• Record Label: Anti-
  • Release Date: Jun 21, 2019

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. 90
    The album just takes you to the place in your brain where everything is just fine.
  2. Aug 8, 2019
    The whole record feels like an artist capturing his moment, building on the foundations laid in Vol. 1 to create something even better. Sonically similar, yet richer, there's a confidence here that shines brighter right from the stunning "In a Moment" to the heart-meltingly beautiful musical interlude "Heaven for Meg."
  3. Jul 11, 2019
    The album evokes images of oceans, lakes and rivers in not only the album art, song titles and lyrics, but also in the overall atmosphere. Songs fluctuate like water, varying from tumultuous and joyous to still and tranquil. They flow with ease.
  4. Jun 21, 2019
    Parry's work here is sombre yet uplifting, as he goes after the hard stuff with impassioned resolve and a rich and varied musical landscape (there are maybe a million instruments employed on this out-of-genre release) that is as singular as it can be.
  5. Uncut
    Jun 21, 2019
    It's a(nother) set of hushed, impressionistic tracks tapping the British folk tradition, digital psychedelia, Talk Talk and Japanese death poems. [Aug 2019, p.36]
  6. Jun 21, 2019
    In opting for a ruminative approach, Parry has crafted more of a guided meditation than a cosmopolitan fun house, resulting in a collection of songs that often feel less tangible than those that populated its antecedent. Still, it's an ambitious work that is undeniably widescreen, but far removed from the grandiose chamber rock of his meal-ticket band. It celebrates family, self, friendship, and the existential pain and wonder of life.

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