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Universal acclaim- based on 124 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 11 out of 124
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  1. Apr 23, 2021
    This album is so incredibly emotional and wonderful. each movement, track, so wonderfully and perfectly crafted, is almost like walking through an art exhibit; passing by each painting and slowly taking them each in -- each painting so unique and beautiful in it's own way, a window to portion's of the author's soul and life out in the open for us to enjoy. Porter's extraordinary use ofThis album is so incredibly emotional and wonderful. each movement, track, so wonderfully and perfectly crafted, is almost like walking through an art exhibit; passing by each painting and slowly taking them each in -- each painting so unique and beautiful in it's own way, a window to portion's of the author's soul and life out in the open for us to enjoy. Porter's extraordinary use of rhythmic and tonal gestures and differences are highlighted here -- we can hear a slight ode to past works, yet hear so many new sounds, styles, and tonal poems. A masterpiece from end to end. Expand
  2. Apr 23, 2021
    Es un álbum para escuchar toda la vida , porter Robinson nunca se limito a hacer siempre lo mismo , su sonido es puro , como el viento en un lindo bosque , a pesar de ser un álbum que hable de él , acerca su vida , uno puede conectar con cualquier canción . Estuve esperando esto por años y no me arrepiento de haberlo esperado
  3. Apr 23, 2021
    Nurture is an amalgamation of pure talent and genuine emotion, making sense of the world in the most somber and beautiful way.
  4. Apr 24, 2021
    Nurture is the album 2021 needed after everything in 2020. A beautiful, introspective, positive, and deeply personal album, Porter Robinson absolutely delivers on his sophomore album. Distinctly different in feel but not sound from Worlds, Nurture explores the journey and feelings of Porter Robinson after the critical acclaim of Worlds left him "convinced that I wouldn't be able to everNurture is the album 2021 needed after everything in 2020. A beautiful, introspective, positive, and deeply personal album, Porter Robinson absolutely delivers on his sophomore album. Distinctly different in feel but not sound from Worlds, Nurture explores the journey and feelings of Porter Robinson after the critical acclaim of Worlds left him "convinced that I wouldn't be able to ever make music again." Nurture is Porter's answer to that anxiety and fear. Nurture looks inward and at what is around us, in stark contrast to Worlds' escapism in fantastical universes. The emotion and passion in every song is evident. While songs like Mirror and Blossom have their own personal meanings to Porter Robinson, the experience described is a universal one that nearly everyone can relate to and revel in the evocative sound. Expand
  5. Apr 26, 2021
    Worlds was great. Nurture is better. One of the most emotionally honest and genuine electronic albums I have ever heard. Great combination of experimental and more accessible sounds. It is clear Porter put everything he had into these songs. If you simply want Worlds Part 2 - look elsewhere - but if you want to see extraordinary growth and be amazed by a mix of exciting and more subtleWorlds was great. Nurture is better. One of the most emotionally honest and genuine electronic albums I have ever heard. Great combination of experimental and more accessible sounds. It is clear Porter put everything he had into these songs. If you simply want Worlds Part 2 - look elsewhere - but if you want to see extraordinary growth and be amazed by a mix of exciting and more subtle electronic awesomeness - this is for you. Expand
  6. Apr 26, 2021
    I’ve never made a review on basically anything before, but I felt like I had to with Nurture. This album resonates with me at such a core level that I can’t help but adore it. Porter’s struggles with self-worth, his purpose in life, and the after-effects of success can’t help but beautifully shine through in this album. As someone who has been suffering the same demons for quite sometime,I’ve never made a review on basically anything before, but I felt like I had to with Nurture. This album resonates with me at such a core level that I can’t help but adore it. Porter’s struggles with self-worth, his purpose in life, and the after-effects of success can’t help but beautifully shine through in this album. As someone who has been suffering the same demons for quite sometime, each track seemed to release exactly when I needed them. This album offers a sense of comfort and understanding and just feels incredibly genuine to me. I’ll admit I’m a huge fanboy of Porter’s but I believe that anyone could find enjoyment in this album and highly suggest it to anyone wondering if they should give it a listen. Expand
  7. Apr 27, 2021
    One of the most beautiful albums ever made, Porter once again saving edm. Songs have an emotional message and its a different vibe from the one at Worlds. Great job Porter, now do a sequel to Worlds pls.
  8. Apr 23, 2021
    ok i admit it I am hooked on this album. First time listener to Porter Robinson although I understand he has been active in synth pop and had a hit with " Worlds". My expectations were kinda low and then magic melodic vocals and angelic electronic tones with simple keyboards and positive lyrics. A solid 10!
  9. May 3, 2021
    It's complete another direction for Porter Robinson, this album is more mature, more personal. There are some beautiful moments like "Wind Tempos" or "Blossom". I enjoyed very much acoustic instruments on this one. "Nurture" has some weaker moments like "Sweet Time" or "Get Your Wish" but generally there are some great tunes on this one.
  10. May 2, 2021
    The somewhat cutesy synth-pop on display here will not be everyone's cup of tea.

