
Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 11
  2. Negative: 2 out of 11
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  1. Jul 11, 2014
    It is genuinely embarrassing at times, compounded by the intrusive sense that the songs were really written for an audience of one (who, like the rest of the world, has reportedly shown no interest in listening to it).
  2. Thicke’s considerable vocal skills can’t wipe away the sneaking feeling that he’s always doing an impersonation of someone else. Listening, you never feel you can entirely trust the guy, which may be the album’s most revealing aspect of all.
  3. Jul 9, 2014
    His soft falsetto is sumptuous, but too many tracks veer into uncomfortable parody.
  4. Jun 30, 2014
    While still frequently predictable lyrically, Thicke also occasionally takes a couple of steps away from his formula. But even cursory knowledge of their split makes this public and emotionally messy and revealing ploy for reconciliation teeter on, and sometimes fall over, the borderline into creepy territory.
  5. Jun 26, 2014
    Robin Thicke texts his estranged wife, Paula Patton, in the music video for the pointedly titled "Get Her Back," the lead single from said album, Paula. "I don't care," she replies. And it's likely no one else will either.
  6. Jul 3, 2014
    It's an odd, disjointed album that, despite scattered high points, leaves one wondering what Thicke was thinking when he put it together. Paula Patton deserves better, and so do listeners.
  7. Jun 30, 2014
    Along with empty flash like "Something Bad" and "Time of Your Life," they're all part of Thicke's least appealing album.
User Score

Overwhelming dislike- based on 102 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 102
  2. Negative: 84 out of 102
  1. Jul 1, 2014
    It's a good album, but he could do it better. I just listen a man who's crying for a woman that don't want him anyway. All the beats sound theIt's a good album, but he could do it better. I just listen a man who's crying for a woman that don't want him anyway. All the beats sound the same, that make a homogenic album. Repeating, he could do it better. Full Review »
  2. Jul 1, 2014
    the songs are not that good. I've heard that he made this album to get his ex wife back, but that doesn't excuse how bad it is. songs arethe songs are not that good. I've heard that he made this album to get his ex wife back, but that doesn't excuse how bad it is. songs are repetitive, and cheesy. there are some great songs, but that doesn't excuse the bad. this album is not that good, despite having good intentions Full Review »
  3. Nov 9, 2014
    Në verën e vitit të kaluar , Robin Thicke gjeti të re gjetur famë me linjat e paqartë e cila u bë një këngë të madhe të verës . PavarësishtNë verën e vitit të kaluar , Robin Thicke gjeti të re gjetur famë me linjat e paqartë e cila u bë një këngë të madhe të verës . Pavarësisht kësaj, albumi i tij ( i paqartë Lines ) u bë një dështim i madh për një shans për të dalë me rrjedhë . Duket sikur muzika e tij nuk do të marrë ndonjë të mirë në qoftë se ai i bën këto vendime të këqija . Jo duke thënë se ky album është i dëshpëruar për vëmendje të zakonshëm , por duke bërë një album të tërë të tërë dedikuar për ish - gruan tuaj ?! Unë me të vërtetë të ndjehen keq për Paula . Në vend të fituar atë gjatë me një album të ëmbël jazz , kjo LP britmat u përpjekur të jetë serioze . Në vend të kësaj ajo është e mbushur me tekst djathë dhe instrumentale gjenerike . Edhe pse nuk është një përbërës nga këto albumit më pëlqen , është vokal Robin -it . Ai ka lindur zërin e një këngëtari të vërtetë jazz . Në përgjithësi kjo është ajo që ruan këtë album nga të qenit një dështim i madh .

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