• Record Label: Polydor
  • Release Date: Nov 3, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. Out Of Control is, generally, yet another excellent album from a group who may have risen from a lot of people's 'guilty pleasure' to becoming full-on national treasures.
  2. Not their best, but still more consistent than any British indie album released this year.
  3. The girls play to a new beat in this album, as they focus on evolving their sound while changing up their lineup.
  4. While Out of Control is by no means Girls Aloud's best album (their third effort, "Chemistry," is probably still their crowning glory), it is nonetheless not only one of the best pop albums of 2008.
  5. There is an exploration outside of archetypal Girls Aloud territory on their latest offering but it barely steers too far from their recipe for success.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 27
  2. Negative: 4 out of 27
  1. Sep 26, 2011
    Where do I begin. I used to class myself as a die hard Girls Aloud fan, I'm aware their albums have never been outstanding, but they haveWhere do I begin. I used to class myself as a die hard Girls Aloud fan, I'm aware their albums have never been outstanding, but they have always been at least 50% likeable (unlike Tangled Up that was about 60%). This album is a mess from start to finish, it's saved by the singles they released that to be fair, are electro/pop gold. I'm struggling to right much else, it's just awful, wish washy, ASAP music that means nothing. Sorry Girls. Full Review »
  2. May 25, 2020
    Untouchable is their best song ever, just a masterpiece. One of the best albums ever.
  3. Aug 28, 2018
    Out of Control is a decent pop effort from Girls Aloud. It contains one of their biggest hits "Promise" which is a good but not great track.Out of Control is a decent pop effort from Girls Aloud. It contains one of their biggest hits "Promise" which is a good but not great track. Unfortunately the flaw with the five ladies is their inability to produce harmonies and focus mostly on the lead vocals of Nadine Coyle. Download: Untouchable, The Loving Kind. Full Review »