    But where the music and vocals can carry a childish undertone, the execution is flawless and the message behind the album is quite emotionally mature. Even wise beyond its years. My main complaint with other cutesy synth-pop I've heard is that it so often fails to convey human emotion in a way that
    The somewhat cutesy synth-pop on display here will not be everyone's cup of tea.

    But where the music and vocals can carry a childish undertone, the execution is flawless and the message behind the album is quite emotionally mature. Even wise beyond its years.

    My main complaint with other cutesy synth-pop I've heard is that it so often fails to convey human emotion in a way that feels authentic and real enough to connect with. This album rarely has that problem. It's very different from Porter's previous stuff, but it's clear this album is aiming to be simple, to convey the feeling of love and of nurturing (as named). But even as it aims for a simple message, the mix of sounds on each track remain complex and interesting without diluting or distracting from the message. That Porter was able to pull that off makes this a brilliant album, even genius at times.

    "Sweet Time" is one of the most beautiful songs I've heard. Other tracks I recommend are "Look at the Sky", "Get Your Wish", "Musician", "Blossom", "Unfold". Every track is pretty good, though.
  11. May 20, 2021
    I am a hip hop head myself, but this album had me enthralled. The hopeful and slightly glitched instrumentals just blend together well. I love most of the songs on this. Light 8/10
  12. May 1, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. That’s so **** crazy!!!!!!!!
    Especially the song called "Musician", wow I'm so mad fell in love. Thank you porter, I hope you always be successful, Love you so much!!!
  13. May 15, 2021
    ahhahaha ava q e e e e e e e e d d d d d d d d d d e e e e e e e e e e e wnnwndns z c d d d d d d d e e t y u u u u y y
  14. Apr 23, 2021
    This album takes me to a special place. Feels like Robinson really doing what he wants.
  15. Apr 23, 2021
    destroys all other competition. superb album. love the vocals and the instrumental tracks. 11/10 stars
  16. Apr 23, 2021
    some songs feel somewhat uncoordinated to me now, but other songs of his used to feel the same way, now their my favorite i've ever heard. from my first listen it's easy to tell every song tries for a different vibe and i love them all.
  17. Aug 13, 2021
    This is a fantastic album filled to the brim with unbridled euphoria. There's a glaringly obvious amount of love and care put into it. It's like Porter is smiling at you through the window that is this album and you can't help but smile back.
  18. Apr 24, 2021
    The first listen was a mixed bag and a little disappointing based on the singles released prior to the full album drop, but when I went back the second time, each song gave an emotional and unique experience. The opening track really sets the mood for the album but doesn't give away all the surprises that are filled along the way. The first two tracks "Look at the Sky", "Get Your Wish"The first listen was a mixed bag and a little disappointing based on the singles released prior to the full album drop, but when I went back the second time, each song gave an emotional and unique experience. The opening track really sets the mood for the album but doesn't give away all the surprises that are filled along the way. The first two tracks "Look at the Sky", "Get Your Wish" share this bright production with pitched vocals and very personal lyrics that paint a picture of the personal and creative struggles that Porter went through when writing, as if we're figuring out the answer to these questions along with him. "Wind Tempos" really feels like an expanded interlude of Porter playing around in the best way possible. There are these ambient sounds of nature and what sounds like the clicking of a computer mouse under this looping piano chord which fades into a truly beautiful piano piece with these cute, pitched vocals glitching in and out like they are being edited in real-time. "Musician" is the brightest and most fun produced song of the album, complimented by the pitched vocal and lyrics of doubt from both self and outside sources like family, as well as him trying to assure himself of the decisions to pursue music. "do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do" is another song that feels like and interlude that's grown up, but this time there is a much more playful and cheery feeling to the production. The short vocal bursts throughout the song are extremely pleasant. The song "Mother" may be one of the weaker cuts off this record but is still enjoyable with the punchy synthesized drums and sweet lyrics dedicated to his own mother and how