
Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. 100
    Incredibly, No More Shall We Part is as urgent and vital as Cave has ever been.... Raging and delicate, complex as faith and simple as a goodnight kiss, it is an incredible summation of a singular career.
  2. No More Shall We Part is a beautiful, elegant record, capably fulfilling the promise of The Boatman's Call, but it exacts a harrowing toll from the listener. This is not a record to which you can listen lightly; if used as background music it will gradually darken your mood, like poison seeping slowly into a well.
  3. Simply the finest effort yet from the Bad Seeds; one which leaves the listener in awe, full of complex emotions and pondering the fact that they've just been in the presence of great art...
  4. The Wire
    A highlty nuanced album which is at once razor sharp, and rich in new openings and possibilities. [#206, p.60]
  5. Magnet
    A total triumph. [#50, p.82]
  6. The biggest surprise here is Cave's singing. Forsaking the bluesy moans and wails of older works like The First Born Is Dead and Kicking Against the Pricks, he pushes his voice in new directions...
  7. Cave's latest finds the singer in perhaps the finest voice of his career, armed with a set of melodic ballads and mid-tempo rockers which exemplify his dedicated, traditionalist's approach to the songwriter's craft.
  8. Melody rarely comes easily, but this is a flamboyantly musical record that creates the perfect backdrop for Cave's theological, metaphysical musings.
  9. What makes 'No More...' Cave's best album since 'Henry's Dream' (which it most clearly resembles), is a return to melodrama (or rather the juxtaposition of melodrama with the album's ballads) where Cave crafts a deliciously potent mix of the visionary, the bizarre and the everyday...
  10. In terms of sheer weight alone, the album can almost be a bit crushing. With 12 songs that run nearly 70 minutes of time, Cave takes his time getting there, but you really don't mind.
  11. Another welcome sign of the bright light at the end of Cave's dark tunnel is the involvement of folk sisters Kate and Anna McGarrigle, who not only counterbalance Cave's rich, dramatic baritone, but also demonstrate his continued desire to work with artists outside his usual circle of fiends. Cave has built his coffin and now he has to lie in it, but these tiny stylistic shifts bode well for his future.
  12. Cave has transformed his mournful voice into a thing of wonder...
  13. Goddamn if he doesn't sing like a cranky Neil Diamond here...
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 48 out of 55
  2. Negative: 3 out of 55
  1. Aug 27, 2010
    A major letdown from the genius of The Boatman's Call and setting lower standards for genuine stripped-down records, but, Cave never being oneA major letdown from the genius of The Boatman's Call and setting lower standards for genuine stripped-down records, but, Cave never being one to disappoint, delivers it good when it's good. Full Review »
  2. madsl
    Mar 10, 2007
    It's simply beyond me while a lot of cave fans cherish this close-to-rubbish album of boring, theatrical and self-centred songs so far It's simply beyond me while a lot of cave fans cherish this close-to-rubbish album of boring, theatrical and self-centred songs so far removed from the organic vitality and crackling inspiration of earlier cave masterpieces. But hey, his brand new side project, Grinderman, is a return to form. So buy that one instead! Full Review »
  3. PeteF
    Sep 23, 2006
    I think that Nick Cave one of the few true artists in the modern rock music. Everything he does deserves attention and this album is no I think that Nick Cave one of the few true artists in the modern rock music. Everything he does deserves attention and this album is no exception. I guess in ten years or more some of his records may be recognized as classic and this one can be a strong candidate for that. Full Review »