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Generally favorable reviews- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
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  1. Dec 13, 2020
    So much potential for this project and it just kind of fell flat. Not many replay worthy tracks aside from Real Baby Pluto and Rockstar chains and even those don't bring you out of your seat.
  2. Dec 15, 2020
    These are two artists I truly love in today's rap. Individually they both have some really interesting phases and deep varied flows. I think 'Pkuto x Baby Pluto' came out when they both are on the top of it all: Future released earlier in 2020 the amazing 'High Off Life' while Lil Uzi Vert put all his tracks out (enough to make 'Eternal Atake Deluxe', which contained not less than 32These are two artists I truly love in today's rap. Individually they both have some really interesting phases and deep varied flows. I think 'Pkuto x Baby Pluto' came out when they both are on the top of it all: Future released earlier in 2020 the amazing 'High Off Life' while Lil Uzi Vert put all his tracks out (enough to make 'Eternal Atake Deluxe', which contained not less than 32 songs).

    However it is hard but fair to admit that this project is disappointing. Not a lot, but still superficial and forgettable. All these tracks lack so much originality... Beats are mainstream and so are the lyrics. Plus they both did what I hate the most about them: releasing songs in which they keep repeating the same words again and again, like 'Marni On Me', 'Off Dat' and 'Bought A Bad B*tch' among others... According to me the most attractive songs are the most "instrumental" ones (like 'That's It', 'Moment Of Clarity' and 'Plastic'). I cant' erase the feeling of considering all the other tracks a mess of effortless work. The Deluxe version don't even sound like one because it adds even more 'meh' tracks, including the late singles the duo released to tease their common album.

    One thing I truly don't get is: why didn't they add featured artists? They are so popular they could easily have added songs with 21 Savage, Drake, Lil Wayne, Metro Boomin, Travis Scott or even (let's be foolish) Kid Cudi! This would have been awesome and these dudes could have brought more diversity to the whole product. Instead we have pre-heated food all along. This project is all about indegest over-represented masculinity, money and cars. As Future sings it himself several times in 'Sleeping On The Floor', and please let me quote him: "yeah, yeah, money and power and sex, yeah (Yeah)". Yeah, we did reach that level of lyrical depth. Not a single emo or deep song though.
    So sad.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Dec 7, 2020
    The apprentice runs laps around the master throughout the 54-minute overstuffed marathon. Though toxic masculinity is his calling card, there’s only so many times Future can say he’s going to steal my girl without hesitation and I’ll wear it like a badge of honor before it becomes disinteresting.
  2. Dec 4, 2020
    It may be [Future's] best collaborative project this side of Free Bricks. While he sounds flat at moments—he appears to be positively winded on the opener “Stripes like Burberry”— Uzi’s Naruto-loving luminescence radiates from every bar.
  3. Dec 4, 2020
    The album stays in one lane for the majority of its tracks, with only a few divergences from competitive flexing about wealth or sexual antics for more emotionally reflective tracks. With songs as infectious and as goofy as the smooth, midtempo trap blast "Drankin N Smokin," however, there are no complaints about how Pluto X Baby Pluto keeps the party going.