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  1. Jun 5, 2020
    One of the best albums released this year. Very underrated and overlooked album by the gp, which is unfortunate because of how good it is. Had Selena and her team paid a little more attention to promoting it could be a lot bigger than it already is.
  2. Jan 10, 2020
    After 5 years Miss Gomez gave us this Perfect album. All track are bop and no skips. Dance Again, Rare (song) and Lose u to love me are very powerful. I hope that she’ll give us in another album sounds like Rare/Revival. Love u Selena from bottom of my Heart.
  3. Jun 3, 2020
    Her best album, cohesive and with a new sound for her. The worst songs are surprisingly the singles.
  4. Jun 3, 2020
    It is the best album Selena Gomez has ever put out It's so RARE and we're so grateful for it
    Best Picks 1 Rare
    2 Lose You To Love Me 3 Ring 4 Crowded Room 5 Vulnerable 6 Sweeter Place 7 Cut You Off 8 Let Me Get Me 9 Look At Her Now In conclusion all the songs are my top picks and every single song should go platinum if it were a single #JanuarybelongstoRARE Damn good One of the
    It is the best album Selena Gomez has ever put out It's so RARE and we're so grateful for it
    Best Picks 1 Rare
    2 Lose You To Love Me
    3 Ring
    4 Crowded Room
    5 Vulnerable 6 Sweeter Place
    7 Cut You Off 8 Let Me Get Me
    9 Look At Her Now
    In conclusion all the songs are my top picks and every single song should go platinum if it were a single
    Damn good
    One of the top 20 albums in the last 10 years
    Each song is a bop and a banger at the same time Love you Selena for putting out empowering music I cried when I heard it for the first time
  5. Jun 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Every last second of the 4+ year wait was worth it! This album is a beautiful piece of art and it’s one of my favorites ever. It has NO SKIPS, including the Deluxe version! Some of the highlights include Boyfriend, Lose You To Love Me, Rare, Souvenir, Look At Her Now, Crowded Room (feat. 6LACK), Vulnerable, A Sweeter Place (feat. Kid Cudi), and Feel Me. (Or maybe even just the whole damn track list, ALL 17 songs lol). It is Selena’s best body of work and her voice sounds angelic! You can tell she really took her time to make this album the best she possibly could and she shows a lot of artistic growth. The album feels very cohesive as a whole even though no 2 songs sound the same and she explores different genres throughout the album. The production, lyrics, and vocals are all AMAZING and make this album very special and RARE!! Expand
  6. Jun 2, 2020
    In a liquid vision like mercury, Selena makes her animated show of great developments in the arrangements. Rare behaves like a manual on how to find, rediscover and love yourself. It is not easy to be honest and vulnerable, but that is what we are all the time. Bringing a taste of cohesion, Selena tastes love and frustration, pain and fire. This is like being a human being capable ofIn a liquid vision like mercury, Selena makes her animated show of great developments in the arrangements. Rare behaves like a manual on how to find, rediscover and love yourself. It is not easy to be honest and vulnerable, but that is what we are all the time. Bringing a taste of cohesion, Selena tastes love and frustration, pain and fire. This is like being a human being capable of recognizing its ups and downs. Expand
  7. Jun 1, 2020
    Best album ever, about Self Love.❤ She has become such a great artist over these years, and I am so proud and happy that I stan her....
  8. May 31, 2020
    Amazing album!
    Every track is meaningful and really powerful. The lyrics to the songs are insanely good.
    A pop gift
  9. May 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Muy buen álbum, increíble regreso, solo le falta tener más promoción, ya que una artista tan influyente como lo es Selena Gomez, debería tener mejores números. Expand
  10. May 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Selena gomez eu te amo eu esperei tanto por esse álbum maravilhoso sem nenhum defeito ♡ Expand
  11. May 30, 2020
    this album is everything pop music is supposed to be; fun, catchy, and relatable. her sound has completely changed from the sound she presented with her previous album "Revival", which shows that she is a true versatile artist. 100% recommend giving "Rare" a listen!
  12. May 30, 2020
    Rare is the best album ever Selena is the queen of music Selena is the queen of music Selena is the queen of music Selena is the queen of music Selena is the queen of music Selena is the queen of music Selena is the queen of music Selena is the queen of music Selena is the queen of music Selena is the queen of music Selena is the queen of music
  13. May 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album slapped so hard I proud of you selena for made this masterpiece:) Expand
  14. May 30, 2020
    rare by selena gomez? an amazing example of how pop music is supposed to be. selena took a risk and every song is so different. i love it
  15. May 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A good pop album coming from Selena Gomez. Most of the tracks is surely eligible to be a single and become a radio hit, with no doubts. Expand
  16. May 29, 2020
    Amazing album, queen did not disappoint as always. Stream Rare, Future Nostalgia, Lover and Chromatica.
  17. May 25, 2020
