• Record Label: Epitaph
  • Release Date: Jan 30, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Urb
    Strap on your seatbelt, 'cause you never been on a ride like this befo.' [Jan/Feb 2006, p.78]
  2. Busdriver gives his best performance thus far.
  3. His choruses are instantly memorable and his word-soup lyricism easily places him in the upper echelon of intelligent emcees, somewhere between MF Doom and Dose One.
  4. A fantastically pedicured amalgam of every side and thing Busdriver thinks he can effectively be.
  5. Roadkill Overcoat is a thorny album, one that doesn't give itself over easy, and definitely not on first listen.
  6. There's still space for reliable 'Driver fare: paranoid, vocab-intensive rhymes, self-deprecation and absurd imagery woven into a frayed lyrical tapestry that begs to be unravelled.
  7. Besides his singular style on the mike, it's Busdriver's willingness to challenge orthodoxy that's most refreshing.
  8. Maybe some thought Busdriver sounded self-satisfied before, but he used to sound one step ahead of the listener instead of running to catch up.
  9. Alternative Press
    Undoubtedly his catchiest record so far. [Feb 2007, p.122]
  10. Spin
    While 2005's Fear of a Black Tangent was a hilarious, merciless evisceration of rap hypocrisy from the bottom up, he's now trying to address the wider world. [Feb 2007, p.82]
  11. RoadKillOvercoat will certainly win him some fans who have previously avoided hip-hop, but for those same reasons, it might also cost him some, too.
  12. Roadkillovercoat, though possessing several arresting and infinitely entertaining moments, lacks the overall effect and a certain cohesion to render it an instant classic.
  13. Uncut
    RoadKillOvercoat fattens his usual oblique rhymes into even more demanding, bombastic forms. [Apr 2007, p.93]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Aaron*
    Mar 9, 2007
    Great album. Vocally, he's the same Busdriver, but I miss Paris' production from Temporary Forever. The producers on this album are Great album. Vocally, he's the same Busdriver, but I miss Paris' production from Temporary Forever. The producers on this album are all over the place. Sometimes their efforts hit (Sunshowers, Kill Your Employer, Pompous Posies), and sometimes, they're just boring run-of-the-mill hip-hop beats. Full Review »
  2. JakeB.
    Feb 16, 2007
    great album, for people who enjoy creative and fast pace rap music.
  3. JamalS.
    Feb 16, 2007
    Besides the track with CocoRosie, I really like this CD. It does take a while to sink in, but overall, I prefer the darker production here to Besides the track with CocoRosie, I really like this CD. It does take a while to sink in, but overall, I prefer the darker production here to the overly "sugar" production on FoaBT. Lyrically, nothing tops Fear's Reheated Pop, but it all remains interesting and relevant. It's a great debut for his new label, and I think it proves that Busdriver is so close to a break out album that it isn't even funny. High 7's, rounded up. Full Review »