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Mixed or average reviews- based on 75 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 75
  2. Negative: 23 out of 75
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  1. Apr 2, 2014
    If you are looking for a solid debut album playing on Skrillex's previous strengths - run. Run far away from this album. If you are simply looking for something innovative and new, once again you will be disappointed. With a sound like an experiment gone wrong spiced with the flavor of late 90s Fatboy Slim and Moby hits, DJ Accucrack, Enigma and some rapper, Recess fails to make a cohesiveIf you are looking for a solid debut album playing on Skrillex's previous strengths - run. Run far away from this album. If you are simply looking for something innovative and new, once again you will be disappointed. With a sound like an experiment gone wrong spiced with the flavor of late 90s Fatboy Slim and Moby hits, DJ Accucrack, Enigma and some rapper, Recess fails to make a cohesive statement and fails to deliver something that sounds like it belongs in 2014. Horribly disappointing and only slightly entertaining, especially if you are a fan of Skrillex's previous work. If there is an audience for Recess, I do not know who it would be. Expand
  2. Mar 21, 2014
    I used to enjoy the creativity of Skrillex's sound. Unfortunately, last summer, I went to a music festival and was sorely disappointed with his performance. To go into further details, his bizarre requests for the audience to "sit on your ass!" on the muddy ground was too much. He then protested to stop playing more music if the crowd did not comply with his odd plead. Maybe he was tryingI used to enjoy the creativity of Skrillex's sound. Unfortunately, last summer, I went to a music festival and was sorely disappointed with his performance. To go into further details, his bizarre requests for the audience to "sit on your ass!" on the muddy ground was too much. He then protested to stop playing more music if the crowd did not comply with his odd plead. Maybe he was trying to create a cool gimmick that would make the experience more enjoyable, but when you treat your audience like crap and act like a dictator, you lose fans very quickly.

    Other than my newfound, passionate hate for Skrillex's personality, I gave his music a chance. Even if an artist is displeasing, their music may still be worthwhile. This possibility is not the case for the shaved-head rat of a man. With hollow beats and bass drops that sound all too familiar from previous releases, there is nothing left for Skrillex. His career should have ended after Bangarang.

    One of the first mistakes he made was introducing a plethora of guest stars onto several tracks. Not only does the use of faux-rappers dampen the mood, but it defeats the whole purpose of dubstep. There are no lyrics in a dubstep track. One of the pioneers of this sound went against his own rules and created a monster. With no tracks that grab your attention for more than a minute, Recess is a sorry excuse for a debut album.

    A shallow, self-centered personality emerges within the tasteless tracks, taking away 50 minutes of someone's life. Not only are the tracks repetitive and unoriginal, they pierce the ears with electronic screeches. That seems like the icing on the cake.

    Well, you know what they say: "The bigger they are, the harder they fall".
  3. Mar 21, 2014
    I've never particularly bought into the hype of Skrillex. When he burst onto the scene a few years back, I tried a few of his songs out because it was the "cool" thing to do. Since then, I've began producing music myself and as a result I have a lot of fun looking around soundcloud for great, unique artists. There are hundreds, if not thousands of artists that are worlds better thanI've never particularly bought into the hype of Skrillex. When he burst onto the scene a few years back, I tried a few of his songs out because it was the "cool" thing to do. Since then, I've began producing music myself and as a result I have a lot of fun looking around soundcloud for great, unique artists. There are hundreds, if not thousands of artists that are worlds better than Skrillex and his most recent batch of crap, Recess. If you like dub, check out "Another One" by Louis the Child. Some of his smoother stuff? Try out some of the Chainsmokers tunes. This a boring, repetitive album that, coupled with his weird personality, really just contribute to the fact that his style of "music" is a dying breed. Look elsewhere. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 15
  2. Negative: 2 out of 15
  1. Apr 4, 2014
    While the album will most likely not be considered a classic, it will undoubtedly satiate the Skrillex diehards.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Mar 27, 2014
    It's spectacular, almost exhaustingly so. [28 Mar 2014, p.63]
  3. Mar 25, 2014
    Skrillex is good enough to kill the Brostep monster he created. He just didn't quite finish the job here.