• Record Label: Decca
  • Release Date: Sep 8, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
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  1. Sep 7, 2017
    Across its 15 tracks, there are moments of greatness: Reindeer King is a swelling piano ballad about grief that boasts an ambient underside, while the aforementioned Up the Creek fuses a countryfied guitar loop with ominous strings, electro beats and backing vocals from Amos’s teenage daughter, Tash, to create a multifaceted soundscape. ... However, much of this album is forgettable.
  2. Sep 5, 2017
    With such weighty subject matter, and with some own personal trauma influencing the record, it’s sadly lacking in bite or overall attack.
  3. Sep 5, 2017
    When Amos eschews her band in favor of barer piano-and-vocal arrangements—as on the contemplative “Breakaway,” the surprisingly reverent “Climb,” and the lush “Mary's Eyes,” a mournful plea to the gods to reverse Amos's mother's aphasia--Native Invader fulfills the promise of its stunning opener.
  4. Sep 5, 2017
    he languid mid-tempo tones are certainly pleasant and, on the likes of Wildwood, sometimes capture a sense of achingly beautiful melancholia. Still, you’re left longing for Amos’s social commentary to be laced with just a little more venom to truly conjure the state of upheaval in the world.
  5. 40
    Having spent so long exploring the intensely personal, she struggles here to find the right tone for more public matters.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 139 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 5 out of 139
  1. Sep 20, 2017
    This is a pretty impressive album. Hands down her best recording since Scarlet's Walk. The songs are diverse, but overall the music soundsThis is a pretty impressive album. Hands down her best recording since Scarlet's Walk. The songs are diverse, but overall the music sounds cohesive and inspired. Both the instruments and Amos's voice benefit from a remarkable production, certainly inspired by the 70s, from Fleetwood Mac to James Taylor to Elton John. This is particularly noticeable in songs like "Broken Arrow", "Cloud Riders", "Wildwood", "Bats" or "Benjamin". However, other songs show a more current sound: this is the case of "Wings" and "Up the Creek", the former being a warm trip hop number, the latter an urgent shot of synth pop. Amos's trademark piano ballads also find their place in the tracklist, with "Reindeer King" being the most brilliant song in the album. Give it a try, it's really a great collection of songs. Full Review »
  2. Sep 8, 2017
    Incredible record, the best Tori Amos' album since Scarlett's Walk, she has made an amazing album that is among the best releases of the year!Incredible record, the best Tori Amos' album since Scarlett's Walk, she has made an amazing album that is among the best releases of the year! She still has her spark! Full Review »
  3. Dec 7, 2017
    her best album since scarlet's walk
    reindeer king 5/5
    wings 5/5 broken arrow 4/5 cloud riders 4/5 up the creek 5/5 breakaway 4/5
    her best album since scarlet's walk
    reindeer king 5/5
    wings 5/5
    broken arrow 4/5
    cloud riders 4/5
    up the creek 5/5
    breakaway 4/5
    wildwoood 5/5
    chocolate song 5/5
    bang 5/5
    climb 5/5
    bats 5/5
    benjamin 5/5
    marys eyes 5/5
    Full Review »