
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. 60
    [Shonen Knife's] 13 Ramones covers sound exactly like you'd expect.
  2. Nov 14, 2011
    If you love Shonen Knife wholly you will probably enjoy Osaka Ramones to some extent.
  3. Nov 14, 2011
    As it stands, Osaka Ramones is a misguided affair almost from start to finish, and, as a whole, should be given as wide a berth as possible except by completists who have to have absolutely everything by Shonen Knife.
User Score

No user score yet- Awaiting 1 more rating

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Jun 27, 2012
    Shonen Knife is the group that was meant to do a Ramones cover album, and the final product proves it. The band does great fresh takes onShonen Knife is the group that was meant to do a Ramones cover album, and the final product proves it. The band does great fresh takes on songs you've heard often enough to know by heart. And yes, Shonen Knife's live performances of these songs are even better (YouTube them)! My only disappointment is that their cover of "I Wanna Be Sedated", which is my favorite Ramones cover ever, wasn't included on this album. Full Review »