    Completo, emocional, escrito con sentimiento y precisión, original, diverso, y producido con gran profesionalismo. Luego de 4 años de tantos altos y bajos desde su última producción "Revival", a sus 27 años, Gomez ha logrado superarse y atraverse ha cosas que no habría hecho antes. "Rare", sin duda, es uno de los mejores albumes de los últimos tiempos que ,estoy seguro, no sólo logró granCompleto, emocional, escrito con sentimiento y precisión, original, diverso, y producido con gran profesionalismo. Luego de 4 años de tantos altos y bajos desde su última producción "Revival", a sus 27 años, Gomez ha logrado superarse y atraverse ha cosas que no habría hecho antes. "Rare", sin duda, es uno de los mejores albumes de los últimos tiempos que ,estoy seguro, no sólo logró gran éxito comercial tras debutar en la cima del Billboard 200, sino que es simplemente una pieza maestra de la música, que conserva una fragilidad y delicadeza a pesar del viaje y la historia detrás del mismo que, por sí solo, muestra las diferentes facetas de una persona con una fortaleza y claridad que es difícil encontrar actualmente, este es sin duda un gran respiro de la tendencia actual, pues en vez de usar conceptos modernos que fastidian los oídos, Selena decidió conquistar hablando sobre sí misma, cosa que ha resultado excelente para estar identificado y sentirse como uno en un millón. El album comienza con el sencillo que titula al mismo, un canto de amor propio que termina por cautivar con la filosofía de ser único y excepcional aunque nadie lo vea. El segundo en la lista, Dance Again es un baile disco-pop pegadizo que nos invita a seguirlo con una melodía inconfundible. Look At Her Now es himno icónico de feminismo y poder, cien por ciento bailable, que recuerda que siempre se puede subir desde el fondo aún con todo en contra. Obviamente no se puede olvidar al número 1 en el Billboard Hot 100, Lose You To Love Me, una balada hecha obra de arte sobre una relación amorosa a la que por fin se le dice adiós. Respecto a las demás pistas. En Ring, la palabra misma pierde el significado a lo largo de la letra y música, impregnadas del ritmo latino como su hermana, Let Me Get Me que es inconfundible por su acentuada letra y acústica de baile movido. Obviamente no se pueden terminar de resaltar cada canción, Cut You Off, fue uno de los muchos cambios en la música de Gomez al incluir la guitarra eléctrica y transformarlo en una pista agradable aunque simple. Kinda Crazy experimenta con la trompeta y un gran brillo tecnológico junto a otros instrumentos, lo mismo que Fun, sin trompeta pero divertida y fresca. People You Know es simple, con letra y ritmo interesantes que funciona al crear una melodía única y seria. Crowded Room funciona como la introducción de Gomez al R&B mostrando un buen comienzo que se complementa con la voz de 6lack siendo la primera colaboración del disco. A Sweteer Place es Gomez en su estilo alternativo más oscuro y profundo emocionalmente de la mano de Kid Cudi, convirtiendo a la canción en la segunda colaoración. Vulnerable es la mejor de las pistas, son los temores mismos de Gomez presentados en un bella canción, con una melodía celestial y una letra que penetra como cuchillo, siendo única, emotiva, fresca y hermosamente una maestría musical subestimada. Finalmente sobra decir que Gomez tomó todo su ser, y lo volvió un disco personal que te llega al corazón y con el que te puedes identificar. Rare es el album del año. Expand
  18. May 24, 2020
    I think this album is really show how to love yourself, from the lyrics are really meaningful.
  19. May 14, 2020
    One of the most original, creative, and self-confident pop-album by far. Selena really gave us a complete album and let the world know her value. The lyrics are deep, intense, and truthful. She proved that now she is no longer a Disney girl but a strong woman that recognize how much she means for herself
  20. May 12, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album shows how much Selena has grown as an artist. Every song on this record is amazing. Expand
  21. May 4, 2020
    A beautiful, honest and pure album. Selena put on this work a lot of truth. This is a genuine masterpiece!!!!
  22. May 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Rare es un álbum súper llamativo y una pequeña entrada a lo alternativo aunque es pop Expand
  23. May 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un excelente álbum, un disco bueno desde principio a fin, con una buena linea de tiempo, es algo que podríamos escuchar hasta 3 veces seguidas, pero no más con todas las canciones, hay grandes hits, como "Vulnerable" "A Sweeter Place" o "Crowned Room" Expand
  24. Apr 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album contains new sounds from Selena and is mainly about healing and discovering yourself and realising that no one is like you. It's also about embracing positivity and letting go of the past and going forward into the future Expand
  25. Jan 10, 2020
    BEAUTIFUL, her best album so far, that vocals and production is the best, I’m so proud, I can relate to every song
  26. Apr 15, 2020
    rare is an amazing album. every song is absolutely perfect and you can tell gomez really put her blood, sweat, tears, heart, and soul into this album. the deluxe songs are the cherries on top for this album, she had shown up and served! my top 3 songs include vulnerable, feel me, and a sweeter place.
  27. Apr 14, 2020
    This album has a few catchy songs, but is mostly made up of pretty generic songs. I wouldn't say the album is very creative or original. My favorite song on the album is "Rare." I enjoyed the album, but mostly thought it was just alright.
  28. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best album ever. I am obsessed with all tracks on this album. Very very worth for buying it..Love it so much Expand
  29. Apr 12, 2020
    Bem trabalhado, original, pessoal, boas composições, produção impecável.......
  30. Apr 9, 2020
    1.Rare 8/10: A forma em que Selena se revolta contra seu amor e também reconhece que é tão especial dá um ar de angustia para a música titilo do álbum, pois ela implora que ele reconheça que ela é tão rara, e ela mesmo reconhece isso, não se deixando por baixo.

