
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. 90
    While filled with warm analog electronics and is borderline ambient, Thomas manages to execute it in a tasteful way.
  2. It’s Thomas’s guilt-free love of mavericks past that lends such evocative warmth and unusual spontaneity to a fascinating album that could have been pure self-indulgence.
  3. The vibe is overwhelmingly positive, not to mention a bit woozy - ideal to take the edge off a hard day and turn it into a good evening.
  4. Q Magazine
    Orkenvandring and Sauerkraut evoke the motorik thrum and ringing guitar melodies of Neu!, splashed with Balearic colour and cloosely attuned to the squishy ambience of the hour just before dawn. [May 2010, p.125]
  5. Space is undoubtedly the place here, and if at times you’re left floating, it’s balanced out by lots of good loopy vibes and a couple of jaw-dropping moments of inspiration.
  6. Thomas’ own music is more discursive, and this solo debut (seven tracks, 60 minutes) has its whimsical, proggy longueurs.
  7. While this record may not be one that I listen to end to end, over and over, there is little doubt that it is the perfect soundtrack to a serendipitous, still-to-come, drive into the unknown.
  8. It's best to think of Prins Thomas not as a speedbump but as another iteration, slightly undercooked, of his still-developing style.
  9. Melody and groove are secondary, and as for conventional song structure--forget it, because everything gets lost in an echoey miasma. Despite all that, the compositions do retain the capacity to beguile--if you have the time to let them.
  10. Uncut
    Texturally, the mood is one of warm, sensual dreaminess, of hushed vocals and woozy analogue synth. Prins Thomas isn't, though, wanting of strong grooves. [May 2010, p.102]

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