
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. What we have here is a long-awaited stepchild of IDM and hair metal sensibilities, joined by the omnivorous appetite of hip-hop.
  2. The band's sound is both fresh and nostalgic, and so pretty that it seems overly harsh to criticize them too much at this point. It's just that Ratatat is good enough to suggest that, with a little more diversity, the group could do even better things.
  3. Alternative Press
    Ratatat seem harmless, but these melodies will seep into your brain. [Jun 2004, p.111]
  4. Q Magazine
    A happy mess of ideas, fun and riffing. [Jul 2004, p.122]
  5. Things immediately slow down on the second song and stay subdued throughout most of the album. Once I realized that the rest of the songs weren't going to be as blazing as "Seventeen Years," I was able to enjoy it much more.
  6. The end result is a sugar-high of electronic keyboard and guitars reaching glam-rock heights and booty shaking lows, all based around very simple, classical ideas of song-structure.
  7. Altogether, Ratatat is a great album, taking the sound Daft Punk constructed on Discovery and transforming it into a remarkably intricate, painstaking work of instrumental genius.
  8. The biggest problem with the release is that it's simply a little too programmed for it's own good.
  9. Spin
    Without French accents or anime babes, this kind of thing just feels incomplete. [Jul 2004, p.110]
  10. Like early arcade-game programmers, Ratatat are working with a greatly reduced palette, and the synth reductionism means they're never going to escape cute.
  11. Urb
    Certainly a nice full-length, though it would be interesting to see what a vocalist could add to their formula . [Jun 2004, p.86]
  12. Under The Radar
    The lack of highs and lows in each song gives the album a repetitive and anti-climactic feel. [#7]
  13. 60
    They’re crotch-pumping arena pimps and introverted minimalists.
  14. Their songs routinely beg for a spoken message, to the point where their originals sound like dub versions.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 28
  2. Negative: 2 out of 28
  1. KellyP
    Aug 19, 2005
    The best album I've ever heard...ever. It's a revelation, simply beautiful.
  2. MattyB
    Jul 8, 2005
    One of my favorite albums in years, beautiful guitars, and wonderful simplicity makes the songs vibes loud and clear If its not your thing One of my favorite albums in years, beautiful guitars, and wonderful simplicity makes the songs vibes loud and clear If its not your thing it's not your thing, but suggesting that Ratatat add vocals is like suggesting that Jackson Pollock should try painting some landscapes, or still life.....its just dumb. Full Review »
  3. John
    Jan 20, 2005
    It's utterly fantastic. Songs like "17 Years" and "Epilohunk" have melodies to them that will haunt you for days, maybe weeks - and if It's utterly fantastic. Songs like "17 Years" and "Epilohunk" have melodies to them that will haunt you for days, maybe weeks - and if you're lucky, months. Full Review »