    2.Dance Again 8/10: Essa faixa certamente fala sobre momentos difíceis da vida de Selena, e também sobre seu recomeço onde ela
    1.Rare 8/10: A forma em que Selena se revolta contra seu amor e também reconhece que é tão especial dá um ar de angustia para a música titilo do álbum, pois ela implora que ele reconheça que ela é tão rara, e ela mesmo reconhece isso, não se deixando por baixo.

    2.Dance Again 8/10: Essa faixa certamente fala sobre momentos difíceis da vida de Selena, e também sobre seu recomeço onde ela se vê com novos sentimentos e mais experiente, finalmente se sente bem para dançar novamente.

    3.Look At Her Now 9/10: Essa música nos leva um pouco de volta a faixa rare, onde temos Selena sofrendo por algum tempo, novamente por um grande amor, mas poxa olhe ela agora.

    4.Lose You To Love Me 10/10: Aqui vemos Selena novamente se remoendo por um amor não correspondido, mas tentando se reerguer, conseguindo abrir mão de uma pessoa que amava, para se amar.

    5.Ring 3/10: Finalmente temos os papeis invertidos e vemos uma Selena totalmente diferente do começo do álbum, onde dessa vez quem estava com o coração partido está partindo o coração de multidões.

    6.Vulnerable 7/10: Na faixa vemos Selena se abrindo e se mostrando da forma mais pura para seu amor, questiona se ele seria capaz de aceitar e capaz de passar por toda essa confusão por seu amor.

    7.People You Know 9/10: Nessa faixa vemos uma Selena ressentida, como se seu grande amor, que já foi a pessoa que ela tanto amou, e tanto foi intima hoje é alguém que ela não conhece.

    8.Let Me Get Me 9/10: Vemos Selena em um momento em que cansou de sofrer como nas músicas anteriores, desligando seus sentimentos por uma noite e se permitindo ser feliz, depois de tudo que foi retratado nas músicas anteriores.

