
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. May 11, 2021
    Easily his most introspective project.
  2. Apr 22, 2021
    There’s a wonderful rawness to Porter’s vocals, confronting his troubles of the past with his blossoming musical pallet.
  3. Apr 22, 2021
    Processed vocals are a huge presence on Nurture, and the record is infused with a songwriting sensibility that’s cutesy but massively endearing.
  4. 80
    This long-awaited personal and artistic rebirth is channeled through unashamed euphoria on album highlights ‘Look At The Sky’ and ‘Something Comforting’ – two of the most uplifting yet tear-jerking songs you’re likely to hear this year.
  5. Apr 29, 2021
    Robinson sings with a newfound clarity on Nurture, writing directly about his struggles and the ecstatic realizations that have come from hard times.
  6. Jun 7, 2021
    Even when he tips over the line into cheesiness, his brevity (most songs are under the four-minute mark) keeps songs from wearing out their welcome. Nurture is a bright, cheery album that may help to lift some moods as North America moves past the worst of the COVID pandemic.
  7. Apr 22, 2021
    Nurture is at its best when it revels in Robinson’s dexterous instrumental tinkering. The album is occasionally too precious by half, as on the mawkish classical-guitar-based ballad “Blossom,” but bolstered by Robinson’s infectious sense of discovery and ear for experimentation, it boasts a prevailing spirit of optimism that’s hard to resist.
  8. 90
    Cementing his return with unearthed new, innovative territories, Robinson ensures electronica has never felt more organic as it does on Nurture.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 124 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 124
  1. Apr 23, 2021
    Es un álbum para escuchar toda la vida , porter Robinson nunca se limito a hacer siempre lo mismo , su sonido es puro , como el viento en unEs un álbum para escuchar toda la vida , porter Robinson nunca se limito a hacer siempre lo mismo , su sonido es puro , como el viento en un lindo bosque , a pesar de ser un álbum que hable de él , acerca su vida , uno puede conectar con cualquier canción . Estuve esperando esto por años y no me arrepiento de haberlo esperado Full Review »
  2. Apr 23, 2021
    This album is so incredibly emotional and wonderful. each movement, track, so wonderfully and perfectly crafted, is almost like walkingThis album is so incredibly emotional and wonderful. each movement, track, so wonderfully and perfectly crafted, is almost like walking through an art exhibit; passing by each painting and slowly taking them each in -- each painting so unique and beautiful in it's own way, a window to portion's of the author's soul and life out in the open for us to enjoy. Porter's extraordinary use of rhythmic and tonal gestures and differences are highlighted here -- we can hear a slight ode to past works, yet hear so many new sounds, styles, and tonal poems. A masterpiece from end to end. Full Review »
  3. Apr 26, 2021
    Worlds was great. Nurture is better. One of the most emotionally honest and genuine electronic albums I have ever heard. Great combination ofWorlds was great. Nurture is better. One of the most emotionally honest and genuine electronic albums I have ever heard. Great combination of experimental and more accessible sounds. It is clear Porter put everything he had into these songs. If you simply want Worlds Part 2 - look elsewhere - but if you want to see extraordinary growth and be amazed by a mix of exciting and more subtle electronic awesomeness - this is for you. Full Review »