• Record Label: EMI
  • Release Date: Nov 17, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Comparisons with Older are revealing, for Robbie sounds a bit world weary here at times, and the orchestrations are layered on thickly in an attempt to bring some brightness to the grey. Sometimes this works--with the electro swagger of Bodies a case in point--but other times the colour is a pasty, codeine white.
  2. For the most part, Reality... swings between the mawkish strings and piano overproduction which Williams has seemed overly attached to ever since 1998's Bond-inspired 'Millennium,' and flashes of genuine pop frivolity, for which he likely has producer Trevor Horn to thank.
  3. Millennial ‘It’ Boy gets the horn on eighth album.
  4. The album is a solid contribution to Williams’ catalogue, but doesn’t achieve the peerless pop and dance genius of "The Ego Has Landed" (1999) or "Sing When You’re Winning" (2000).
  5. Mojo
    Reality Killed The Video Star - produced, as the title suggests, by Trevor Horn - offers more than a glimmer of hope. [Dec 2009, p. 94]
  6. Q Magazine
    The majority of Reality Killed the Video Star - a reliably punning title, and this one almost works - seems to have taken its glum atmospheric cue from Morrissey's Vauxhall And I or Rufus Wainwright's less fruity concoctions - without necessarily taking on board any of their melodic or lyrical gifts. [Dec 2009, p. 108]
  7. Uncut
    A gift for deadpan couplets alone can't quite elevate him to [Rufas Wainwright or Pet Shop Boys'] league, [but] this album offer signs that, if he want to, Robbie might escape the neurosis of celebrity and mature into a genuinely witty songwriter. [Dec 2009, p.121]
  8. By downplaying Williams's formerly irrepressible charm, Reality simply doesn't make for an effective reintroduction to one of the U.S. pop market's biggest missed opportunities.
  9. In its defense, Reality isn’t a “comeback” album--even Williams admits it’s too late to recapture his former glory--but the blandly derivative collection raises the question of what the aborted 2007 album sounded like. Compared to this, maybe art.
  10. The more you delve into it the less you find, because it’s all affectation.
  11. The whole album lacks focus. Williams jumps around from big band to Pet Shop Boys electro to piano ballads to easy rocking. The one common thread is overproduction.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 46 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 46
  2. Negative: 7 out of 46
  1. Jul 24, 2020
    Again, Robbie shows us that he's a great songwriter and a great artist. He rocks a new sound and does it perfectly.
  2. Dec 27, 2013
    A brilliant singer-songwriter and an amazing album. A very talented Artist, and I highly recommend this album to anyone. One of myA brilliant singer-songwriter and an amazing album. A very talented Artist, and I highly recommend this album to anyone. One of my favourites by him. Full Review »
  3. Dec 10, 2012
    At some parts Robbie shows that he is a good singer-songwriter, but most of the time this album is rubbish. While hearing "Won't Do That" IAt some parts Robbie shows that he is a good singer-songwriter, but most of the time this album is rubbish. While hearing "Won't Do That" I actually wanted to smash my head against the desk - this song is terribly bad. He obviously became too old to make good music. Sometimes his talent peeks through, but it's better to skip this release of him. Full Review »