    9.Crowded Room 8/10: Selena se mostra apaixonada nessa faixa, tendo apenas olhos para seu amado, mesmo com tanta outra pessoa ao seu lado, e quando 6LACK começa a cantar vemos que finalmente o amor de Selena foi correspondido.

    10.Kinda Crazy 7/10: Vemos Selena abrindo seus olhos para um amor que já não está mais como era antes, e podemos sentir também sua frustração com esse amor, pois não foi ela quem deu o primeiro passo.

    11.Fun 7/10: Retrata nessa musica uma paixão ou um amor, não conseguimos entender bem, mas algo que é divertido algo leve, que faz bem.

    12.Cut You Off 10/10: Essa música retrata bem o álbum todo, pois Selena chega ao seu momento de revolta onde se vê necessitada de cortar esse amor toxico fora.

    13.A Sweeter Place 10/10: Vemos aqui a evolução de Selena onde ela retrata que acordou e finalmente está sentindo suas emoções como devem ser, ela passa uma paz nessa música, onde encerra o álbum mostrando que está melhor que nunca e com sua vida e com sigo mesma.
  31. Apr 9, 2020
    This is the best album I have ever listened and Rare is the best song ever.Songs like Vulnerable and Sweeter Place are treasures.Songs like Dance Again and Look At Her Now are also great.
  32. Apr 7, 2020
    She’s so in touch with herself now and her music reflects that. Selena has found her new tone and she seems passionate about every single song. She’s been on a journey of self-love and it seems she finally found it.
  33. Mar 26, 2020
    a really great album, full of bops after bops not one skip, if u listen to it with an open mind you will love it as well
  34. Mar 30, 2020
    The best female singer of your generation!!
    The best female singer of your generation!
  35. Mar 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Selena launched something cohesive. tasty to hear and perfect for those who like romantic ballads and dances! This is perfect. Expand
  36. Mar 28, 2020
    Selena finally is finding her way in music. She's mature and her music is well developed. It's her best album. Loved the melodies, and THE LYRICS. well written, well produced. Amazing album.
    best songs: Ring, People you Know, Let me get me.
  37. Mar 27, 2020
    Just too Good, Ms Gomez never miss, clear example on how much someone can evolve, so excited for the nexxt work and what she is gonna deliver, for now just enjoying this gem, let me get me and lose you to love me are highlight of the album.
  38. Mar 27, 2020
    It’s definitely her best album. The sound, the lyrics, her vocals are exceptional. It’s something different coming from her. From different sounds going from 80s vibes like Ring to more electronic music like People you Know.
  39. Mar 26, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. a different album with unique rhythms and vocal enhancement a simply fabulous and rare album Expand
  40. Mar 26, 2020
    Fresh sound, style, unique voice. Is worth every single second we waited. The best pop album released this new decade so far.
  41. Mar 26, 2020
    sem perder a essência, Selena apresenta um trabalho lapidado e sofisticado, classificado por mim como chique. Trazendo referências da música latina, do r&b, elétrica e entre outras, "Rare" é um impressionante capítulo da vida da artista.
  42. Mar 26, 2020
    Amazing!!! This album is beautiful and meaningful. Lose you to love me is the strongest song on the album. Love love. Selena is so loving & everything. She deserves everything. She needs Grammys for this album!!!❤️
  43. Mar 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Não é um dos mais memorável mais é o melhor lançamento que ela já teve. Além de um super rit como Lose You to Love me tem músicas bem gostosas de ser ouvir com dance again Expand
  44. Mar 17, 2020
    The greatest Selena's album!!
    Rare is unique, fresh, sweet. Specially "A Sweeter Place", "Rare", "Cut you Off"
    A sweet treasure. The whole album is magic
