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Universal acclaim- based on 95 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 80 out of 95
  2. Negative: 9 out of 95
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  1. Jun 15, 2018
    A fantastic album that is emotional as it is impressive. Would definitely recommend.
  2. Jun 15, 2018
    Rating : 10/10
    One thing that impressed me the most about this amazing album is the fact that there are NO bad songs, not even a single one can be deemed even average. Every track stands out on it's own and tells it's own story. It's 16 stages of grief for Shinoda, who begins this masterpiece with the underlying theme of total lack of control and the confusion felt at the loss of a loved
    Rating : 10/10
    One thing that impressed me the most about this amazing album is the fact that there are NO bad songs, not even a single one can be deemed even average. Every track stands out on it's own and tells it's own story. It's 16 stages of grief for Shinoda, who begins this masterpiece with the underlying theme of total lack of control and the confusion felt at the loss of a loved one. The tone gradually changes and becomes more resilient and confident, captured in this lyric later on in the album : "I am feeling **** fantastic!". All in all, a cathartic and emotional ride, a must-hear for Linkin Park fans and everyone who loves good emotional music.
    Standout tracks: Running From My Shadow, Over Again, Crossing A Line, Promises I Can't Keep, Hold It Together
  3. Jun 16, 2018
    Really love the album, I want to give it a 9.5 but of course you cant do that and I am just not confident enough in giving this a ten until future repeated listens, but this album is really strong. The main red flag coming into this was my fear that the album might be kind of corny, that has plagued some of his raps on Linkin Park albums in the past so it definitely did worry me. But onReally love the album, I want to give it a 9.5 but of course you cant do that and I am just not confident enough in giving this a ten until future repeated listens, but this album is really strong. The main red flag coming into this was my fear that the album might be kind of corny, that has plagued some of his raps on Linkin Park albums in the past so it definitely did worry me. But on this album he actually does not rap on every track, some of them are singing tracks and he can sing reasonably well so this works. Moreover because it is not oversaturated with his raps it feels like his best verses come out on this album and that there are not painfully mediocre ones. There are not any bad tracks on this album overall, but for overall highlights on the album I would pinpoint the two most lyrical tracks here Lift Off & I.O.U, on both of these tracks Mike is rapping his ass off with lines like "I don’t drop mics, only let it smoke where I set it" or "Easy as a standard anti-gravity backflip" or "You're too fat for the sharks that you're swimming in". Other songs that are more melodic are also highlights like Over Again, Crossing A Line and Ghosts. This album surprised me especially considering that Nas was releasing on the same day, but holy **** this was phenomenal. Expand
  4. Jun 20, 2018
    It's unfortunate that Post Traumatic happens, because without Chester's passing there's likely no new album from Mike Shinoda - certainly not this early given that Linkin Park had just put out One More Light a little over a year prior to Shinoda's new full-length album. However, unraveling the past is not something attainable and thus we forge forward with Mike, who wears his emotions onIt's unfortunate that Post Traumatic happens, because without Chester's passing there's likely no new album from Mike Shinoda - certainly not this early given that Linkin Park had just put out One More Light a little over a year prior to Shinoda's new full-length album. However, unraveling the past is not something attainable and thus we forge forward with Mike, who wears his emotions on his sleeve throughout much of Post Traumatic. The album is fantastic throughout, offering an eclectic set of rap and pop fused together with a production style that Linkin Park fans will immediately recognize. That makes sense given Mike Shinoda has been among the most influential members of the band in terms of style and recording as Linkin Park matured. Heck, without Mike there's no MTV-inspired Jay-Z mashup since it was Mike that put the tracks together and made everything work. The guy is clearly talented beyond what many might know and it shows up in spades on Mike's solo effort. Though many will feel Chester Bennington's death on numerous tracks the entire album isn't a group therapy session (though much of it tends to be). You'll find Mike Shinoda carrying over his confidence and life-is-war mentality from his Fort Minor days as multiple tracks focus on his rap game and his ability to take anything/anyone on and prove them wrong. If there were any doubts that Post Traumatic was going to be an impactful album, they're officially proven wrong. Post Traumatic is one of the best albums 2018 has yielded. It came at a very hefty price and it may be that Linkin Park never record a full album again but if Mike is going to churn out more albums like this, I think many will live with it given the level of excellence Post Traumatic operates at. I love it. Expand
  5. Jun 17, 2018
    Fantastic. You can feel so many stages of grief during the album... Musicwise it`s extremely powerful as well. Keep on Mr. Shinoda! :)
  6. Jun 16, 2018
    Very good album from Mike Shinoda, there are no bad songs in here. I think the songwriting is pretty effective, you can understand what he felt during these months and, while the first half of the album is darker and more grief-filled, the second one shows some more positivity. The instrumentals do their job well and the featured artists add some value to the songs. In my opinion this isVery good album from Mike Shinoda, there are no bad songs in here. I think the songwriting is pretty effective, you can understand what he felt during these months and, while the first half of the album is darker and more grief-filled, the second one shows some more positivity. The instrumentals do their job well and the featured artists add some value to the songs. In my opinion this is one of the best albums of 2018.
    Best tracks: Over Again, Promises I Can't Keep, Hold It Together, Ghosts, Lift Off, I.O.U., My World's On Fire, Running From My Shadow
  7. Jun 17, 2018
    NOTHING SOUNDS LIKE THIS! Written,produced,performed,mixed by this multi-instrumentalist. Starts out sad in the wake of loss then progressively you can hear the healing in every track. I LOVE EVERY SONG on this album. This album was my first pre-order for anything. The sound is like the STRANGER THINGS OST mixed with Hip Hop. Original,refreshing,daring, and unique. A master piece.
  8. Jun 15, 2018
    An album simply fantastic and emotionally honest. I wish every success to Mike and this album.
  9. Jun 15, 2018
    Absolutely amazing album, there are no songs in the record that sound OK, every song hits home in it's own way. A cathartic album full of emotional yet resilient songs, definitely and totally recommended.
  10. Jun 19, 2018
    This is, without a shadow of a doubt, the best album i heard this year.

