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Universal acclaim- based on 189 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 7 out of 189
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  1. Sep 2, 2016
    Confidently confused, unabashedly devoted to her feelings, she esteems intuition as a goddess worth building an altar for, it seems, instead of just burning a fire. These songs rock and roll. "I dare you to understand what makes me a woman," she croons, at first, then belts the last syllable, stretching it all the way around the earth. Challenge accepted.
  2. Sep 3, 2016
    her voice is unique and her lyrics too
    i think sister is one of the best songs i hear from her, with acrobat
    one of the best albums of the year so far
  3. Jun 17, 2020
    Great stuff here. Album number 3 keeps the indie country charm of "Burn Your Fire For No Witness" but with further progression in terms of sound and lyrics. She mixes classic pop with desolate country ballads all with her distinct dreamy yet edgy touch. If she hasn't created a genre Olsen has certainly made this her own and leads the parade in terms of females in indie music. "Never BeGreat stuff here. Album number 3 keeps the indie country charm of "Burn Your Fire For No Witness" but with further progression in terms of sound and lyrics. She mixes classic pop with desolate country ballads all with her distinct dreamy yet edgy touch. If she hasn't created a genre Olsen has certainly made this her own and leads the parade in terms of females in indie music. "Never Be Mine" and "Shut Up and Kiss Me" (what a song!!) are the highlights that come early in the album. "Woman" and "Sister" light up the 2nd half, both epics clocking in at over the 7 minute mark and well worth their run time. Olsen at her peak, jumping head first into the emotions of the songs. Expand
  4. Nov 22, 2016
    The girls at work have been blasting this record for the last 2 months at work. I mean, i like it a lot, Angel Olsen is a great musician and the album is full of so much emotional torrent that it is absolutely fantastic.'m getting awfully sick of hearing it....
  5. Oct 5, 2016
    Confidently confused, unabashedly devoted to her feelings, she esteems intuition as a goddess worth building an altar for, it seems, instead of just burning a fire. These songs rock and roll. "I dare you to understand what makes me
  6. Sep 4, 2016
    Buenisimo disco, de principio a fin, su voz es exquisita y muy diferente a lo que venimos escuchando recientemente, Shut Up Kiss Me es mi favorita de todo el disco.
  7. Dec 9, 2016
    Angel Olsen steps up on her third album, adding more complexity and substance to her music. The lyrics can really speak to the owner of a lonely soul , something many artists can't do. This album is also much more accessible for first time listeners, so it's very enjoyable. The best part of the album is that Olsen finds that sweet spot between good lyrics and music, making longer songs aAngel Olsen steps up on her third album, adding more complexity and substance to her music. The lyrics can really speak to the owner of a lonely soul , something many artists can't do. This album is also much more accessible for first time listeners, so it's very enjoyable. The best part of the album is that Olsen finds that sweet spot between good lyrics and music, making longer songs a very fun listen. Expand
  8. Jan 29, 2018
    Angel Olsen deserves all of the praise she receives from this album. From "Sister" to "Shut Up Kiss Me", this album covers many emotions.
  9. Aug 25, 2022
    Confidently confused, unabashedly devoted to her feelings, she esteems intuition as a goddess worth building an altar for, it seems, instead of just burning a fire. These songs rock and roll. "I dare you to understand what makes me a woman," she croons, at first, then belts the last syllable, stretching it all the way around the earth. Challenge accepted

Universal acclaim - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Magnet
    Sep 20, 2016
    Even My Woman's back half, which features Olsen's two longest, most challenging songs to date in "Sister" and "Woman"--though neither come anywhere near "White Fire" levels of morose--succeeds largely due to Olsen's remarkable ability to make her loneliness sound like so much more than just that. [No. 135, p.61]
  2. Sep 19, 2016
    With every album she releases, Angel Olsen seems to step up a gear. As My Woman will comfortably be seen as one of the best albums of the year come December, it’s a head-spinningly exciting prospect to think where she’s going to go next time around.
  3. Sep 13, 2016
    My Woman is an odd, somewhat mismatched collection of good and then great songs that could have been more ghostly.