• Record Label: Pan
  • Release Date: Nov 26, 2013

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Uncut
    Dec 16, 2013
    For a record that often shifts all over the place--someone busks "Wonderwall" on "U1"--it's an absorbing listen. [Jan 2014, p.74]
  2. Dec 16, 2013
    At a time when dance music's past is often treated with elegiac reverence, the fact that Re-Engineering takes a clever, witty, and irreverent approach to its influences feels bracing rather than tired.
  3. Dec 16, 2013
    Rather than slow down and chill out, he chooses to mirror our own sped-up reality in his music, with impressive results.
  4. Dec 16, 2013
    Re-Engineering is very much an album designed to be played as a seamless whole. It's warm, fun, curious and deeply entertaining.
  5. Dec 16, 2013
    What makes Re-Engineering worthwhile is that the odd blooms Warwick coaxes from that soil are so pleasing to behold on their own terms. It's critical theory as easy listening that you can actually cut a rug to, if you're so inclined.
  6. Dec 16, 2013
    Intellectually sophisticated but prone to using primitive musical effects to convey such messages, Warwick’s results vary wildly after that.
  7. Dec 16, 2013
    There is some meat here, but it’s difficult to suck it off the bone. Perhaps in his efforts to prevent his music being “reified,” Warwick has fallen short of saying anything much at all.

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