
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. Amongst the nine tracks are some of Black's best work but although the album's ambience shifts - from the darkness in 'Black Suit' and 'Long Song' to the whimsy in 'Volcano!' and the breezy 'Break The Angels'--the consistency does not.
  2. Mojo
    This, one, in its place [Pixies reunion], is fresh and really rather fab. [Mar 2009, p.106]
  3. Black Francis has brewed up a pretty thirst-quenching prospect with Petits Fours’ the debut album from this new venture with his wife.
  4. 80
    The album may not be the most cohesive collection of songs, but it’s infinitely entertaining, delicate and precise in its construction, and a solid debut from a couple we can only hope to hear more from.
  5. Grand Duchy have enough fun on the album that more often than not, it's contagious.
  6. Under The Radar
    A record that blends his trademark guitar squalls and characteristically crunching bass with feathery synths. [Spring 2009, p.65]

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