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Mixed or average reviews- based on 199 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 78 out of 199

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  1. Spartan234
    Sep 5, 2006
    I don't like Paris Hilton, but at least her music was much better than I expected. Still, she just isn't that great.
  2. ValarieD
    Mar 1, 2007
    Paris Hilton Not So Hot Paris Hilton the singer. Who would have thought? Could it be possible that this celebrity known for her wild partying and blonde moments would find success in the music industry? The answer is a plain and simple no. With the exception of a few captivating, pensive songs, her debut album, titled Paris is nothing more than a vacant cry for more attention. For the Paris Hilton Not So Hot Paris Hilton the singer. Who would have thought? Could it be possible that this celebrity known for her wild partying and blonde moments would find success in the music industry? The answer is a plain and simple no. With the exception of a few captivating, pensive songs, her debut album, titled Paris is nothing more than a vacant cry for more attention. For the most part the album is full of repulsive lyrics about being hot and sexy. Paris refers to herself as being sexy more times than I could count. Phrases like Expand
  3. imetacriticonce...
    Aug 30, 2006
    i was braceing my self for the worst- of all the unlistenable s*it top 40 radio spews out week after week this is actually a nice pop record. good job P
  4. lawhoho
    Aug 25, 2006
    I think this album is'nt very well,but actully,it's not very bad.The music of the songs are alsolutely good,but the singing skill should improve
  5. ZeeG
    Aug 31, 2006
    These songs finally should show to those with half a brain that the music today depends little on your talent or voice as a singer, but more about the producers and writers that can take an average person that had never sung before and make something that sounds like everything else on the radio. I don't blame Paris...she's fine. But how good is everyone else (really) if Paris These songs finally should show to those with half a brain that the music today depends little on your talent or voice as a singer, but more about the producers and writers that can take an average person that had never sung before and make something that sounds like everything else on the radio. I don't blame Paris...she's fine. But how good is everyone else (really) if Paris can swoop in and have a halfway decent albumn. This reflects more poorly on how recycled and simple music is today. Is Pink, Christina, or Beyonce that good if Paris can do the same thing? Are they just puppets for the Wizards of Oz that are really creating things behind the curtain in the studio? This albumn is scary not becuase Paris is in it, but because anyone could of done it. Expand
  6. Sep 6, 2014
    Mesmo não sabendo cantar, Paris conseguiu fazendo um álbum bom, com músicas não enjoativas e que ficam cabeça. Me surpreendeu. Ela conseguiu até mesmo fazer um pequeno sucesso com o single Stars Are Blind, uma das melhores do CD. As letras não são lá grande coisa, mas mesmo assim...
  7. Oct 21, 2017
    Esse álbum é bom, o problema é que as pessoas tem problemas com Paris Hilton e descontam na avaliação. Possui ótimas canções como "Stars Are Blind", "Nothing in this World", "Screwed", etc.
  8. Sep 15, 2015
    I find extremely unfair all the hatred her album has received. If this was released by a random pop girl it would get fat better reviews. I think Britney Spears would kill to have "Turn it up", "Stars are blind" and "If you think I'm sexy" in her discography.

    Not a remarkable record by any means but very enjoyable for what it is, an artificial, carefree and not very ambitions pop album
    I find extremely unfair all the hatred her album has received. If this was released by a random pop girl it would get fat better reviews. I think Britney Spears would kill to have "Turn it up", "Stars are blind" and "If you think I'm sexy" in her discography.

    Not a remarkable record by any means but very enjoyable for what it is, an artificial, carefree and not very ambitions pop album

    Too bad this one flopped terribly and hasn't released anything else ever since
  9. Nov 12, 2017
    Shockingly, Paris the vocalist is actually listenable; no Adele, but better than, say, Heidi Montag. This album has it's moments, but I'd prefer just to listen to Stars Are Blind and watch the music video for Nothing In This World.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 17
  2. Negative: 4 out of 17
  1. Like a silly holiday cocktail with umbrellas and sparklers, there is much to enjoy about Paris Hilton, albeit for one mad Med fortnight only.
  2. What's most surprising about Paris's album is that it's really not all that bad; released by any other, ahem, artist, it would likely earn better notices than recent albums by the likes of Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff, or Ashlee Simpson--not that that's really saying much.
  3. She sings like a woman who has heard of something called singing, can't be sure of exactly what it might entail, but is fairly certain you do something a bit like this. She sounds both distracted and bored stiff, as if making an album is keeping her from the more serious business of standing around a nightclub in a pair of really enormous sunglasses.