
Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. The spellbinding mix of shimmering folk and shimmying disco on Out of the Woods eclipses her past work.
  2. A masterpiece showcasing Thorn's voice, songwriting, and taste.
  3. There isn't a duff or thoughtless moment.
  4. Spin
    Call it Everything About The Girl. [Mar 2007, p.99]
  5. Uncut
    Most of the album sees producers Charles Webster and Ewan Pearson buiilding on the bedsit rave of "Missing" and the beatific drum'n'bass of Walking Wounded. [Apr 2007, p.120]
  6. Often delirious but never silly, “Out of the Woods” cleverly upends clichés about what grown-up pop should sound like. [19 Mar 2007]
  7. It is a mellow, melodic album that switches between stripped-down, folk-inspired material, downtempo pop, and up-to-date productions designed for both home and club listening.
  8. Mojo
    The ballads bewitch, reminding us that Tracey is one of the unique British voices, up there with Dusty. [Apr 2007, p.100]
  9. A record to cool the blood and quicken the pulse.
  10. Alternative Press
    Woods is the best record EBTG never made, a new peak for Thorn in a career full of heights. [May 2007, p.162]
  11. Entertainment Weekly
    A tasteful disco effort. [23 Mar 2007, p.61]
  12. Q Magazine
    One thing that hasn't changed is Thorn's voice, which is as warming and mellow as ever. [Apr 2007, p.122]
  13. Out Of The Woods... manages to seamlessly transition between understated chamber-pop ballads reminiscent of Annie Lennox and more hip, club-friendly fare.
  14. Thorn's voice will always be a thing of undimmed charm and emotion, but the gulf between the music styles on display here, which flick from 70's disco, piano ballads and electro-pop seem like trying to keep a foot in both camps of the simpler days of her youth, and the ‘hip' dance crowd.
  15. Producer Ewan Pearson occasionally falters in connecting her vocals with the arrangements; there's a nice engagement on the slower, non-beat-driven tracks that you wish he'd mastered on the clubbier cuts.
  16. Too many bleak ballads about lost love and runaways bring down the fun.
  17. Urb
    This quirky little record shouldn't lose any old fans and may just gain her a few new ones. [Apr 2007, p.108]
  18. Out of the Woods is more of a reassertion than a reinvention; musically, it could be the direct follow-up to Temperamental.
  19. At this point in her career, Thorn shouldn't be courting the middle, and considering the best moments on Out of the Woods, she didn't have to, either.
  20. Under The Radar
    Much of the album has a cheesy '80s vibe. [#17, p.93]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 16
  3. Negative: 2 out of 16
  1. Ameraal
    Sep 18, 2007
    Definitely one of the best albums of 2007, almost perfect. features half a dozen 11/10 songs - it's all true, raise the roof, falling Definitely one of the best albums of 2007, almost perfect. features half a dozen 11/10 songs - it's all true, raise the roof, falling off a log, grand canyon, a-z, easy. Full Review »
  2. SimonC.
    May 30, 2007
    Excellent album. Refreshing. Brings new sounds to the impressive collection of Everything but the that there's just the girl. Excellent album. Refreshing. Brings new sounds to the impressive collection of Everything but the that there's just the girl. Tracey thorn rocks. Full Review »
  3. Feriatus
    May 23, 2007
    Best pop album of the year so far.