  45. Mar 6, 2020
    Every song on here is so good, I repeat every song, there are no skips on this album!
  46. Mar 6, 2020
    Um álbum perfeito, totalmente coeso e com uma sonoridade única. Claramente a princesa do pop
  47. Feb 27, 2020
    La evolución no solo en su música, si no también en su vida y forma de vivirla se ve reflejada en este disco, con una montaña rusa de sonidos que no dejan de hacerte sentir empoderada y más positiva que nunca. Simplemente una obra de arte.
  48. Feb 26, 2020
    Best album yet good to actually see an album out there with meaning and her story telling is my favourite part.
  49. Feb 24, 2020
    Rare is an album that defiantly looks forward and is rooted in positivity. Not one to wallow, Gomez would prefer to dance away her heartache. The result is a collection that offers a perfectly balanced mix of exuberant bangers, like the sashaying carefree ebullience of Dance Again, mixed with down tempo slow jams like Kinda Crazy that offer numerous subtle and compelling melodic twists and turns.
  50. Feb 23, 2020
    Really good album with great songs and lyrics, no doubt. But some of these are generic and in the end i do not find this album memorial. I feel like there was something missing. Something where i can say „wow“
  51. Feb 22, 2020
    Good album. This album has dedication, creativity and love. Awesome album about moving on after a heartbreak, lose you to love me is a great song. It's awesome and Selena really worked hard on this album. Yes, it is mainstream but her voice and meaning of the songs dont make it that bad, would love if this album had more different songs since 80% of it is about heartbreak but still great.
  52. Feb 22, 2020
    best álbum jxjddjxkxkxxkdkdkdkkskskskikiikkjgfrrrrtyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiio
  53. Feb 17, 2020
    Honestly, the best ever album I've ever heard from her. Starting from her vocals, to her soothing voice, every song in that album is a bop. People have their most favourite to their least favourite from that album, but nobody hates any of the songs from that. This album shows her growth from throughout the years and how she have dodged a lot of bullets and came out as a strong woman thatHonestly, the best ever album I've ever heard from her. Starting from her vocals, to her soothing voice, every song in that album is a bop. People have their most favourite to their least favourite from that album, but nobody hates any of the songs from that. This album shows her growth from throughout the years and how she have dodged a lot of bullets and came out as a strong woman that she is. She delivered us a whole masterpiece and I'm proud of you sel. Love you to the moon and back and forever Expand
  54. Feb 14, 2020
    Stream rare as you should
    Love you baby love hhhhhhuuuummmmmmmmooooooooooo00000
  55. Feb 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Overall a solid pop album that tells the journey of a girl who grew and matured after overcoming heartbreak. The biggest let down for me was the lack of variety in sound - she could have explored other genres and still have a cohesive piece of work. Nevertheless it's an easy listen...just nothing overly memorable. Expand
  56. Feb 21, 2020
    My expectations were higher but you still managed to surprise me and I loved the production and lyrics of this album. WE LOVE YOU SELENA.
  57. Feb 21, 2020
    Great Album every song sounds like a single, and it tells a story, and sends a very special message. In LOVE with this Album.
  58. Feb 21, 2020
    Real grower . I like when an album has a distinct sound and Gomez does that well
  59. Feb 19, 2020
    Amazing. Every song on the album is different and experimental. Album of the year.
  60. Feb 18, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the best. It really stands out and shows the power that Selena has. Amazing work. Expand
