
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Yet as mere listening the best songs here‑-especially "Fish Paste" and the signature "Enter the Ninja"‑-convey the disturbing comic character Watkin Tudor "Waddy" Jones has created.
  2. Whoever they are, $o$ is utterly unique and downright dazzling if you dream of a Grand Guignol hosted by P. Diddy.
  3. $O$ is ephemeral, artless, spiritually vacant, and frequently difficult to decipher if you don't happen to speak Die Antwoord's native Afrikaans. It's also loaded with irresistible earworms that grow more coherent and less irritating the more you hear them.
  4. 70
    "I know it sounds strange," chirps mullet-rockin' Yo-Landi Vi$$er in "Rich Bitch," "but I used to count change." In fact, that's one of the more credible claims on this South African rave-rap crew's delightfully low-rent debut.
  5. Oct 28, 2010
    The band's Interscope debut, $O$, siphons waste-product off Eminem's vulgar Slim Shady-era, the global grime of M.I.A., and Lady Gaga's shocking performance art, injected with the catchiness of a Dr. Evil parody. The production's no joke, though.
  6. Oct 22, 2010
    There's a spare but exotic flavor to the 11 tracks on Die Antwoord's new album, $O$, which was first released on the Internet and now comes in a spruced-up major-label version that's noticeably polished but retains the subversive and exotic vibe of the original.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 45
  2. Negative: 7 out of 45
  1. Dec 30, 2011
    amazinf interesting very ecnomical swah swag butt **** wack **** ya know what u hurd golf wang wwwowpowp

    antiquarianism is extremely vulgar
    amazinf interesting very ecnomical swah swag butt **** wack **** ya know what u hurd golf wang wwwowpowp

    antiquarianism is extremely vulgar and so is bifocal reduction and osmosis
    Full Review »
  2. Mar 12, 2012
    Some have labelled Waktin Jones' new project as gimmicky, but Die Antwoord's rave-rap style is a fresh offering amongst the sea of commercial,Some have labelled Waktin Jones' new project as gimmicky, but Die Antwoord's rave-rap style is a fresh offering amongst the sea of commercial, radio-friendly hip-hop that's been flooding the market of late. While not entirely consistent, $O$ offers some diverse, and often hilarious tracks. Full Review »
  3. Nov 24, 2010
    I saw this album advertised on a flyer placed inside another album I bought on the same record label as these guys. I figured I'd check it outI saw this album advertised on a flyer placed inside another album I bought on the same record label as these guys. I figured I'd check it out because it sounded interesting, but unfortunately I can't say I was impressed. I thought that a couple of songs were decent, but overall I'm glad I only streamed the album an didn't purchase it. If someone were to ask me if it were worth buying, I would tell them "No." Full Review »