
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Jul 14, 2020
    The album is the sort of ridiculous over-commitment to a style that is appealing and fun to hear, even if it's not great.
  2. 60
    The lyrics to the album’s title track might undercut the fantasy of a luxe life, but the music is all opulence. Disco strings scythe; backing vocals dissolve into spatially aware stereo pans. Everything is buttery; only once does Lovett jump the shark, on Opening Night’s space-prog-funk solo.
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  1. Positive: 1 out of 2
  2. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Feb 2, 2021
    ( 87/100 )

    NZCA Lines es la banda fundada por Michael Lovett de Inglaterra y su nuevo álbum "Pure Luxury" me atrapa eternamente en una de
    ( 87/100 )

    NZCA Lines es la banda fundada por Michael Lovett de Inglaterra y su nuevo álbum "Pure Luxury" me atrapa eternamente en una de las mejores producciones del año. Así es, sin miedo y sin escrúpulos, este Indie Pop presenta una creatividad e ingenio inigualable. La originalidad y frescura en todo este álbum se expresa con fuerza y energía, innovación y diversión. El entretenimiento que cada canción comparte es espectacular. La única desventaja es que, aún en las canciones con más fuerza o energía, se siente que todavía hay un golpe sorpresa oculto aún más grande, y eso es lo que mantiene intrigado con NZCA Lines. Como si esto solo fuera un poco de lo que la banda puede ser capaz, tengo la esperanza de ver aquello tan increíble que parecen guardar para cuando estén listos para presentarlo. Por ahora, este pedazo de su camino es solo un hermoso y genial preludio de una promesa que se siente inimaginable.
    NZCA Lines is the band founded by Michael Lovett of England and his new album “Pure Luxury” holds me eternally in one of the best productions of the year. That’s right, without fear and scruples, this Indie-Pop presents creativity and ingenuity like any other. The originality and freshness in the whole album express itself with strength and energy, with innovation and fun. The entertainment that each song shares is spectacular. The only disadvantage is that, even in the most strong and energetic songs, they feel like there is a hidden surprise punch even bigger, and that is what keeps me intrigued with NZCA Lines. As if this is just a little piece of what the band is capable of, I hope to see the amazing things that they seem to be saving for the moment they are ready to present it. For now, this piece of their path is just a beautiful and great prelude of a promise that feels unimaginable.
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