she believes in him and his work. "dullscythe" is probably the biggest surprise hit as the cut-up instrumental based track evolves throughout its duration and evolves into a great mix of synths, piano, drums, and ambient sounds in the second half. "Sweet Time" is missing that experimental production for most of the song that makes many of the other vocal based tracks so great. What it has going for it is what may be my favourite vocal and lyrical performance on the whole album. The next song "Mirror" has lyrics of self doubt, the costs of being hard on yourself, and pushing through that self-inflicted criticism. The production on this track is very dynamic, flipping between a bright and punchy synth-filled one, to moments where it feel much more stripped-down, and even where it feels darker and heavier. The song "Something Comforting" is all around a fantastic song that is both emotionally and lyrically fantastic at capturing the themes of the album. The bright production goes great with the pitched vocal with a plucky acoustic guitar and sweet moments featuring the piano. The lyrics delve into Porters struggles with writing music during his hiatus between "Worlds" and "Nurture", outlining how he realized that giving up on writing music he would be losing a part of himself. "Blossom" is another track lacking that dynamic production on many of the tracks but I can still appreciate for being a very sweet and tasteful song dedicated his girlfriend. It may not be the best song on the album but it can still make the toughest of nails smile. "Unfold" is one of the most grandiose feeling songs on the album with its massive chorus and only named feature on the album. Robinson himself has said that it was inspired by his song "Sea of Voices" which was another song that has these huge moments of utter gorgeousness. The closing track "Trying to Feel Alive" has the piano that is so fantastic throughout the album as well as a melodica that sounds inspired by "Kites" by Grynpyret. While the first half of the song is wholly instrumental, when Porter comes in with the most natural his voice has sounded on the album. The lyrics are him reflecting on the journey he just went through on this album. This song was me trying to make sense of the whole journey, trying to figure out what has changed. He explains it best himself, on Apple Music saying, "What did I learn? Am I any better? Am I satisfied? It was enormously difficult to write, but ultimately, the answer I came to is that satisfaction isn’t the real goal. If you accomplish everything you’re striving for, you’ll stop looking forward. There’s nowhere to go.[...] Here I am on the other side of this, still struggling with making music, still not necessarily feeling whole, but beginning to understand that maybe that’s a good thing." The track, and at that the whole album ends on him seeing how his music touches people, how someone finds "The warmth of summer in the songs your write" followed by birds chirping. I will say that not every song is perfect, where the album shines when it is experience emotionally instead of critically. "Nurture" is a journey crafted by Porter where he presents his personal and artistic growth, resulting in an emotional experience like no other, but one that may not resonate with all listeners. Expand
  19. Apr 24, 2021
    Simply superb. All I can say for this album. It's so emotional in so many ways.
  20. Apr 25, 2021
    Seriously... The critic who called “Blossom” mawkish is an emotionless sociopath. Don’t listen to them, Porter! Blossom had me in tears for a full hour. It brought back so many wonderful memories of my family that I had completely forgotten and reminded me that there are other universes where we are all still together... And happy. Blossom is definitely my favorite, But this whole albumSeriously... The critic who called “Blossom” mawkish is an emotionless sociopath. Don’t listen to them, Porter! Blossom had me in tears for a full hour. It brought back so many wonderful memories of my family that I had completely forgotten and reminded me that there are other universes where we are all still together... And happy. Blossom is definitely my favorite, But this whole album is a treasure. Thank you, Porter, for changing my life a second time. :’) Expand
  21. Apr 25, 2021
    Porter robinson's newest album, delivers a different sensation than his previous album 'Worlds'. It feels more meaningful, personal and emotional. Easily an AOTY.
  22. Apr 29, 2021
    Porter Robinson's second outing is some of the most emotionally vulnerable music you'll ever find, in sharp contrast to his first album Worlds which was themed around an escape from those feelings. In Nurture, Robinson confronts his struggles head on and comes out the other end not fully fixed, but a warrior nonetheless.

