• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Sep 5, 2006

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. Rolling Stone
    Most of these twelve tracks are impressive structures with periodic highs... that never resolve into songs. [7 Sep 2006, p.105]
  2. Revelations is one step closer to their mutation into a more unified rock outfit.
  3. For the first time Audioslave sound more like a cohesive unit than a product of two groups spliced together.
  4. If you liked the formula then, you’ll like Revelations now.
  5. The actual music merely offers more of the same oddly faceless brand of heavy rock the group has been cranking out since its 2002 debut.
  6. Once again, the results feel too spotty.
  7. Despite Mr. Cornell’s budding outrage, and the band’s attempts to funk up its sound, “Revelations” has a tentative, unfinished air.
  8. Spin
    Variety has never been Audioslave's strong suit. [Sep 2006, p.102]
  9. Mojo
    Its rote alternarock thrills are meagre vittles compared to the revolutionary metal the principle players have wrought in the past. [Oct 2006, p.110]
  10. Uncut
    Too one-speed to attain the subtlety of Zep, too constipated to really funk out. [Oct 2006, p.99]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 75 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 60 out of 75
  2. Negative: 6 out of 75
  1. Feb 21, 2016
    Revelations wasn’t Audioslave’s very best music on display, but not far off. It’s ridiculously funky and leg-jig provoking, as the bandRevelations wasn’t Audioslave’s very best music on display, but not far off. It’s ridiculously funky and leg-jig provoking, as the band explored faster paced music, which does sound different to older Ausioslave. However, it’s not all different, as Sound of a Gun and Somedays prove, for example. In short: it’s gert good. Also, Jewel of the Summertime is too damn catchy.

    87/100 (rounded to 9/10).
    Full Review »
  2. Oct 25, 2010
    This puts their first two albums to shame (and quite rightfully, I might add). Most tracks, and the album as a whole, cuts to the chase,This puts their first two albums to shame (and quite rightfully, I might add). Most tracks, and the album as a whole, cuts to the chase, delivers some genuinely enjoyable music and then gets the hell out of there. For the first time Audioslave actually leave me wanting more. Of course, I didn't get more because they disbanded soon after. Oh, the irony! Full Review »
  3. Kyle
    May 2, 2007
    I don't know what it is but the Audioslave formula seems to work for me.