
Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
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  1. Mar 9, 2015
    Certainly, the ambition remains, along with the hunger to remain on the bleeding edge, but she's allowing her past to mingle with her present, allowing her to seem human yet somewhat grander at the same time.
  2. Mar 9, 2015
    It is a strong, welcome detour in the artist’s recent discography. Or just call it a return to form since the album is her most satisfying effort in a decade and nimbly connects the dots between Madonna’s various eras and guises.
  3. 80
    The inventive Diplo is a frequent collaborator, with support from Avicii, Michael Diamond and Kanye, but what’s most impressive is Madonna’s singing.
  4. Along the way, the long, 19-song album offers its share of groaners, missteps and songs more indebted to trendy production than solid craft. But its best moments boast some of the most finely structured pop melodies of Madonna’s 32-year career.
  5. Feb 25, 2015
    The tone switches dramatically between dynamic contemporary electro groove adventures, singalong pop and lush synthetic ballads, while veering emotionally between introspective vulnerability and strident defiance. Yet every track adheres to robust, classic songwriting principles, a kind of melodious elegance of structure gleaming through no matter how inventively deconstructed the arrangement.
  6. Mar 11, 2015
    Rebel Heart is not a perfect record--it meanders at lengthy 19 tracks--but it does boast some of the most introspective and lyrics Madonna has ever penned.
  7. 75
    Rebel Heart, like its creator, pushes through the pain and, more often than not, lands solidly and with great grace on its feet.
  8. Mar 6, 2015
    Her best album in the last two decades, "Ray of Light" (1998), was also her most atmospheric and inward-looking. And Rebel Heart is in many ways a distant cousin, an unusually personal album that seems less about keeping up and more about taking stock.
  9. 75
    This is Madonna’s best outing since 2000’s Music. [Kyle Anderson's review]
  10. Mar 9, 2015
    Yet, for all its flaws, there’s something undeniably addictive about Rebel Heart, and even the songs that don’t work so well are still a million times better than anything gathered on MDNA or Hard Candy.
  11. Mar 5, 2015
    There are times you hope for a little more dumb fun--enter Diplo, who turns up on five tracks with his air horn and Caribbean beats and would be welcome on more--and there's at least one moody ballad too many. But then an aqueous bassline bubbles up and a surge of trance-y pulses sweeps you along to Madonnaland, where introspection and abandon engage in erotic acts of self-actualization.
  12. Mar 2, 2015
    While Rebel Heart is greatly superior to her last set, MDNA, it suffers from the same malaise of of overabundance.
  13. Feb 26, 2015
    Rebel Heart is too long, too unnecessarily fussed over, to join the ranks of Like a Prayer, Erotica, and Ray of Light, but tucked inside this lumbering mass of songs are 10 to 12 tracks that would, under any other circumstances, make for Madonna's best album in at least a decade.
  14. Feb 25, 2015
    The album is at its strongest when Madonna shoves everyone to the side and just tells it to us straight.
  15. Mar 10, 2015
    Rebel Heart has its fair share of those head-scratchers.... [But] Rebel Heart is a step back in the right direction.
  16. 65
    Rebel Heart is chaotic. It’s often amazing, and occasionally crap. If she deleted half of its tracks, it’d be the comeback record she was hoping for.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 822 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Mar 10, 2015
    Rebel Heart is the best of both Madonna worlds, the sexual persona and the true romantic at heart. A true return to form for Madonna. LongRebel Heart is the best of both Madonna worlds, the sexual persona and the true romantic at heart. A true return to form for Madonna. Long live the Queen of pop. Full Review »
  2. Mar 10, 2015
    Im soo happy that Madonna giving us music after 30 years. Love every song from this album, devil pray, unapologetic **** holy water andIm soo happy that Madonna giving us music after 30 years. Love every song from this album, devil pray, unapologetic **** holy water and ghosttown are my favorite, addicted should have been in deluxe too Full Review »
  3. Mar 10, 2015
    If you want to buy an album because 2 songs are good then this is the album for you. The EDM vs Hip hop feel is there in three songs in whichIf you want to buy an album because 2 songs are good then this is the album for you. The EDM vs Hip hop feel is there in three songs in which the beat switches from EDM to Hip hop a couple of times within each song. Also L4L sounds like she just built a new song on the same Chord Progression as Girl Gone Wild. Girl Gone Wild was not a hit why did she feel a remix to that song would be a hit. Ghosttown and Iconic are the best songs on the album. I hope they catch momentum. Anybody that tries to say to you that **** I'm Madonna is a good song is a flat out liar. With lyrics like:

    (We're jumping in the pool and swimming with our clothes on
    I poured a beer into my shoe and got my freak on
    The neighbor's pissed and says he's gonna call the Five-O
    If they show up then we are gonna give a good show)

    on that song, you can tell she is just trying to hard. Is Five-O still a thing?

    or on Devil Pray where she sings:

    (And we can do drugs and we can smoke weed and we can drink whiskey
    Yeah, we can get high and we can get stoned
    And we can sniff glue and we can do E and we can drop acid
    Forever be lost with no way home)

    is just mehhh... The song has a good beat. Better lyrics would have been nice. I still feel she is recycling music with this one too. Sounds too much like Don't Tell Me which had an amazing beat with great lyrics. This is a bad remix.

    I could continue with each song on Rebel Heart, but you get my point. It's a great remix album for hardcore Madonna fans, but there is nothing new here. Save your money.
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