    While the album's sugary synths and vocals seem like they could
    Porter Robinson's second outing is some of the most emotionally vulnerable music you'll ever find, in sharp contrast to his first album Worlds which was themed around an escape from those feelings. In Nurture, Robinson confronts his struggles head on and comes out the other end not fully fixed, but a warrior nonetheless.

    While the album's sugary synths and vocals seem like they could detract from the album's meaning, it's all placed so deliberately that while it can at times seem cutesy it all still feels genuine.

    This mesh of electronic and acoustic music is paired together with top tier production and attention to detail, where Robinson has really taken his time to craft this album.

    Every song is so hopeful, as Robinson's personal message to keep believing in yourself, that it is a beacon of light in a dark world.

    From a variety of synth pop and more experimental instrumental tracks, Nurture maintains this cohesive vision of showcasing the beauty of life and the human experience.

    This is the greatest album I've ever heard, I have cried to this record, I have danced to this record, and the album really gets me thinking about what it is to be human, to be a person in this world.

    Robinson may have aimed lower with this album, overcoming the fear of having to follow up Worlds, but in doing so he's reached far beyond the stars.
  23. Po-
    Apr 29, 2021
    Words cannot describe how amazing this album is. Every song, sound, beat, lyric, has some sort of profound meaning. I've been waiting for this album since Porter teased it. I can say with full confidence that this my favorite album of all time.
  24. May 1, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wooooow PORTER incredible album♥️ the best album i could have heard, wait a year for this album, i'm your fan, thanks porter Expand
  25. May 1, 2021
    Amazing album! The vibes from these tracks define film me with energy and put a big smile on my face.
  26. May 1, 2021
    A innovating album full of details with a fresh concept, porter's voice work very well
  27. May 2, 2021
    Nurture is a beautiful album from start to finish it is a lovely, sweet and uplifting ‘Look At The Sky’ being my favorite song it’s so positive and cute. Honestly again the album is brilliant 10/10
  28. May 5, 2021
    Porter Robinson always succeeds at whatever he does. This album is both beautiful and danceable. Lyrics are more meaningful that past work and the compositions are great. Overall nearly a perfect album and seeing this live will be incredible
  29. May 6, 2021
    Saying that an album is more likely to resonate with a musician's "true fans" is an elitist sentiment that I generally try to avoid. As the truism goes, art is subject in the eye of the beholder, etc. And yet.
    While I suspect that this album will resonate powerfully with those fans of Porter's that have followed his trajectory over the past decade, others might... not feel that. I had
    Saying that an album is more likely to resonate with a musician's "true fans" is an elitist sentiment that I generally try to avoid. As the truism goes, art is subject in the eye of the beholder, etc. And yet.
    While I suspect that this album will resonate powerfully with those fans of Porter's that have followed his trajectory over the past decade, others might... not feel that. I had only a passing knowledge of him prior to 2014 -- Language and Easy were played heavily, though I don't think I knew any other songs -- but the Worlds album really changed my life. Seeing it live was the closest thing I have ever had to a religious experience. In the years since, his openness about his creative struggles and mental health has been inspiring in a completely different way. Knowing that one of my idols has his own, very real, problems has helped me to see my own as genuine, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has thought this. Of those that have not, I am sure that we have nevertheless shared concern for him. So for him to release an album that addresses his challenges ("Get Your Wish", "Mirror", "Something Comforting"), celebrates the people and messages that got him through ("Look at the Sky", "Mother", "Sweet Time"), and reflects on the song-writing process ("Wind Tempos", "do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do", "dullscythe") it feels like nothing short of a triumph. Each listen -- and there have been many so far -- re-emphasizes this. I would go as far as to say this album, in its own way, offers a profound message of hope to everyone out there that obstacles can be overcome. Everything is so goddamn beautiful, too... Special recognition for "Unfold", a song that I don't know how to characterize but which will probably be my most-played song of the year. To go back to my original point, I do not know how non-fans would experience this album. I could imagine songs like the aforementioned "dullscythe" might come across as confusing, or even discordant, when listened to without the context that I've described. For myself, Nurture will get me through the pandemic, and I will treasure it for a long time to come.
  30. May 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. ONE OF THE BEST ALBUM EVER!

