3. 60
    Although what follows isn’t all as good as the opener, it’s solid, vertebrae-jolting stuff, often recycling old themes and melodies.
  4. Dec 1, 2014
    Rather than phoning in the record fans expect, AC/DC made one that suits their own needs.
  5. Nov 25, 2014
    Too many songs lack any manipulation of the formula: there’s too much meat-and-potatoes riff-and-chorus, not enough little extras.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 55
  2. Negative: 3 out of 55
  1. Dec 2, 2014
    My first AC/DC album to purchase with my own money was Black Ice. I was 15 then. They say that as you age, AC/DC's music becomes lessMy first AC/DC album to purchase with my own money was Black Ice. I was 15 then. They say that as you age, AC/DC's music becomes less appealing, but hear I sit, at 21 years old, having now purchased every AC/DC album available,and I can't stop playing Rock Or Bust. At 11 songs at 35 minutes, Rock or Bust represents everything that AC/DC is about, the rock n' roll equivalent of eating a home cooked meal after being away for weeks. AC/DC isn't about showing you how much you've grown up, but about showing you how much fun it is to block out everything and listen to some high voltage rock n' roll. Nobody is better at that than AC/DC, and nobody ever will be, and for that, AC/DC, I salute you.
    Highlights-Rock or Bust, Got Some Rock n' Roll Thunder, Rock the House, Sweet Candy, and Rock the Blues Away
    Full Review »
  2. Dec 4, 2014
    Thank God the boys made exactly the same album again, for the 15th time. After a period in the 80's where the content and production weakenedThank God the boys made exactly the same album again, for the 15th time. After a period in the 80's where the content and production weakened (although I still like "Flick of the Switch" a lot) things got better with "The Razor's Edge", and "Ballbreaker" really blew the doors open again.

    Can't help but think that "Ballbreaker" was the first album Phil Rudd had been on since "Flick". The albums have been pretty consistent since then. He's not "just" a drummer. I assume he's really on this one, and wasn't just credited.

    Regardless, this is a good one. The length isn't a problem. In fact, it should be a rule that AC/DC albums are 10 songs maximum. This one is 11, but the length is 35 minutes, so I'll give them a pass. In vinyl days, you had 18 minutes a side (if you wanted it loud) and this fits. Why make an album longer than it needs to be just because the media allows more? Nice job, boys.

    This is maybe the 2nd best album Brian's on. Yes, it's better than "For Those About To Rock".

    Buy it. Now.
    Full Review »
  3. Dec 2, 2014
    Man, is this disc strong! At only 35 mins, it had well better not have any filler, and it doesn't. 11 trax, 11 singles! Lean and mean andMan, is this disc strong! At only 35 mins, it had well better not have any filler, and it doesn't. 11 trax, 11 singles! Lean and mean and stronger than an AC/DC album in 2014 has any right to be. A near perfect rock album. Full Review »