  61. Feb 14, 2020
    El album es muy bueno es un sonido diferente y las letras estan pegajosas. Me encanta a sweeter place...
  62. Feb 18, 2020
    HER BEST ALBUM ! Absolute masterpiece. all of the songs are unique and beautiful. From the confident boosting bops such as let me get me, look at her now, and ring, to the beautiful ballads and slower songs such as lose you to love me and vulnerable, she really outdid herself with vocals, lyrics and meaning, production and the music. a true work of art, powerful and reflecting her life. AHER BEST ALBUM ! Absolute masterpiece. all of the songs are unique and beautiful. From the confident boosting bops such as let me get me, look at her now, and ring, to the beautiful ballads and slower songs such as lose you to love me and vulnerable, she really outdid herself with vocals, lyrics and meaning, production and the music. a true work of art, powerful and reflecting her life. A SWEETER PLACE is the most beautiful song to conclude the album. I could not recommend enough. Expand
  63. Feb 18, 2020
    This album has no skips. Production, lyrics, vocals are all well done. My favorites are Crowded Room and Sweeter Places.
  64. Feb 18, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Su mejor álbum hasta ahora!! "Vulnerable" y "Lose You To Love Me" son mis favoritas Expand
  65. Feb 18, 2020
    This album really shows growth. Sounds are different from her past work, there are no skips in my opinion. I never really cared about Selena Gomez but this album is highly remarkable, different from all these young pop stars that are sounding all the same lately.
  66. Feb 18, 2020
    Definitely not a bad album. Gomez shows a side of herself that is more genuine and vulnerable than her previous works, but many songs still feel like they are losing that emotion to try and get yet another hit song.
  67. Feb 18, 2020
    This is what I’ve been waiting for. Not only as someone who appreciates her work but as a pop music enthusiast. Her best work HANDS down! I love how she tries to experiment new sounds but it still has that "thing" that is proper to her. Seriously, no skips at all. And what i appreciate the most is that there are songs for every mood you’re in. 10/10, perfect.
  68. Feb 18, 2020
    A álbum full of magic, I love everything in this álbum and I love her, she has been pass trough a lot and I happy that she made this.
  69. Feb 18, 2020
    Best album selena! Every single lyrics so deep and meaningful. So interesting! Nice job!!
  70. Feb 17, 2020
    Selena gomez album inspired me so much. I like rare, a sweeter place and cut you off. This women deserve anything. Yes gomez!
  71. Feb 17, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is so good. So inspiring and deep. The lyrics is great. Good job selena! Expand
  72. Feb 17, 2020
    An album full of inspiration. Beautifully written and sang. A must listen album. The songs helped me fighting my worse fears like social anxiety. Thank you Selena Gomez.
  73. Feb 17, 2020
    It's the best album of her. I know it's fully autotuned but still I love it. And the tracks are unique.
  74. Feb 17, 2020
    This is Selena's best album so far. Though I wish there was something new to her vocals rather than just her typical soft voice, but I think she did very well with this album. I am impressed.
  75. Feb 17, 2020
    Amazing album. I love every song❤️ Selena is growing with her voice every album and I’m so proud of her.
  76. Feb 17, 2020
    Love the newfound sounds of her voice. Full of meaningful lyrics, from dance to chill in your car music. Thank you for the fresh start of the year in music.
  77. Jan 10, 2020
    Different sounds, touching lyrics, every song tells a story and makes you feel something! Honestly her best album! She grow up as a person and as an artist! Love everything about Rare!
  78. Feb 17, 2020
    ( 76/100 )

