• Record Label: LuckyMe
  • Release Date: Jun 19, 2020

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. 90
    By taking dubstep’s ideas and expanding them, one of the icons of that half-beloved, half-derided era has made a kind of a time capsule; granting longevity to an era of music which had liberation at its heart.
  2. Jun 18, 2020
    Planet’s Mad is an intense listen, a runaway train devouring everything in its path. It’s also an absolute tour de force from an extremely talented producer who is only going from strength to strength.
  3. Jun 22, 2020
    With Planet's Mad, Baauer charts a journey that elicits emotion through physical response, channeling rage and frustration through his songs in a cathartic release that plays like musical therapy for a galaxy's worth of ills.
  4. Jun 18, 2020
    It makes for a frankly less fun and memorable album, but Baauer remains a master of the big party moment, and some of these are red hot.
  5. Jun 22, 2020
    Planet’s Mad careens through its bungled cyber narrative, tingling and whirring, daring you not to take it seriously. The planet warms, the pop stars reel, and we’re still trying to dance.
  6. Rolling Stone
    Jun 18, 2020
    Decently fun results. [Jun 2020, p.71]
  7. Jun 18, 2020
    While it’s culled from a mélange of styles and influences, Planet’s Mad manages to stand on its own for its sonic depth and detail. And even if the album’s themes aren’t fully articulated, Baauer’s use of bass, constantly elongating and amplifying, succeeds to evoking a sense of doom.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Jun 22, 2020
    One of the kings of the genre returning with a revitalized and forward thinking album, not stuck in the past with tired genre elements. AlmostOne of the kings of the genre returning with a revitalized and forward thinking album, not stuck in the past with tired genre elements. Almost sounds like a mix of Jamie xx and TNGHT. Fresh bangers. Love it Full Review »
  2. Jun 21, 2020
    No one can say that Baauer doesn't evolve from the classic but formulaic bangers to an elaborate and eclectic music trip.