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  1. Jan 10, 2020
    this album is AMAZINGLY COHESIVE, it shows her most mature self & it’s a fun album. At a first listen, you’re like “oh okay, that different” but a good different. you can tell she has a lot of control over this album & her vocal growth is amazing
  2. Jan 12, 2020
    Overall a really good album , wasn't a fan of "Look at her now" 's lyric Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm , that specific lyric made the song feel out of place . but Album has really good songs in them as well . Its quite different from Selena's previous albums but good.
  3. Feb 23, 2020
    Really good album with great songs and lyrics, no doubt. But some of these are generic and in the end i do not find this album memorial. I feel like there was something missing. Something where i can say „wow“
  4. Jan 10, 2020
    Worth the wait!
    Some of my favorites are: Ring, Cut You Off, and Let Me Get Me
  5. Jan 10, 2020
    stream rareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  6. Jan 10, 2020
    Selena's best album ever! Shows growth and is very different from everything she's done! All of the songs are great! LITERALLY NO SKIPS! My favourite one is 'People You Know' . I SIMPLY LOVE THE RECORD!!!
  7. Jan 10, 2020
    Wonderful album! Definitely worth the waiting! Selena Gomez is a diva! The songs are amazing and the lyrics are beautiful! Awesome album!
  8. Jan 10, 2020
    El mejor álbum del 2020, es tan genial el álbum que te hace sentir tantas cosas. El mejor álbum de Selena e impresionante. Ella realmente dejo su alma en este hermoso álbum es una Biblia.
  9. Jan 10, 2020
    this album is amazing, the best she's ever done. she did it with all her feeling, the songs give me very good feelings. see that selena loves herself, it's amazing
  10. Jan 10, 2020
    The beats, her voice, the lyrics... it's everything perfect and more meaningful than you can imagine
  11. Jan 10, 2020
    love it everyone single part of it, selena gomez really just said **** you all and did her own thing which sounded different than her last album.

    the lyrics were so meaningful and simple like that and in her song vulnerable and a sweeter place she surprises you with where the track is going. it’s amazing people should probably give it a listen. wait and if there’s anything i would change
    love it everyone single part of it, selena gomez really just said **** you all and did her own thing which sounded different than her last album.

    the lyrics were so meaningful and simple like that and in her song vulnerable and a sweeter place she surprises you with where the track is going. it’s amazing people should probably give it a listen.
    wait and if there’s anything i would change it would the trash ass cover but any then that future grammy winning album.
  12. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. so beautiful album ,Queen is back,We love you so much.I hope next album will be like this or more powerful Expand
  13. Jan 10, 2020
    This is her 2nd album under Interscope records. This is her best album by far. Love the way she grew and the artistry of her has grown.
  14. Jan 10, 2020
    her best album, no doubt, Revival is wonderful, but she managed to excel and evolve her music. A Sweeter Place for single.
  15. Jan 10, 2020
    her best album so far, amazing production, amazing vocals, amazing lyrics.... she’s the princess of pop ofc.
  16. Jan 10, 2020
    So good So good So good So good So good So good So good So good So good So good So good So good So good So good
  17. Jan 10, 2020
    The musics are tooo exciting and it’s cool Selena this is your best album so far.. ❤️
  18. Jan 10, 2020
    Her best body of work yet each song tells a story and every single one has its own style excited to see what she does next
  19. Jan 10, 2020
    Best Album of her so far!!!! I’m so proud of Selena, she’s incredible and magic.
  20. Jan 10, 2020
    Потрясающий альбом!! Просто прекрасное звучание, не совсем привычное для Селены. Я в восторге! Весь альбом на повторе!
  21. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. selena se superou nesse álbum, perfeita e aclamada. nunca pensei que rare iria superar o revival maa tomei na cara Expand
  22. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Bom para caral**, Selena trouxe neste álbum um completo hinário, expondo seu antigo eu. Expand
  23. Jan 12, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I really liked the Rare album, in it Selena conveys everything that she experienced in a difficult period of her life, you can get healing from this album. All the songs from the album are chic, original and original in style. The Rare album exceeded all my expectations and gave me much more than I expected to receive. My favorites from the album at the moment are: Ring, Kinda Crazy, People you know. One of the best her albums. Expand
  24. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best album ever!! Every song is not only BOPS but they actually mean something and you feel connected to them unlike many others... Expand
  25. Jan 10, 2020
    selena gomez coma meu cu por favor você é tudo pra mim. 4 anos esperando esse álbum e valeu muito a pena, você é a fada da música
  26. Jan 10, 2020
    well it is the best thing she has ever done this album seriously has zero skip.
  27. Jan 10, 2020
    Rare is one of the best albums ever released. Selena has shown artistry, growth, versatility, talent and creativity. This album deserves to be rated 100 for its meaning and really translating feeling into music, in a way that sounds good. Other artists need to take notes.
  28. Feb 18, 2020
    This is what I’ve been waiting for. Not only as someone who appreciates her work but as a pop music enthusiast. Her best work HANDS down! I love how she tries to experiment new sounds but it still has that "thing" that is proper to her. Seriously, no skips at all. And what i appreciate the most is that there are songs for every mood you’re in. 10/10, perfect.
  29. Jan 10, 2020
    Different sounds, touching lyrics, every song tells a story and makes you feel something! Honestly her best album! She grow up as a person and as an artist! Love everything about Rare!
  30. Jan 10, 2020
    It‘s literally her BEST!! She really did something so new and inspiring and I LOVE it honestly!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jan 15, 2020
    Rare continually teases intriguing forays into leftfield pop, but so many of the album’s experiments come off as just that, without ever crystallizing with memorable hooks.
  2. Jan 14, 2020
    The record she has delivered to kickstart a new decade is a career defining release, and from a pop star who is firmly back on top of her game.
  3. Jan 14, 2020
    While none of these 13 songs attempt the subtle weirdness of “Bad Liar” and the emotional thesis—self-love!—can be a bit one-note, Rare is the 27-year-old’s most cohesive record to date. ... But it’s difficult to come away from Rare with any real perspective on who Gomez is other than that she doesn’t want to be the person she was, whoever that similarly mysterious shadow was.