    my fav songs in the album:
    1. Mirror
    2. Look at the Sky
    3. Get Your Wish
    4. Sweet Time
    5. Something Comforting
  31. Jan 2, 2022
    A personal, emotional, heartfelt album that hits you directly and leaves you thinking. The production is a diverse mix of EDM, house, and hyper-pop that makes you want to dance but holds lyrics that hit you like a truck and make you want to shed a tear.
  32. Jul 22, 2021
    Simplemente el mejor album que he escuchado en mi vida, cada cancion se siente de maravilla, perfectamente producido y compuesto, con letras profundas, se nota que este album a llevado su tiempo, se nota que Porter se esforzo por dar algo de calidad, que maravilla
  33. Aug 28, 2021
    La influencia de Porter Robinson a la cultura japonesa se ve muy reflejada en lo que es por completo este álbum, muy difícil en todos los aspectos de superar a su antecesor "worlds" pero un álbum muy bueno, la participación de Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs con la canción "unfold" es la combinación perfecta para haberle dado un cierre a este gran trabajo.
  34. Nov 9, 2021
    A beautiful, emotionally complex album. It is rare for an edm artist to create something this genuine. Porter Robinson is a true talent and currently one of the most visionary artists in any genre.
  35. Jan 26, 2023
    Hello, this is a default review because i'm forced to use 75 characters. I'll edit this review in the future talking about the game, don't worry ;)

    My final rate is: 10
  36. Dec 20, 2021
    Really really good music. Pretty interesting sounds that are really cohesive and make you feel good. I love it
  37. Jul 20, 2022
    Literally the best thing ever, totally not biased (But really this album is like a drug for me).
  38. Mar 28, 2022
    Genuine artistic expression of overcoming a deep personal struggle and outpouring the fruits of the result.
  39. Jun 19, 2022
    This album to me is like therapy after 2020. Listening to this last year healed me as a human being.
    Every single track is perfectly crafted. From the adventure starting sounding “Lifelike”, to the nostalgic and energetic “Musician” to the tear jerking “Blossom”, Porter Robinson takes you on a incredible journey through nature with Nurture.
    Such an amazing record. AOTY Lifelike: 8/10 Look
    This album to me is like therapy after 2020. Listening to this last year healed me as a human being.
    Every single track is perfectly crafted. From the adventure starting sounding “Lifelike”, to the nostalgic and energetic “Musician” to the tear jerking “Blossom”, Porter Robinson takes you on a incredible journey through nature with Nurture.
    Such an amazing record. AOTY

    Lifelike: 8/10
    Look At The Sky: 10/10
    Get Your Wish: 10/10
    Wind Tempos: 10/10
    Musician: 10/10 *BEST SONG*
    do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti: 8/10
    Mother: 10/10
    dullscythe: 10/10
    Sweet Time: 8/10
    Mirror: 10/10 *SECOND BEST SONG*
    Something Comforting: 10/10
    Blossom: 10/10 *Made me Cry Award*
    Unfold: 10/10
    Trying To Feel Alive: 8/10
  40. Mar 31, 2023
    Perfect. I like wind tempos, Mother & dullscythe the most.
    I didn’t like [Blank].
  41. Apr 3, 2023
    My favorite album ever made. It found me at the perfect time in life, and I hope it impacts at least one other person in the way it did me.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Jun 7, 2021
    Even when he tips over the line into cheesiness, his brevity (most songs are under the four-minute mark) keeps songs from wearing out their welcome. Nurture is a bright, cheery album that may help to lift some moods as North America moves past the worst of the COVID pandemic.
  2. May 11, 2021
    Easily his most introspective project.
  3. Apr 29, 2021
    Robinson sings with a newfound clarity on Nurture, writing directly about his struggles and the ecstatic realizations that have come from hard times.