• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Dec 2, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Dec 20, 2016
    Oxygene 3 is a minimalist--and exquisitely melancholy--wonder.
  2. Uncut
    Dec 20, 2016
    The third installment of Jarre's eco-themed trilogy follows the same pattern as its predecessors. [Jan 2017, p.24]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Dec 11, 2019
    Great end to the classic Oxygene (1976), this is the 3rd and last album of Oxygene trilogy, released 40 years after the groundbreaking andGreat end to the classic Oxygene (1976), this is the 3rd and last album of Oxygene trilogy, released 40 years after the groundbreaking and landmark to Electronica music.

    Now after 4 decades the Electronica change so much, and Mr. Jarre is a very versatil musician, and he constantly changed his sound album after album, while Oxygene 7-13 released in 1997, is a album made almost with same instruments that Jarre used in the classic first album, in an attempt to recreate the maximum as possible the same classic sound of 1976 album, This new Oxygene 3 is made with new synthsizers, with modern sounds, with that said Oxygene 3 barely recall the original first album, but this is not a problem for me. With the tracks Oxygene part 16, 17 , 18 ,19 & 20 this already a great album for me.
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  2. Dec 3, 2018
    Oxygene 3, a última parte da trilogia Oxygene, o primeiro Oxygene lançado em 1976, foi um marco para a música eletrônica, e o início doOxygene 3, a última parte da trilogia Oxygene, o primeiro Oxygene lançado em 1976, foi um marco para a música eletrônica, e o início do estrondoso sucesso de Jean Michel Jarre, tanto Oxygene 7-13 lançado em 1997, e esse novo de 2016, são elogiados e odiados por fãs, claramente porque não há como não comparar com a obra prima definitiva de Jarre, em Oxygene 3 Jean abraça o eletrônico moderno, e daí a crítica porque vai contra o primeiro álbum, mesmo que os traços de Jarre sejam perceptíveis no álbum, o foco de Oxygene agora ser com a nova era da música eletrônica pertubar fãs conservadores de JMJ.

    Há quem também diga que as melodias são repetitivas e com pouca inspiração, eu consigo ver todos esses possíveis pontos fracos, e os encaro de modo extremamente positivo, a minuciosidade que pode soa como repetitividade sempre foi um aspecto visível nos trabalhos de Jarre inclusive no primeiro e clássico Oxygene.
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  3. Jul 13, 2018
    It's another masterpiece by Jarre, though Oxygene 7-13 is have more creative construction,structure and beautiful melodies in particular partIt's another masterpiece by Jarre, though Oxygene 7-13 is have more creative construction,structure and beautiful melodies in particular part 7 to 10.

    Oxygene 3 all tracks are can be appreciated, of course has that big highlights, they are Oxygene Pt. 17, that are a beautiful mix of Jarre early sounds with modern electronic.
    Oxygene 18 are amazing beautiful short atmosphere track with guitar chords, and Oxygene Pt. 20 is the really epic track from Oxygene 3, Part 20 is like the best track of a soundtrack to a best film ever made.

    Oxygene Part 20, is another proof that Jarre music are a kind of travel, that change the life of fans.

    Another recommend tracks, include Oxygene 14, 16 & 19.
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