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Nostalgialator Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: The producer (a college English professor in his former life) behind the fictitious hip-hop outfits The Majesticons and The Infesticons returns with a disc recorded under his own name. It's not the third installment in the -icons series (that will come later), but a standalone album thatThe producer (a college English professor in his former life) behind the fictitious hip-hop outfits The Majesticons and The Infesticons returns with a disc recorded under his own name. It's not the third installment in the -icons series (that will come later), but a standalone album that veers into multiple genres and moods. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. As much as Ladd continually references the past, from Dr. Livingston and Picasso to Minor Threat, Funkadelic, and De La Soul, he moves the air with a beat that's entirely his own, the sum of too many parts to reflect any one too prominently.
  2. Uncut
    This could be his masterwork. [Sep 2004, p.108]
  3. The diversity audible throughout 'Nostalgialator's' 11 tracks makes the album feel like some surreal kind of trans-generic mix tape.
  4. The Wire
    Nostalgialator is exhilarating, eschewing rhetorical rap fury in favour of a satirical masqued ball of capitalist obsessions. [#246, p.52]
  5. Q Magazine
    It loses its way in the last quarter, but not before you're convinced there's a unique talent at work. [Aug 2004, p.115]