    Es un momento interesante para las cantantes de Pop, pues entre Ariana Grande, Camila Cabello, Taylor Swift y otras mujeres de la industria, Selena Gomez no se queda atrás en dar su propia visión del genero. "Rare" no es perfecto y mucho menos trascendental, pero con letras romantizadas y más de 20 productores en los que destacan Mattman & Robin, Jon Bellion y The Monsters &
    ( 76/100 )

    Es un momento interesante para las cantantes de Pop, pues entre Ariana Grande, Camila Cabello, Taylor Swift y otras mujeres de la industria, Selena Gomez no se queda atrás en dar su propia visión del genero. "Rare" no es perfecto y mucho menos trascendental, pero con letras romantizadas y más de 20 productores en los que destacan Mattman & Robin, Jon Bellion y The Monsters & Strangers, Selena presenta un lindo, amigable y accesible álbum que se puede disfrutar por arriba del promedio.
    It's an interesting moment for Pop singers, and in between singers like Ariana Grande, Camila Cabello, Taylor Swift and other women of the industry, Selena Gomez doesn't stay behind in giving her own vision of Pop. "Rare" is not perfect and much less transcendental, but with romanticized lyrics and more than 20 producers in which Mattman & Robin, Jon Bellion y The Monsters & Strangers stand out, Selen presents a cute, friendly and accessible album that can be enjoyed above average.
  79. Feb 16, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I think this album broke all the expectations we had about Selena, it is an album with spectacular sounds and lyrics, without neglecting the prominence that Gomez has in each song with his particular voice. It is a new Selena, it is a definitely different era and since Revival, she is renewing with her music and proving that she is one of the greatest pop singers of the moment. He achieved her first number one with "Lose You To Love Me", a song in which she left her heart. She is a big one. Expand
  80. Feb 16, 2020
    Selena has evolved in terms of her musical career, this album has great melodies with lyrics that tell a story, something new in Miss Gomez, perhaps the best album of her career fighting with her predecessor, "Revival".
  81. Feb 16, 2020
    She did THAT. Every time she comes back stronger, better & with way more maturity in her songs. I’m so proud of her. Rare is beautiful. Rare makes you feel beautiful.
    So many emotions that it literally speaks for you.
  82. Feb 16, 2020
    Me encanto, realmente es un álbum con muy buenas letras, tiene un gran ritmo, las canciones te envuelven y son geniales, es un gran regreso
  83. Feb 16, 2020
    There are absolutely no skips at all. Beautiful vocals and amazing production. Lyrics are meaningful and well written
  84. Feb 16, 2020
    So good. Every song is well done. I love dancing to this album. People only see who she is so they push aside her work. This album deserves better. More music please.
  85. Jan 26, 2020
    The album is very pleasing. Selena has done some experiments which make her peace of work unique. The message is great and all the tracks are relatable with great lyrics and interesting production.
  86. Jan 10, 2020
    Her best album till date. Selena found her sound on this record. It's really rare to see pop stars who came from kids shows on Disney or Nickelodeon evolve this much in each project, and Gomez did it so perfectly. By far, her best, her most cohesive, most vulnerable, honest, fun body of work. Anyone who wants to kick off the world of trap music and generics sounds should check this out.
  87. Feb 15, 2020
  88. Feb 15, 2020
    An amazing album. Revival is still my favorite body of work from her, but this album really showed off her experimental side. The lyrical content and honesty along with the diverse production makes it a truly iconic album.
  89. Jan 12, 2020
    Pop perfection. Rare, vulnerable, let me get me, ring are masterpieces. Selena is a master pop gir.
  90. Feb 15, 2020
    SIMPLEMENTE PERFECTO!!! no hay nada más que agregar. STREAM RARE !!! Selena te amo.
  91. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best album I've heard, I love this new face of Selena, the best of the whole album is the deep lyrics, the production is beautiful, without a doubt the album deserved more from critics. Expand
  92. Feb 15, 2020
    Good songs, make you wanna dance The songs stuck in your head all the time
  93. Feb 15, 2020
    Selenas best album, hands down. There is not a skip in this masterpiece. Just put on repeat and listen all day.
  94. Feb 15, 2020
    É um bom álbum pop. Com músicas intimistas e dançantes. Nunca tinha ouvido Selena e bom uma boa primeira impressão.
  95. Feb 15, 2020
    After 5 years it was worth the wait. Selena Gomez came out with bangers on this album.
  96. Feb 15, 2020
    Amazing album! Every song sounds great..
    It was all definitely worth the wait!
  97. Jan 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I waited almost 5 years for this album and what I can say is that every moment was worth it, Rare is perfect, since Revival came out in 2015 Selena grew musically in terms of her lyrics and her style and tells her story in these 13 songs. Expand
  98. Jan 10, 2020
    The perfect masterpiece to start the year and the decade, this princess of pop did it again, thank u Selegend
  99. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. so beautiful album ,Queen is back,We love you so much.I hope next album will be like this or more powerful Expand
  100. Feb 15, 2020
    Absolutely the best Selena Gomez album thus far, most songs are relatable and yet still fun.. only one or two songs that may not up to par but overall this album is a masterpiece.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jan 15, 2020
    Rare continually teases intriguing forays into leftfield pop, but so many of the album’s experiments come off as just that, without ever crystallizing with memorable hooks.
  2. Jan 14, 2020
    The record she has delivered to kickstart a new decade is a career defining release, and from a pop star who is firmly back on top of her game.
  3. Jan 14, 2020
    While none of these 13 songs attempt the subtle weirdness of “Bad Liar” and the emotional thesis—self-love!—can be a bit one-note, Rare is the 27-year-old’s most cohesive record to date. ... But it’s difficult to come away from Rare with any real perspective on who Gomez is other than that she doesn’t want to be the person she was, whoever that similarly mysterious shadow was.