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  1. Jan 10, 2020
    A very fun and catchy album. Gomez explores many genres and exceeds the limits of anything she’s released before, while still keeping her authenticity. Excellent!
  2. Jan 10, 2020
    So amazing, mystic and magic happy for her !! Selena Gomez is actually a fênix, reborn and revival
  3. Jan 10, 2020
    Perfeito, como tudo que ela faz! Selena prometeu e fez. Parabéns, conseguiu superar o Revival
  4. Jan 11, 2020
    A mature álbum with beatiful lyrics that we fan see the evolution of the singer
  5. Nov 12, 2020
    this album is the best album of 2020, I said what I said.
    miss Gomez did a great work.
  6. Jan 10, 2020
    Incredible album, every song sounds amazing, what a masterpiece ❤️❤️❤️
  7. Jan 10, 2020
    Talented. Brilliant. Incredible. Amazing. Show stopping. Spectacular. Never the same. Totally unique. Completely not ever been done before.
  8. Jan 12, 2020
    The best pop album of recent memory. Selena Gomez gives uplifting music over danceable beats and mid tempo gems all across this album. It’s easily her best and most cohesive body of work to date.
  9. Jan 10, 2020
    I can’t describe how it felt! A masterpiece, I could really feel her while listening, her suffering, her growth, her emotions. An actual treasure.
  10. Jan 10, 2020
    Valió la espera de 4 años para escuchar este álbum. Las canciones son tan buenas y disfruté cada segundo de cada canción
  11. Jun 2, 2020
    In a liquid vision like mercury, Selena makes her animated show of great developments in the arrangements. Rare behaves like a manual on how to find, rediscover and love yourself. It is not easy to be honest and vulnerable, but that is what we are all the time. Bringing a taste of cohesion, Selena tastes love and frustration, pain and fire. This is like being a human being capable ofIn a liquid vision like mercury, Selena makes her animated show of great developments in the arrangements. Rare behaves like a manual on how to find, rediscover and love yourself. It is not easy to be honest and vulnerable, but that is what we are all the time. Bringing a taste of cohesion, Selena tastes love and frustration, pain and fire. This is like being a human being capable of recognizing its ups and downs. Expand
  12. Jan 10, 2020
    Rare is Selena's topper album, it's mature than Revival, has better sounds than Stars Dance and her lyrics have improved way too much.
  13. Jan 10, 2020
    Very unique, honest and real. There are no skips. This is her best album yet.
  14. Jan 10, 2020
    maduro, coeso, novo e acima de tudo, honesto! Selena mostra suas verdadeiras cores aqui.
  15. Jan 13, 2020
    Beyond worth the wait. Selena Gomez always pushes pop into new and exciting places and Rare is weird, confident and beautiful. Every song is expertly crafted and the whole album flows beautifully. Early faves include 'Rare', 'Vulnerable', 'Let Me Get Me', 'Cut You Off' and 'A Sweeter Place' but there isn't a weak moment. We have no choice but to stan.
  16. Jan 10, 2020
    Selena's more matured lyricism and production have definitely shaped this album out to be her best. Selena spent 4 years of making this album, and it didn't go in vain. She has found her sound. It's proven mellow-R&B sounding tracks like 'Ring' and 'Vulnerable' and her falsetto rings through in 'Crowded Room', which suits her voice so much. She's showing clear artistic growth and I'm soSelena's more matured lyricism and production have definitely shaped this album out to be her best. Selena spent 4 years of making this album, and it didn't go in vain. She has found her sound. It's proven mellow-R&B sounding tracks like 'Ring' and 'Vulnerable' and her falsetto rings through in 'Crowded Room', which suits her voice so much. She's showing clear artistic growth and I'm so happy with the album. An artpiece. Expand
  17. Jan 10, 2020
    Es demasiado artístico , todas las canciones te inspiran al igual que Selena... Valio totalmente la espera en estos 4 años Woooo Es increíble.
  18. Jan 13, 2020
    The album is brilliant! She has changed so much since Revival. It's completely different and that's why I like it.
  19. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Focado, coeso, simples, marcante e diferente. Tenho grande admiração por essa mulher e quem ela se tornou+ Expand
  20. Jan 10, 2020
    Mostra grande evolução da artista, entrega um trabalho coeso e maduro. Fala de diversos assuntos como relacionamentos, términos, superação, amizades, depressão, ansiedade e amor próprio. Gostei muito desse álbum, parabéns Selena.
  21. Jan 10, 2020
    pop perfection. absolutely wicked how good Selena Gomez plays with her sound and uses unique sounds to create meaningful and catchy music
  22. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Totally incredible Dance Again, Let Me Get Me, Ring and People You Know are the bests songs. Expand
  23. Jan 10, 2020
    Só não gostei de duas musicas, curti muito a vibe do album. Um pop bem suave é orgânico. Letras sao bem divertidas, senti uma vibe meio lana del rey e lorde. amo
  24. Jan 10, 2020
    1. Vulnerable
    2. People You Know
    3. Lose You To Love Me
    4. Dance Again
    5. A Sweeter Place
  25. Jan 11, 2020
    The best album of the year, she worked hard for this!! I’m so proud of her. Every song is so perfect!!! Dance Again needs to be the next single
  26. Feb 14, 2020
    A chill pop album filled with highlights, a different work from her previous albums.
  27. Jan 10, 2020
    Esse álbum é incrível e encantador as músicas são boas e não são nem um pouco cansativas Selena realmente impressionou
  28. Jan 10, 2020
    Consistent and cohesive album, Selena finds her own voice to sing vulnerable
  29. Jan 10, 2020
    A more organic and personal album with sounds different from his previous works
  30. Jan 10, 2020
    Rare se podría decir que es el mejor disco de Selena porqué es muy bueno en producción, vocales y letra, realmente es muy sorprendente su talento y poder, es única y amé demasiado el disco.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jan 15, 2020
    Rare continually teases intriguing forays into leftfield pop, but so many of the album’s experiments come off as just that, without ever crystallizing with memorable hooks.
  2. Jan 14, 2020
    The record she has delivered to kickstart a new decade is a career defining release, and from a pop star who is firmly back on top of her game.
  3. Jan 14, 2020
    While none of these 13 songs attempt the subtle weirdness of “Bad Liar” and the emotional thesis—self-love!—can be a bit one-note, Rare is the 27-year-old’s most cohesive record to date. ... But it’s difficult to come away from Rare with any real perspective on who Gomez is other than that she doesn’t want to be the person she was, whoever that similarly mysterious shadow was.