• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Oct 12, 2004

Mixed or average reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 29
  2. Negative: 2 out of 29
  1. 100
    A funky, soulful flashback to the works of outspoken jazz and R&B greats like Gil-Scott Heron and Miles Davis.
  2. Here the defining flow is sonic--a shadowy, guitar-drenched tone poem of the streets.
  3. The range on "The New Danger" is as broad and deep as the Brooklyn Renaissance itself.
  4. Mojo
    A grimier, more uncomfortable listen. [Nov 2004, p.100]
  5. Rolling Stone
    Earthy, impressively diverse. [28 Oct 2004, p.101]
  6. Filter
    The New Danger's pulse doesn't always support Mos' growing manhood. [#13, p.89]
  7. Spin
    In a world where 50 Cent name-drops [Talib] Kweli, Mos Def wants to keep the line between indie hip-hop and major-label rap nice and blurry. [Oct 2004, p.112]
  8. Urb
    He delivers for fans of every persuasion without losing grip on his ghetto past in the least--no easy feat. [Dec 2004, p.112]
  9. A breathtaking refresher in all things Mos Def.
  10. New Musical Express (NME)
    Not all of it works... but the 'What's Going On'-sampling 'Modern Marvel', mumbling folk-soul of 'Boogie Man Song' and widescreen shuffle of 'Champion Requiem' prove that not all hip-hop albums come with an expiry date. [23 Oct 2004, p.51]
  11. It’s largely half-baked in its execution.
  12. The New Danger is overambitious and undercooked, adventurous and bland all at once.
  13. Uncut
    An experimental and melancholic set. [Dec 2004, p.157]
  14. A couple of creative notches below 2000's gleaming Black on Both Sides.
  15. Blender
    This is the hip-hop equivalent of an all-stops pulled, Oscar-ready performance: mushily sentimental, self-righteously indignant and constantly in your face. [Nov 2004, p.138]
  16. Entertainment Weekly
    A mishmash of mightily uneven demo-quality tracks. [29 Oct 2004, p.67]
  17. Unfortunately, irrational moments like “The Rape Over” make you question the entire 17-track outing.
  18. Vibe
    Largely sounds like a drug-induced, incoherent jam session. [Dec 2004, p.215]
  19. Although Mos Def sometimes finds the casual groove he's looking for, this disc is surprisingly dreary and oddly abstract. [1 Nov 2004]
  20. When (and I mean, when) he raps, he's barely conscious.
  21. It features the same schizophrenic, influenced-by-everything quality of Dre's The Love Below, but where people were able to overlook the many boring-to-terrible tracks while skipping to "Hey Ya" or "Roses," The New Danger fails to feature as strong a centerpiece.
  22. The New Danger is as overextended as it is self-indulgent.
  23. It's not without its bright spots, yet it reaches dramatically but clumsily for the diversity and freshness of the first album, and comes up short.
  24. Mos Def's second solo album is not disastrous, but it's a sprawling, overambitious mess.
  25. Q Magazine
    A disappointment. [Nov 2004, p.124]
  26. A messy, disappointing record that would be a miss from any artist, but from an artist of Mos Def’s talents, it’s a minor disaster.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 42
  2. Negative: 4 out of 42
  1. Mar 31, 2013
    this album is a variety of genres, but that doesn't mean it's bad. if you're a fan of alternative hip-hop, jazz, and rock, then you'll likethis album is a variety of genres, but that doesn't mean it's bad. if you're a fan of alternative hip-hop, jazz, and rock, then you'll like this album. Mos Def never fails to make a great song from a great beat Full Review »
  2. Aug 16, 2010
    This album is not the taste of all. Alternative Rap people. It may not be for all of america but Mos' blend of Rap and Rock gets you pumpingThis album is not the taste of all. Alternative Rap people. It may not be for all of america but Mos' blend of Rap and Rock gets you pumping your head to every verse. Good job Mr.Dante Terrell Smith. Pure Masterpiece. Full Review »
  3. MichaelC
    Jan 1, 2007
    It's way to ambitious and often feels unfocused. The select guitar solos would have been good, if he would have played the instrument, It's way to ambitious and often feels unfocused. The select guitar solos would have been good, if he would have played the instrument, but jazz style guitar solos don't belong in the genre. This isn't a terrible album though, there are some good cuts on this disk. Full Review »