
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Uncut
    It would be fanciful, not to mention disrespectful, to say that Morrison has waited his whole career to make this album. But he makes it sound like he has. [Apr 2006, p.96]
  2. Billboard
    Brilliance shines throughout. [11 Mar 2006]
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Morrison is a natural at sounding like a disconsolate guy unloading on a bartender. [10 Mar 2006, p.63]
  4. Pay The Devil is at the crossroads of country, blues and soul. In his voice is the authority to bring them together.
  5. Pay the Devil reiterates Morrison's own musical diversity and flair for making any song his own.
  6. He sounds enlivened, even happy, nestling among the steel guitar and bottomless suffering.
  7. Blender
    Most of the time he makes the profound sadness seem like the best party in either Nashville or Dublin. [Apr 2006, p.116]
  8. Mojo
    His own three songs blend in nicely. [Apr 2006, p.90]
  9. Paste Magazine
    A rough, intriguing fit. [Apr/May 2006, p.101]
  10. At the end of the day, it's really hard to screw up these songs with that voice--try as he might.
  11. Rolling Stone
    Pleasant but uninspiring. [9 Mar 2006, p.90]
  12. Q Magazine
    It's hard to see it as anything more than another mildly diverting whim. [Apr 2006, p.116]
  13. Overall, Pay the Devil is a simple album with a couple of remarkable Morrison performances.
  14. It's obvious Morrison was going for an early-50s throwback vibe, complete with oohing chorus singers and a forthright pedal steel twang, but it comes off more like a western-exotica caricature than the genuine article.
  15. Pay The Devil is for Van Morrison completists only.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 3 out of 13
  1. RobbB
    Sep 2, 2006
    I can understand if the country doesnt do it for ya but I will never understand how some van fans give it a three or less. This is a solid I can understand if the country doesnt do it for ya but I will never understand how some van fans give it a three or less. This is a solid performance and there is even a classic or two on here that will show up on jukeboxes where were all gray. 9 Full Review »
  2. LutendoT
    Aug 22, 2006
    I love Van Morrison and he's not Kenny Rogers, the voice is okay but the country tunes do not do it for me. The best Van Album for me is I love Van Morrison and he's not Kenny Rogers, the voice is okay but the country tunes do not do it for me. The best Van Album for me is Avalon Sunset, I love all the tracks. This one, a big no! I will skip this album and wait for the next one. Magic Time was excellent too! Full Review »
  3. VinT
    Jun 4, 2006
    I paid 400.00 for my wife and I to see V the Man I have not seen him since 71, but have all his albums.The 9 or 10 songs from this album I paid 400.00 for my wife and I to see V the Man I have not seen him since 71, but have all his albums.The 9 or 10 songs from this album tortured me and the 8 songs that represented him were simply wonderful, even tho' the mercurial man did no encore. Full Review »