• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Sep 9, 2022
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 2 out of 16
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  1. Sep 9, 2022
    Ozzy holds the spot as The Godfather of all of my musical idols and inspirations, and he was responsible for really getting me into music at all. I grew up with him as my all-time favorite and he provided much of the soundtrack to my life. That being said, when I think of Ozzy, I think of Ozzy and Zakk. To me, Zakk is as much a part of Ozzy’s sound as Ozzy is, and I was ecstatic to findOzzy holds the spot as The Godfather of all of my musical idols and inspirations, and he was responsible for really getting me into music at all. I grew up with him as my all-time favorite and he provided much of the soundtrack to my life. That being said, when I think of Ozzy, I think of Ozzy and Zakk. To me, Zakk is as much a part of Ozzy’s sound as Ozzy is, and I was ecstatic to find out Zakk would be returning for an Ozzy album, especially since it’s likely to be his last. I just gave all the songs that evidently feature Zakk Wylde a listen, and was devistated to find not a single “Zakk and Ozzy” song among them: they’re literally just Ozzy songs “featuring” Zakk Wylde. I get the view that they “didn’t want a bunch of pinch harmonics all over the record”, but to not give us one single Zakk and Ozzy song was a real let-down for someone who waited years to hear one. The album was produced really well, Ozzy sounds great, and the songs are well-written. They’re good Ozzy songs. To me, however, Ozzy absolutely isn’t Ozzy without Zakk, and as much as the Ozzy camp may hate that, it’s not something anyone had any choice over. It simply is what is, and I really hate that they run from that. I’m really let down, and it’s not just because I’m kinda drunk. That’s just making it worse. Good album, I’m glad Ozzy’s doing well, but I’m really let down. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Uncut
    Sep 15, 2022
    The album come out riffing, with a packed list of guest guitarists. ... Ozzy sounds world-weary, sometimes a bit knackered. [Nov 2022, p.35]
  2. Sep 9, 2022
    It might not have anything with the same riotous energy as It's A Raid, his punked-up duet with Post Malone that went off like a feral firework, but it still radiates a sense of the thing you love keeping you excited and feeling alive.
  3. It’s a fizzing piece of hard-rock magic.