
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Mar 3, 2017
    There are no beats, just dynamic peaks and troughs, and the hugely textural and evocative results are unsettling yet absorbing.
  2. Feb 1, 2017
    Far from ordinary, Pure, Beyond Reproach is a trippy, dreamlike album that finds Egyptrixx further abandoning dance music conventions, resulting in some of his most fascinating work yet.
  3. Feb 1, 2017
    From the zany club outings of his 2010 to 2011 releases with Night Slugs to the more restrained and conceptualised LPs of recent years, each record has been a milestone in the development of this most remarkable musician--his latest album being no exception.
  4. Feb 3, 2017
    Like E+E's The Light That You Gave Me To See You, Egyptrixx's latest brings an element of the human and the mundane into his epic, depopulated landscapes. His harsher records were more impressive, but this one invites affection.
  5. Feb 1, 2017
    That was a problem on Psutka’s last couple of albums, too; his concepts are stronger than his editing skills. Still, taken in moderate doses, it’s a strangely moving portrait of ecological collapse translated into sound.
  6. Feb 27, 2017
    On earlier albums, Egyptrixx proved the possibilities, but Pure, Beyond Reproach doesn’t live up to its predecessors.
  7. Feb 1, 2017
    Pure, Beyond Reproach feels lost and directionless at times.

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