    Mike Shinoda's Post Traumatic isn't only a tool for him to grieve and move on in life after Chester's passing. It is a way for his fans to grieve too. His good change between pop rock and rap is something of a trademark for him at Linkin Park, and he does it so well in this project as well, where he lacks in
    This is, without a shadow of a doubt, the best album i heard this year.

    Mike Shinoda's Post Traumatic isn't only a tool for him to grieve and move on in life after Chester's passing. It is a way for his fans to grieve too.

    His good change between pop rock and rap is something of a trademark for him at Linkin Park, and he does it so well in this project as well, where he lacks in flow, he makes up in meaningful and beautiful rhymes, that show sentiment.

    I cannot find a single bad song in this album, every song is as hard hitting as the next, and made my experience to listen to this album better than ever.

    Favorite tracks: Over Again, Nothing makes sense anymore, Promises i can't keep, crossing a line, Make it up as i go, Lift off, Running from my shadow, can't hear you now
  11. Jun 18, 2018
    A great album full of pain, emotions, anger and eventually finding a wayof letting things go and move further. As a Linkin park fan, I feel a bit relieved that we still have the musical future that is in hands of Mr. Shinoda. Hope to hear more tracks from Linkin park. Chester is irreplaceable, but we all need to move on and this album is just another proof that Mike has always been theA great album full of pain, emotions, anger and eventually finding a wayof letting things go and move further. As a Linkin park fan, I feel a bit relieved that we still have the musical future that is in hands of Mr. Shinoda. Hope to hear more tracks from Linkin park. Chester is irreplaceable, but we all need to move on and this album is just another proof that Mike has always been the fundament of the band.
    Liked every song and can't give lower than 10.
  12. Jun 19, 2018
    I wish this album never existed because it is the result of Chester's passing . But since the reality is as it is, what can you say about it? No words describe what Mike has done. Amazing. Raw. Honest. I can only be grateful that he made this magnificent piece of cathartic music and i hope he keeps doing what he is doing since he started Linkin Park until this very moment.
  13. Jun 20, 2018
    Holy crap. Amazing album. The Ep was great, but this is better. I love the tracks, but the lyrics take you on an emotional ride.
    Favourites: Hold it together, ghosts, worlds on fire
    least favourites: I.O.U
  14. Jun 25, 2018
    Mike Shinoda, one of my favorite musicians, pops off with a very emotional and breathtaking album that everyone should be acknowledged to hear. After all he went through in the past year, he actually had the courage to rise up and explain the world his true feelings about the suffering he's been through, (Chester Bennington's death, and family issues).
  15. Sep 12, 2018
    I can't stop listening, feeling, experiencing this album. Shinoda reaches my soul with the raw mix of emotions that fill each song. He shares the unbelievably deep journey of losing a close friend and moving ahead the best he can. LP fans get a taste of the past and what might come and Shinoda fans know that we have a ton to look forward to when he's on his own. Everyone should hearI can't stop listening, feeling, experiencing this album. Shinoda reaches my soul with the raw mix of emotions that fill each song. He shares the unbelievably deep journey of losing a close friend and moving ahead the best he can. LP fans get a taste of the past and what might come and Shinoda fans know that we have a ton to look forward to when he's on his own. Everyone should hear this album at least once (you won't be able to not go back). Can't wait to see Shinoda in Detroit! Expand
  16. Sep 16, 2018
    Wow. This album is incredible. As a long time lp fan, I wasn't surprised by the quality of this album, but was pleasantly surprised by how good it is.
    Favourite tracks: Hold it together, I.O.U, World's on fire, Lift off
    Least: Place to start, About You
  17. May 22, 2019
    This is a really raw and emotional album, you can feel Mike's pain through the songs.
  18. Sep 4, 2019
    Simply Amazing. Almost all track are really good both on the lyrics and on the music. Knowing the reason why this album was made in the first place, I'm still impressed by Shinoda
  19. Sep 14, 2019
    Really Mike's best album ever ! Good tracks, good synth, and good Mike Shinoda . Just super !
  20. Nov 14, 2019
    Good! Mike Shinoda is the best! I'm crying and i'm cant! Thanks and love from Russia!
  21. Jan 30, 2022
    truly electric. truly electric. truly electric. truly electric. truly electric.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 1 out of 5
  1. Jun 25, 2018
    Throughout Post Traumatic, you can sense how unmoored Shinoda is without that spectacle. His chest doesn’t puff out as far as it did on Fort Minor. His compositions don’t detonate like his best work for Linkin Park. His bandmates aren’t there to lift him up when he falls short. He sounds abandoned.
  2. Kerrang!
    Jun 15, 2018
    It's an important, thoughtful album that will serve to unite the grief-stricken with a new-found sense of purpose to find some form of healing. [9 Jun 2018, p.53]
  3. Jun 15, 2018
    While Post Traumatic takes an emotional toll, it ultimately instills feelings of hope and the idea that things can get better. For Shinoda, Linkin Park, and their devoted followers, it's an effective group therapy session.